The Beginning and the First Nine Years
![urantiachronicles_heading [L-R]: Harry Loose; Harold and Martha Sherman; Sir Hubert Wilkins; Dr. Meredith Sprunger; contact commissioners Emma (Christy) Christensen, Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.](
Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.
main page
Compiled and Edited
by Saskia Praamsma
00. Introduction
01. The Beginning
02. Dr. Sadler's History
03. Sherman and Loose
04. The Forum
05. Foundation and Brotherhood
06 “Patience Yet a Little While”
07. “The Word Is Made Book”
08. Blessings and Brickbats
09. The Message Spreads Abroad
10. Introducing a Revelation
11. Dr. Sprunger and the Ministers
12. Scientists and Metaphysicians
13. New Blood, New Ideas
14. Controversy with the Church
15. Questions and Some Answers
16. "It's for the Future, not Now"
17. Making Haste Slowly
18. Consideration of Some Criticisms
19. Appraisals and Transitions
20. The Wilkins Opportunity
21. Missed Chances
22. A Wall of Secrecy
23. Bill Sadler Speaks
24. More History Mysteries
25. A Season for All Things
26. Nine Years of Slow Growth
HMSA: Harold M. Sherman's archives
UBH: Urantia Book Historical Society
SHWA: Sir Hubert Wilkins' archives
UBF: Urantia Book Fellowship's Timeline
UF: Urantia Foundation's website
HIFTUB: How I Found the Urantia Book
- The Contact Commission
- 533 Diversey Parkway
- The Plan for the Urantia Book Revelation
- Major Growth Steps in the Urantia Movement
- "I Remember the Forum"
- "Until We Meet Again"
- The Split: A Blessing in Disguise
- Sherman's 1942 Publishing Suggestions
- Sherman's 1942 Organization Suggestions
- The 1942 Forum Petition
- Sir Hubert Wilkins and the Urantia Book
- Forum Data and Apocrypha
- Childhood Days at the Forum
- Historic Urantia Newsletters
- Forum Days
- The Value of an Accurate History
- The Forumites
- Forumite Clarence Bowman
- Separate Publishing of Part IV
- The JANR Debate (2000)
- No Urantia Church-Not Yet!
- A Box of Chocolates
- 2003: Open Letter to Larry Mullins
- Urantia in Australia in the 1970s
- The Italian Translation Story
- La Storia de Il Libro di Urantiago
- The Urantia Book and Oahspe
- Webster Stafford's 1952 Urantia Report
24. More History Mysteries
In early 1962 Meredith Sprunger composed “A Brief History of the Urantia Movement,” explaining the origins of the Urantia Book for those who continued to ask questions. Before January 30 he sent a copy to Marian Rowley at Headquarters, as well as to some friends and potential readers. Alarmed, Marian phoned Meredith to dissuade him from spreading his account further, that it contained things “we don’t want to talk about.” While an original version of this particular “History” has not yet been found, below are Marian’s notes on their phone conversation.
* * *
Re phone conversation with Meredith Sprunger regarding “History”
Chicago, January 30, 1962
About the history—called—things I didn’t want to explain on paper.
It’s very well done, but hope you haven’t given out any copies and that you won’t. [He has given out several but won’t any more until he hears from us.]
About 1-1/2 years ago—Doctor’s history. Think you have a copy. Overwhelmingly opposed by Executive Committee—Doc’s hurt and disappointed. Yours doesn’t give quite as many details but it does emphasize things we don’t want to talk about. Example: personal names: Sir Hubert, Howard Thurston, but most of all Dr. Sadler.
Years ago, Doctor was most insistent that his name should not be connected with this movement. That’s why he was not made a Trustee and I understand it was his own decision. Neither did he have a high office in the Brotherhood, just committee chairman. He felt it was most important and we all agreed it was better not to tie him in. However, now that his age has crept up on him, he has changed. Apparently, he yearns for a little personal mention, and he is forgetful of some of the things we all promised not to talk about. He is doing some rationalizing, but the rest of us recognize it as such.
Not to be repeated, but his age is showing. I’m editing his last textbook on books of the Bible and I see the change. Of course, Christy does, too. More talkative about things that shouldn’t be talked about. More forgetful.
So—Dr. Sadler is a personal name, which should not be officially connected. Even he is playing down the reference in The Mind at Mischief. Out of print. Got an inquiry recently asking him to comment. He said, “No further comment.” We do not want to emphasize this, and the book will soon be forgotten, we hope. Out of print now, secondhand stores and a few libraries.
Do you have Declaration of Trust of Foundation? Send you one. Wording.
We have been told, “Do not discuss the origin of the Book. You will make more trouble for yourselves if you do. Be determined to know only the teachings of the Book.” And those of us who are responsible for the organization are trying to do just that. I phoned [Brotherhood President] Warren [Kulieke] to ask if you had given him a copy of this and he said no. But he told me to tell you that he is in complete agreement with my feelings and is very much opposed to any written or verbal history that goes back much before the founding of the Foundation.
I don’t think it’s wise to say only 57 papers to start, and questions brought the rest. We have agreed that we could not even admit that we asked questions and got revisions. Yes, I know Doctor talks about it, but we agreed we wouldn’t.
On this basis, I’d say the first 2-1/2 pages should be destroyed. If you must have a history, it should start with the Foundation in 1950. For anything before this time, you can state flatly, “I’m sorry. Before that time there is nothing more I can tell you.” And if they insist, refer them to headquarters. [He says he can’t do this.]
Used to worry about this. Now it comes easy. Since the papers are dated 1934 and 1935, I do admit that the Book was in manuscript form for over twenty years and a small group was able to study it. But more than that I will not say. If I’m pushed very hard, I’ll say, “Look, those of us who know anything at all about how this came about (and most of us know darn little)—we all made a promise not to talk about this, and we’re keeping that promise. The Book must stand on its feet.” And that stops most everyone. The ones who cannot accept this statement will reject the Book, and that’s their privilege. No one has to believe it. [“It’s natural to wonder about it, but after a while it doesn’t matter.”]
If you must have a written history, I’d start about the middle of page 3. “To prepare for the publication of the Urantia Book and the U.F. . . .” Might throw in the bit about the anonymous contributors.
Could insert the paragraph just above, leaving out the bit about secrecy being relaxed.
Did you give Doctor and Christy a copy? [He didn’t. I was the only one who got a copy.]
Haven’t discussed this with them. I did call Warren. We hope very much you won’t use it.
By Meredith Sprunger
The origins of the Urantia Book are to a degree hidden in a cloak of silence. The Book tells that the papers were indited and materialized in the English language in 1934 and 1935. The Urantia Book was published by the Urantia Foundation on October 12, 1955.
Although it is clear that the purpose of the Urantia Book is not to start a new religion or religious denomination, the Urantia group recognized that some sort of fraternal organization was sure to grow out of the teachings of the Urantia Book. Accordingly, a group of 36 people assembled in Chicago on January 2, 1955, and organized the Urantia Brotherhood. These charter members, one finds, are individuals from many vocations and professions and are from diverse religious backgrounds.
The Constitution of the Urantia Brotherhood designates it as a voluntary, locally autonomous, fraternal organization. Provision is made for chartering local Societies and fostering study groups. To date a number of such groups have been organized throughout the country and world.
Since the Urantia Brotherhood is not a legal corporation, the Urantia Brotherhood Corporation was chartered as a non-profit organization of the State of Illinois on October 25, 1955. This corporation is the fiscal agent of the Brotherhood and in a general way takes care of the varied financial and legal interests of the Brotherhood. The headquarters for all three of these organizations is at 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois.
In December 1959 the Internal Revenue Bureau of the United States government ruled that the Urantia Foundation, the Urantia Brotherhood, and the Urantia Brotherhood Corporation were exempt from paying income taxes, and that any contributions made to these organizations are deductible from the income taxes of such donors.
The Book tells that an individual was used in transmitting the revelation (p. 865) but those who were a part of the group when the papers were received will not talk about this person nor furnish details concerning the coming of the papers. This, they explain, is because they took vows of silence concerning these things. Two basic reasons are given for this silence:
- The main reason for not revealing the identity of the contact personality is that the revelators do not want any human being—any human name—ever to be associated with the Urantia Book. They want this revelation to stand on its own declarations and teachings. They are determined that future generations shall have the Book wholly free from all mortal connections—they do not want a St. Peter, St. Paul, Luther, Calvin, or Wesley. The Book does not even bear the imprint of the printer who brought the Book into being.
- There is much connected with the appearance of the Urantia papers which no human being fully understands. No one really knows just how this phenomenon was executed. There are numerous missing links in the story of how this revelation came to appear in written English. If anyone should tell all he really knows about the technique and methods employed throughout the years of getting this revelation, such a narration would satisfy no one—there are too many missing links. Actually just about all that is known about the origin of the Urantia papers is to be found in various parts of the Urantia Book. A list of such references can be found on the back of the dust jacket of the Book.
The Urantia group was told the world is not ready for the Book at this time but that permission to publish was given so that study groups could be formed to train teachers and leaders and so that men of means might be interested to provide for translations into other languages. This type of work is now being carried on quietly, largely by personal contact, as they feel this method at the present time is the wisest procedure.
In conclusion, while members of the Urantia Brotherhood acknowledge that the facts concerning the historicity of the Urantia Book may have some limited value, they constantly emphasize that the quality and importance of the philosophical and religious insights of the Urantia Book can be ascertained only by evaluating the content of the Book. Origin or authorship does not establish the worth of a book, a poem, or a piece of art. Its worth must rest solely on its own intrinsic merit.
By Marian Rowley
Prior to February 28, 1962
Handwritten note on copy sent to Meredith Sprunger March 3: I sent this to Warren [Kulieke] as my suggestion to replace Meredith’s history.
Because of numerous inquires which have been received, it has seemed necessary to make a brief statement regarding the origin of the Urantia movement.
The Urantia Book tells of its own origin and the page references appear on the back of the paper jacket. From this list we quote the following:
“In the contacts made with the mortal beings of the material worlds, such as with the subject through whom these communications were transmitted, the midway creatures are always employed. They are an essential factor in such liaisons of the spiritual and the material levels.” p. 865.
“It was the work of this secondary group (midwayers), ably seconded by certain of the primary corps, that brought about the coordination of personalities and circumstances on Urantia which finally induced the planetary celestial supervisors to initiate those petitions that resulted in the granting of the mandates making possible the series of revelations of which this presentation is a part.” p. 865.
“On many worlds the better adapted secondary midway creatures are able to attain varying degrees of contact with the Thought Adjusters of certain favorably constituted mortals through the skillful penetration of the minds of the latters’ indwelling. (And it was by just such a fortuitous combination of cosmic adjustments that these revelations were materialized in the English language on Urantia.)” p. 1258.
“The Adjuster of the human through whom this communication is being made enjoys such a wide scope of activity chiefly because of this human’s almost complete indifference to any outward manifestations of the Adjuster’s inner presence; it is indeed fortunate that he remains consciously quite unconcerned about the entire procedure. He holds one of the highly experienced Adjusters of his day and generation, and yet his passive reaction to, and inactive concern toward, the phenomena associated with the presence in his mind of this versatile Adjuster is pronounced by the guardian of destiny to be a rare and fortuitous reaction.” p. 1208-9.
The subject through whom the papers were transmitted and the very small group which had the responsibility for the protection of the manuscript are anonymous and will remain so. It was the intention of the superhuman authors of these papers that no human name should be attached to this revelation and the group has proceeded accordingly. The revelation must stand on its own declarations and teachings.
The phenomenon of the transmittal of the material through the human mind into English was not fully understood by anyone who had any connection with it, but it may be stated that it is not similar to other known types of psychic performance, such as hypnotism, automatic writing, clairvoyance, trance, spirit mediumship, telepathy, double personality, or anything else of this sort.
While the papers were in manuscript form, a somewhat larger group was permitted to read and study the papers. It was this group which provided the money to have the plates made and these plates were presented to the Urantia Foundation, a non-profit trust, which was organized on January 11, 1950, by a Declaration of Trust under the laws of the State of Illinois. The Foundation owns the international copyright on the Book and is responsible for protecting the text and for arranging for the reprints of the Book and for translations. The Urantia Book was published by the Foundation on October 12, 1955.
[Editor’s note: At this point a comment in Warren Kulieke’s handwriting is inserted in the left margin, saying, “Begin here.” In essence, the following five paragraphs are all that he would approve as an official history of the Urantia movement.]
Although it is clear that the purpose of the Urantia revelation is not to start a new religion or religious denomination, the Urantia group recognized that some sort of fraternal organization was sure to grow out of the teachings of the Urantia Book. Accordingly a group of 36 people assembled in Chicago on January 2, 1955, and organized the Urantia Brotherhood. The Constitution of the Urantia Brotherhood designates it as a voluntary, locally autonomous, fraternal organization. Provision is made for chartering local Societies and fostering study groups. To date a number of such groups have been organized throughout the country and world.
Since the Urantia Brotherhood is not a legal corporation, the Urantia Brotherhood Corporation was chartered as a non-profit organization of the State of Illinois on October 25, 1955. This corporation is the fiscal agent of the Brotherhood and in a general way takes care of the varied financial and legal interests of the Brotherhood.
In December 1959 the Internal Revenue Bureau of the United States government ruled that the Urantia Foundation, the Urantia Brotherhood, and the Urantia Brotherhood Corporation were exempt from paying income taxes, and that any contributions made to these organizations are deductible from the income taxes of such donors.
Although the world is not ready for the Book at this time, permission to publish was given so that study groups could be formed to train teachers and leaders and so that men of means might be interested to provide for translation into other languages. This work is now being carried on, not by advertising and promotion at the present time, but largely by personal contact, which has proved to be more effective.
In conclusion, it should be emphasized that while the facts concerning the historicity of the Urantia Book have some limited significance, the quality and importance of the philosophical and religious insights of the Urantia Book can be ascertained only by evaluating the content of the Book. Origin or authorship does not establish the worth of a book, a poem, or a piece of art. Its worth must rest solely on its own intrinsic merit.
Chicago, March 1, 1962
Dear Meredith,
I am sure you were as much shocked and stunned by Warren’s death10 as the rest of us. I simply can’t tell you how it hit Doctor, Christy, and me especially. We had all depended on him so very much. Whenever problems came up I consulted him. We talked frequently on the phone and he was often at 533. I could always depend on him to back me up on my own judgments and to help me make decisions when I needed help. My job will be much more difficult now. We can ill afford to lose men like Warren. There are too few of them. I’m enclosing a little piece I wrote for the benefit of some of the out-of-town folks.
I had not forgotten about your “history” and your request that we let you have something that we thought was suitable. First of all, I have said nothing to Doctor and Christy about this matter and I do not intend to. If you want to take it up with them, that’s up to you. I don’t want to worry them with it. But I did send your copy to Warren, along with one which I wrote myself, to see what he thought of both. I had previously talked with him about it on the phone. On February 14 he returned my copy with a letter giving his opinion and here is what he said:
“I have read carefully both of the documents regarding the Urantia movement—yours and Dr. Sprunger’s. I feel very strongly against officially endorsing either one of them. In my opinion we should not be pressured into this situation simply because a few people feel it is necessary. I do not feel that our unseen friends would have been so careful in insisting on secrecy over the years if they wanted any of these things known. A halfway measure would do more harm than good. I would like to see everything prior to the publication of the Book and the establishment of the Brotherhood remain legend—like a vague uncertain dream shrouded in mist. On the copy of your ‘History’ I have indicated where we might begin.”
In view of his opinion I am attaching a copy of the part of my effort which he approved. I think this part is mostly yours. I did not send this to you right away because I did not agree completely with him and I wanted to talk with him again and try to persuade him to let me include more of my story.
I phoned him on Tuesday, February 20, to talk it over, but [wife] Gerry said he had a fever and she wouldn’t let him get out of bed so I said I would call a couple of days later when he would probably be all right. I intended to call Thursday night, but decided to put it off one more day so he would be sure to be up—and he died Friday morning. However, even if I had called Thursday I couldn’t have talked to him, because Christy phoned that night and talked only to Gerry, though Warren did seem better at the time.
Because I respect his judgment so much, I am sending you only the part he approved. However, the next time you’re in Chicago I’ll show you what I have written. Perhaps at that time we might agree that you could use it if you wish, but not as an official statement from headquarters.
Meredith, I hate to say this, but I feel very strongly that you would be doing us a serious disservice if you continue to give out copies of your original “history.” If anyone brings a copy to us to ask if it is true, we will do as we have done in several other cases and say, “Sorry, we cannot confirm this. It is not official, it did not come from headquarters, it was not written by anyone who knows all the facts. We can make no comment on what is true and what is speculation.” I know what Doctor has said in other cases (one came pretty darn close) and I’m sure this will continue to be our official attitude.
You have been told a great many things in confidence—far more than most newcomers. I truly feel that you should respect our wishes in this matter and keep these things in confidence. As Warren said, the revelators wouldn’t have made such a big point of secrecy if they hadn’t meant it. Everyone was asked to make a promise not to talk about these things and we have never been released from that promise in spite of your statement that secrecy or restrictions were somewhat relaxed at one point. (I don’t have your piece before me so I don’t know your exact wording, but the statement is not true.) You see, we have the memory of some of the experiences which you have missed—some of the things which occurred before you joined us.
Really, Meredith, it would be so easy for you to turn aside inquiries, and you wouldn’t have to lie about it either. I don’t. When I’m pushed too hard, I simply say, “Yes, I do know something about the origin and the early history—not much, but a little. But I have made a promise not to talk about it, and so I can’t. And all the others who know anything about this have made the same promise.”
Have you ever discussed this with Bill Sadler? Why don’t you, the next time you see him? I know what his position used to be and I have no reason to think it’s changed in recent years. At least he could tell you how he handles such problems. If he agrees with you, or if he doesn’t, I’d appreciate hearing the result of your conversation or correspondence.
Enough of this. Jim Mills will be the President for the rest of the term, but we are going to appoint or elect a new President to back him up. As you know, he [Mills] lives in Neenah and travels through Wisconsin and Minnesota constantly so he is difficult to reach. And in view of the fact that he doesn’t have a very good heart we want a second man available. There is no provision in the Constitution for replacing officers except by meetings of the General Council and we may have to call a special meeting. But we will probably consult our lawyer to see if we can perhaps appoint one who would have legal authority. You will be notified well in advance if we call a special meeting. It will be on a Sunday, of course.
Dave Schlundt and Bob Streit unexpectedly dropped in last night just before our meeting. It was so good to see Dave. He seemed in good spirits and I was delighted. Said he definitely is not going into teaching and will stay where he is. His last letter to me sounded very depressed. I was glad too to meet Bob Streit. He is originally from Dallas but is in Toledo now. I had heard about him from Bill Sadler and had corresponded with him. He sounds very nice, is genuinely interested in the Book, and I hope with all my heart that he and Dave can help each other. I think they both need a little support. Bob was divorced some time ago and apparently feels pretty lonely and in the dumps.
P.S. I prefer to handle this on a personal basis, so I’m not using the official stationery. And I’m using my home address because sometimes my mail gets opened before I get to the office.
Comments made by Bill Sadler at the home of Berkeley Elliott, talking with the study group there assembled, concerning the origin of the Urantia Book. Transcribed from tape.
Oklahoma, February 18, 1962
“Many years ago my parents, who were physicians, had brought to their attention a man who had some rather strange things happening to him. In one of the books my father wrote, The Mind at Mischief, he made mention of this case in the last part of the book—in the Appendix—which was published in the 1920s.
“My father had spook-hunting as a hobby. He was an exposer of mediums. He had two partners in this endeavor—the head of the psychology department at Northwestern University and Howard Thurston, a professional magician. There is a book now out of print which my father wrote called The Truth About Spiritualism, in which he puts so-called spiritualists as falling into one of two categories: there are practicing frauds—deliberately working for gain or for glory—and there are people who are self-deceived. I think in that book he says ‘with one possible exception.’
“My parents became interested in this case. This man would go to sleep and he’d talk and what came out was intriguing and different. He was never interested in the lost watch or the stock market or in talking with your Uncle George who had passed on—never anything practical. This was different, distinctly odd. About this time a Sunday evening meeting came to be organized at our house. It came about when Pop was giving a commencement address at a local university. I was in high school at the time and he wrote me a letter saying that we were not church people but that Sunday should be productive as well as a day of rest. He asked what I would say if they invited in some friends and they had a discussion group—kind of a forum—and talked about health and history and politics, etc. That group came into existence in, I think, 1922.11 This group became interested in spiritualism because Pop was writing on that subject at the time.
“My dad was mischievous—there was a mind-reading vaudeville show in town. Pop attended twice. He took a pair of wire cutters and clipped the wires that hooked the guy in the audience with the gal on the stage. At which point she fainted and they asked if there was a doctor in the audience, and Pop had the gall to go back and take care of her.
“The question came up whether all such phenomena is fraudulent. My dad was an honest guy so he said there was one such case that was a puzzle. So they asked him to tell them about it. So the Forum became intrigued with the shorthand notes that had been taken of things this man talked about.
“One evening when they were talking to this man, a kind of an argument came up. They were talking with someone who claimed to be a ‘Mighty Messenger.’ They asked if he could prove he was a Mighty Messenger. ‘No,’ he said, ‘but you can’t prove I’m not, either. If you knew what I know, you wouldn’t ask these silly questions. You would prepare some of the most deep, searching and far-reaching questions you could possibly imagine.’
“My father was half English and half Irish and he got kind of mad—he was investigating this phenomena and now he was being challenged. Pop looked at the others in the group and said, ‘Let’s pursue this and see what happens.’
“So the next Sunday, when the Forum met, the whole group came in on the deal. I was told that approximately five thousand questions were given. Some were silly—how old is God, who created him, and so forth. What happened was this: one day the questions were gone and where the questions had been was the first of the Urantia papers and was entitled, ‘The Universal Father.’
“I’ll tell you how I think this paper was written. And my theory is not one-hundred-percent correct. But it’s the best I can find. Visualize several places in space—points A, B, C and D. I think the papers were dictated or conceived at point A, and had we been there when any of these papers was written we would have seen nothing. A Divine Counselor is presenting his concepts in the language of Uversa. A translator is there who translates it into the language of Salvington. There is another translator there who translates from the language of Salvington to the language of Satania and another translator who translates from Satania into English. You cannot translate from Uversa into English because the languages are too far apart.
“I suspect that 99% of the original concept was lost in translation—English is too primitive a language. Take Bantu where they have one, two and then ‘many’—the end of their numbers—and you want to translate into large number systems, you simply can’t do it. See the problem?
“Point A was linked by some sort of communication circuit to point B. At point B there would be something to see, but it would be rather dull. It would be a man asleep—doing nothing. Remember the resurrection and the way the stone was moved by the midwayers? At point C you would see a pencil moving over paper with no visible means of motion. That’s where the physical writing took place. Now point D would be where we found the papers. This individual was never seen to write one of these papers—and don’t think we weren’t trying to watch him. If he wrote them he was more clever than we—he was never observed to write them.
“We tried everything we could think of to see how this was being done, but were baffled. The text was entirely written in pencil—all in the handwriting of this individual.
“Who was this man? I took an oath not to divulge who he was. That was required of all who know his identity and it was required by the commissioner who sponsored the last of the papers. We think we know why it was required. He would have asked us to maintain secrecy. One of the reasons this man was picked is that he has a passion for privacy—a very stable man. He doesn’t want to be known.
“These papers were read to the Forum. At the end of each paper was a note suggesting the next title on which questions should be asked. This is how they led us through the first time. They were read to the Forum and they generated more questions, and over a period of years this Book accumulated. And eventually when we had money we published it.
“In 1950 we completed the preparation of our plates. As money came in we forecast inflation, so we took the money we had and spent it in getting Donnelley (the publisher) to prepare the plates. If you went to Chicago, you’d see that the Urantia Foundation was established in 1950 by the anonymous donation of the plates of the Urantia Book. We got nickel-coated plates. If you write to Donnelley, they’ll tell you they negotiated with Mr. Wilfred Kellogg. The Urantia Foundation owns the copyright. There are five Trustees. In about 1954 these five Trustees selected thirty-six people who organized the Urantia Brotherhood. The Book was published in October of 1955 and has been spreading ever since.
“I was there most of the time. I’m a management man, not the kind of man you would expect to see mixed up in something like this—and I was very suspicious of all this. I asked myself, ‘Who is making money on this?’ I found that it was going to cost money. I realized there was no commercial end. And, as the Book cleared up some personal quarrels I had with religion, I felt it was a pretty good thing. So I elected to spend my spare time telling people about it. I don’t get paid, but I get a lot of satisfaction. This is a firsthand story except for the years from 1924 to 1928 when I was doing military duty. And this is the first time this story has ever been recorded.”

FEBRUARY 19, 1962
Summary, Events of the Fourth Quarter 1961
From James C. Mills, Vice President
Since our October News Letter, the annual January meeting of the General Council of the Urantia Brotherhood has been held, and reports of the officers and various departmental committees were presented. As usual we are attaching the treasurer’s annual report and the new roster of committees. Harry E. Rowley was elected Treasurer to finish the term of Russell W. Bucklin, who moved to California.
The reports of the departmental committee chairmen contained summaries of the last year’s activities, which you have read about in prior News Letters. Most of the news received at headquarters comes over the Secretary-General’s desk; and through Miss Rowley’s correspondence, phone calls, and discussions with individuals she feels that more and more contacts are being made between Societies and study groups.
The two field representatives, William S. Sadler Jr., and Meredith Sprunger, have visited Oklahoma City, Darien, the Orvonton Urantia Society of Chicago and the Urantia Society of Glenview. Unofficial trips have been made by Ruth Burton to the Los Angeles Society and the Santa Monica group, the Oklahoma Society, Dorothy Elms in Albuquerque, and Sophie Hansen in Albany. Edith Cook and Warren Kulieke both made visits to the study group in Culver, Indiana. Marian Rowley also visited the Los Angeles and Santa Monica groups.
The Secretary-General also reported the existence of 17 study groups: Winnetka, Glen Ellyn, Western Springs, and Springfield, Illinois; Albany, New York; Darien, Connecticut; Culver, Indiana; Topeka, Kansas; San Diego, Rancho Sante Fe and Riverside, California; Phoenix, Arizona; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Sydney, Launching Place and Glen Iris, Australia; Dunedin, New Zealand.
The new officers of the First Urantia Society of Oklahoma are Berkeley Elliott, President; Mary Kathryn Grisso, Vice President; Helen Butler, Secretary; and Wilma McManus, Treasurer.
The membership in the Brotherhood has increased from 222 to 235 with six members-at-large.
462 Books were released during 1961, making a total of 4,754 first edition Books released.

Chicago, April 15, 1962
Dear Martha,
This has been a beautiful, but a cold day. . . .
Three weeks ago Elsie and Ernests12 and I had dinner out with Ernests as hosts. We came here [Rachel’s home] for the afternoon and enjoyed the type of discourse you two and Elsie and I used to treat ourselves to. . . .
Enclosed is the Urantia letter which will interest you. . . .

APRIL 13, 1962
Summary, Events of the First Quarter 1962
From James C. Mills, Vice President
The Urantia Brotherhood School has just finished its first semester. Science students have completed “Biology” and are now studying “Anthropology” under Alvin Kulieke. Dr. Sadler is concluding his course on “History of the Bible.” Textbooks for these courses and past ones are still available. . . . Has it occurred to some of you that you might make use of these textbooks in study groups?
Visitors are always welcome at the meetings of the various Societies and study groups. The last meeting for the season of the First Urantia Society will be held at 533 Diversey Parkway at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 10, at which time Paper 183, “The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus” will be discussed. Don’t forget the annual picnic at Dr. Sadler’s lodge on June 23 and the celebration of Jesus’ birthday on August 21.
We now have seven Brotherhood members-at-large scattered throughout the country. If you are located where there is no local Society you may become a member-at-large. The Brotherhood is anxious to increase this membership and shall, upon request, be happy to send you an application and information on how you may become such a member.
The sale of Books is steadily increasing. So far in 1962 we have sold 237.
The French edition is nearing completion and Volume III should be off the press by late May or early June. The Brotherhood doesn’t know how many books to order from the Foundation from its first shipment and would therefore appreciate learning if any of you are interested in obtaining this edition. It is being published in three volumes. We are not too sure of the price but at this time, it would appear that for the set of three the price will be approximately $24.00. We will take your orders now and advise you of the price when Books are received. Single volumes may not be purchased—they will be sold only as a set.
“I consider the Urantia Book ‘out of this world,’ which it truly is. I started underlining passages I wished to pick up at a glance and found I was underlining everything. Every word is meaningful and precious. I wish everyone could have a copy of this interesting and informative superhuman Book.”
“I am certainly thankful that a friend loaned me this Book and that I bought it. I feel as if the Book has brought the creations of the eternal past, present, and infinite future into my life. I want so much to share it all. I want to believe Urantia. It teaches of a God whom I can accept.”
“I have found a copy of your Urantia Book in the public library and am very much amazed and enthused by it. It seems I’ve been searching for an answer for many years, and now I have it in my grasp, thanks to your wonderful Book.”
“I have not adequate words to describe the unique way the Father of all creation has seen fit to bring to our planet the revealment of the vastness of space and a part explanation in words and understanding that is available in the study of the Urantia Book.”
“As you are doubtless aware, Mr. X has been responsible for the sale of many copies of the Urantia Book in Australia, but, apart from this, I should like to let you know—just in case you are not aware of it—just how much our good friend has made known your publication throughout this country. He has traveled from N. Queensland giving talks to groups in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide (a distance of over 5,500 miles by train) and in pronouncing his message for the New Age he has quoted from and referred to the Urantia Book very frequently. He is at this time staying with us, but will be off to Sydney soon, and then plans to visit the far west of this continent—Perth—which is over 2,200 miles away! After that he intends to return by stages to Cairns in the far northeast of this continent, by which time he will have covered over 9,000 miles spreading his message of the New Age and how knowledge of the universe and the Creator is easily obtainable from the pages of the Urantia Book.”
Under date of March 11, 1962, William S. Sadler Jr. tendered his resignation as Field Representative to the executive committee of the Urantia Brotherhood, and it is with regret that it has been accepted.
In closing this News Letter it is with deep regret that we make record of the death of Warren H. Kulieke, President of the Urantia Brotherhood, which occurred on February 23, 1962. He was serving his fifth year as President of the Brotherhood. His faithful service and friendly personality will be missed both by the Brotherhood and his family.
(written 1998)
Sometime in the early 1960s I was working on a fine elderly gentleman in my dental chair. His name was Fred Squires. We talked about philosophy and religion. I was searching even then. In my youth my mother had exposed me to Christian Science; I had been a Sunday school teacher, superintendent, Christian Education chair, elder and trustee of a large Presbyterian church; I had looked into reincarnation, Edgar Cayce, pyramids and UFOs, but something was always missing and I was ready for something new. At one point I made the “mistake” of taking my hands out of Fred’s mouth long enough for him to say, “I have a book that I think you might be interested in.” He then told me a little about it. It sounded quite interesting, so I asked if I could borrow it.
“No way!” he replied, “But you can buy one at the bookstore.”
I was not in the habit of buying everything recommended to me in the office, but I guess my guardian angel—or midwayers or my Thought Adjuster—must have been needling me, because I made a trip to Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena to buy one. At the time, of course, I had no idea that I had a guardian angel or Thought Adjuster, but something motivated me to pursue the issue.
At the bookstore, when I asked for the Urantia Book (Fred had written the name down for me), the salesgirl said, “The what book?” When I repeated the name, she said, “Okay, I’ll look it up.” She soon found that it could be ordered from the publisher in Chicago, but that it would cost $12.50. Feeling like a big spender, and having made a special trip to the store, I told her to go ahead.
In about two weeks I received a phone call saying my book had arrived.
“What book?” I asked.
“The Urantia Book you ordered,” came the reply.
Well, that was the start of a new adventure into the universe for me. After thumbing through the table of contents and scanning the list of authors with all of their weird names, I decided I had an enormous, expensive, paper-pack of science fiction. I enjoyed science fiction, so I started with the geological development of our planet. It was fascinating, and within a couple of weeks I was hooked on the Urantia Book as fact and not fiction.
Fred subsequently invited me to a study group at Helen Steen’s home in Pasadena. Helen, Fred, and Fred’s sister [sic] Julia Fenderson were all from Chicago and had been a part of the Forum with Dr. Sadler. It was a fascinating study group, whose members prepared charts for daily reading, summaries of the apostles, lists of Jesus’ earth family, and some beautiful color drawings of the universes by Georgia Gecht.
After I had read enough to know what it was about, I bought several more first-printing copies and gave them to my relatives. The results were predictable: one fundamentalist sister burned the book, calling it the work of the devil; one brother put it on the shelf of his library, and it was years before he blew the dust off it. So I learned. Now I just occasionally sow a few seeds in the hope that they will take root and grow. Since then, a couple of my siblings have graduated to the mansion worlds, and I’m sure they were surprised on arrival.
Now the blanks in my faith are filled in—the i’s are dotted and the t’s crossed. I have complete faith and trust in God as my Father and friend as I search to reach him. He is personal and real to me now, rather than a man in the sky with a long beard, waiting for me to make a mistake so that St. Peter can write it down in my book of life. Best of all, the book has given me a real concept of Jesus as Michael of Nebadon, my elder brother and creator. My life is now becoming fulfilled, and I am more at peace with the real world of the spirit. What more can I ask for than to enjoy the journey?
(written circa 1980)
The Urantia Book and I came together late in 1962. A copy was loaned to my husband by a Riverside [California] County planning associate as a result of their discussing philosophy and religion on their lunch breaks. The friend had used the Urantia Book as a reference book in a course he took while getting his engineering degree at USC in Los Angeles. I found out later that it had been placed in the university library by Julia Fenderson soon after it was published. So the ripples of this epochal revelation pushed out to be discovered by a truth seeker who was designing parks in Riverside. So it was, that my husband brought this big, blue, two-inch-thick, five-pound book home and put it on our bedside nightstand for some shared reading before we went to sleep.
My husband had a busy job, and I was in charge of a large therapy department at what was then Riverside County’s largest general acute hospital, with four main treatment areas in various buildings, with quite a large staff of therapists and trained volunteers. I wanted something not heavy but gripping and educational before calling it a day, like an Irving Stone novel—not a 2,097-page gargantuan collection of papers seemingly authored by outer-space entities—but I thought, well, let’s give it a try.
It was my turn to read and I let the book open where it would. It spread open at the place where it describes the earth being peopled by red, yellow, blue, orange, green, and indigo races. Well, we surmised that this might be better than Irving Stone, Orson Welles, and a few others collectively. So we started at the beginning. We were greatly inspired and thrilled by the enlarged concept of God—his nature and attributes as set forth in the first three papers. It was like putting flesh and skin on the bare skeleton-picture outline in the Bible.
Often I have read the first and last parts of a book to see if I want to read the in-between. So we turned to Part IV to read about the seventh incarnation of our universe creator, Michael, coming to this earth as a mortal, to demonstrate by his life and teachings the true will of God and God’s many attributes, as nearly as mortals are able to grasp. It was about Christmas-time, and reading about the love and compassion of Michael for his creatures was very touching.
It didn’t seem to matter who wrote the Urantia Book, for as we read, it filled in all the gaps and unanswered spaces in the Bible about the life of Jesus, his earthly family, and what he did in those missing years before he started his direct ministry to his chosen disciples and the multitudes of his time. And so many other questions were answered in simple, gripping, and eloquent prose. The Urantia Book made the message of Jesus, so sketchy and abbreviated in the Bible, come alive in a vibrant, meaningful way. It gave direction for everyday, present living, and it made the teachings of the Bible understandable, too.
Our spirit guides were lovingly and gently leading us on, for we discovered that some friends in Riverside had also found the Urantia Book through a New Age study group. They had received a notice from Georgia Gecht, then secretary of the First Urantia Society of Los Angeles (FUSLA), of a meeting the first Sunday of the month to be held at a bank in Culver City. We all went to find out more about the Urantia Book from them. Julia Fenderson was at the door, along with others, warmly greeting and introducing people. The meeting was very inspiring, the hospitality so warm and sincere—and no collection plate was passed.
We returned many times and soon started a study group in Riverside. It was the beginning of a long association with FUSLA, multiple associations with Urantia Brotherhood all over the United States and other countries, and deep spiritual experiences, with an expanding knowledge of the journey to eternity as road-mapped in the Urantia Book.

JULY 23, 1962
Summary, Events of the Second Quarter 1962
From James C. Mills, Vice President
Again this News Letter is going out to more than 500 readers. We are glad to report that our News Letter list is growing day by day. As you have no doubt noticed, some quarterly letters are more newsy than others. So please let us hear from you when you have news which is of interest to all of us. We want to let all of you know what is going on at headquarters as well as in the various Societies and study groups.
The First Urantia Society again extends its cordial invitation to all of you to the annual celebration of Jesus’ birthday on August 21, at 8:00 p.m., at 533 Diversey Parkway.
The First Urantia Society will resume its fall meetings at 533 Diversey Parkway, on September 16, 1962, and hopes to have an unusually interesting program. The new officers are: Albert Dyon, President; Mary Inez Burch, Vice President; Carleta Wensel, Treasurer; and Jane Dyon, Secretary.
The following Societies have had their annual meetings and have elected officers as follows:
Second Urantia Society of Chicago: William S. Sadler Jr., President; Mrs. Rita Brusso, Vice President; John J. Seres, Treasurer; and Mrs. Florine Sadler, Secretary.
Orvonton Urantia Society of Chicago: James Kuzell, President; Robert Smatlak, Vice President; Morton Meyer, Treasurer; and Carol Brehio, Secretary.
Urantia Society of Glenview: Burton Harris, President; Ann Spink, Vice President; Florence Burton, Treasurer; and Loraine Lloyd, Secretary.
The First Urantia Society of Los Angeles, California: Maria Culbertson, President; Helen Steen, Vice President; Julia Fenderson, Secretary; Winona Jewell, Treasurer.
Urantia Brotherhood School will begin with registration on September 19. Graduation will be held on September 26, at 7:30, and will be followed immediately with the first class. Courses for the first semester will be: “Topical Studies, Volume II,” conducted by Alvin Kulieke, and “Study of the Books of the Old Testament,” conducted by Dr. Sadler.
During 1961 we sold 462 Urantia Books. So far in 1962 we have sold 378.
“All my life, as far back as I can recall, I wanted to know the why, the whence, and the whither of life, and Urantia gave it to me so beautifully and convincingly. The Bible gave me a hope. Urantia has made my hope blossom into a certainty. And the life and teachings of Jesus, as narrated in Urantia—there is nothing in the world to compare it with!”
Chicago, September 25, 1962
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
My grandson Charles came to see me the other day to tell me that he is getting married December 22. Having recently found out that I was sometime ordained minister, he wanted me to perform the ceremony. I told him that the last time I had thus officiated was about fifty years ago when I performed a double wedding for two of my classmates in medical school.
In your opinion, what occurs to invalidate an ordained minister’s status? Is there any time limit on such an ordination? Does the fact that I am not a member of any church interfere? What is your personal opinion of my status in this matter?
When I told Charles that I had doubts as to my eligibility to thus function, he said in such an event he would like you to do the job and suggested I might help in some way that did not interfere with the legality of the process. We would all be most pleased to have you do this for us if you think I have no legal authority.
You helped me get up the Urantia funeral service which we have used several times and which I used at the services for our Brotherhood President, Warren Kulieke. I am wondering if you would prepare for us a suggested marriage ceremony which could be used by any minister in the future and by Ordained Teachers if the lawyer finally determines that they have the right to so function. I am writing the attorney today to stir him up again for an opinion as to whether Ordained Teachers of Urantia Brotherhood have authority to perform marriages.
Thanks for your cooperation. With best wishes, I am,

OCTOBER 20, 1962
Summary, Events of the Third Quarter 1962
From James C. Mills, Vice President
The fifth commencement of the Urantia Brotherhood School was celebrated on September 26, conducted by Dean Alvin Kulieke, and Dr. William S. Sadler, president of the School and chairman of the Committee on Education. Arthur Burch, Nola Smith and Helen Thurman also took part in the program. Those who received Ordained Teacher degrees were Herman Schell, Grace Stephens, and Helen Thurman.
Classes of 25 students and auditors in “Topical Studies, Part II,” conducted by Alvin Kulieke, and “Study of the Books of the Bible, Old Testament,” conducted by Dr. Sadler, started immediately after the commencement. The two new textbooks are now available at $5.00 each.
Five new members-at-large have been approved recently: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Tackett, Rancho Santa Fe, California; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gollnick, Oceanside, California; and Richard Squires, San Diego, California. This brings the total number to twelve.
The Domestic Extension Committee has recently presented gift Books to nineteen more libraries in cities of 300,000 population or more throughout the United States.
One thousand copies of the French translation of the Urantia Book have been received by the Urantia Foundation. (An interesting fact—these Books were shipped directly from LaHavre to Chicago via the St. Lawrence Seaway.) A few have been sold and the rest are stored in our storeroom along with the English edition. If you would like to have a copy of this first French edition ($24.00) please send your check to the Urantia Foundation and it will be mailed to you promptly.

The Urantia Foundation is pleased to report that Mr. Jacques Weiss, who translated the Urantia Book into French, is having exceedingly fine results in its dissemination in France and its various possessions. The following is an excerpt from his very interesting report to the Urantia Foundation:
“A subscription at reduced price had been opened in January 1962 by the writing of 1,000 personal letters to my friends and relations. The subscription period was practically closed early in April when I became sure that the printer would deliver his first copies of Volume III in the second half of April.
“I report with pleasure that I received just over 400 subscriptions for the sets of 3 volumes, a very satisfactory result indeed, 320 from readers and 80 from three booksellers who took various interest in the proposition.
“Among the 320 readers, I would classify the answers in round figures as follows: Thirty were politeness subscriptions, friends who took the set only to please me because of our relations, but who do not intend to really study the Book. Two hundred were from people who have begun to read seriously and who have almost unanimously appreciated the teaching. Ten who have really ‘caught fire’ and acted as propaganda agents in the best way I could hope, and the balance of 80 was from people unknown to me, but brought in by the 10 above.”
Concerning sales of the English edition of the Urantia Book, custodians report that to date 5,264 Books have been released (either sold or presented as gifts.) During 1961, 452 Books were sold; so far during 1962, 510 have been sold.
The Urantia Brotherhood is now in possession of a beautiful portrait of Dr. Sadler. This portrait was painted and given to the Brotherhood by Gustav Likan, a world renowned artist. It was indeed a generous action, and is an excellent piece of work, and one which is very much appreciated by members of the Urantia Brotherhood. Mr. and Mrs. Likan are both very interested in the Urantia Book.
For those of you who have never visited headquarters of the Urantia Brotherhood a brief description of our quarters might be interesting.
Dr. William S. Sadler owns the three-story building at 533 Diversey Parkway, where he lives and practices. The Urantia Brotherhood and the Urantia Foundation rent space in this building. We occupy the first floor of the building and a large meeting room on the second floor, as well as a vestibule. The First Society, the General Council of the Urantia Brotherhood, and the Urantia Brotherhood School use this second floor space.
On the first floor is a reception room used by the secretary of the Brotherhood. To the right is a large waiting room and a private office. We also have on this floor a committee room, furnished with table and chairs for use of committee meetings and monthly executive meetings. There is a hall leading from the reception room to the back of the building. Private offices lead off from this hall.
One of the larger of the offices is used by the treasurer of the Brotherhood and an officer of the Foundation, who is working on the Index. Leading off from this room is our print shop which also contains some files. Our printing equipment consists of one second-hand mimeograph machine which was given to us over ten years ago. It still functions quite well. The Quarterly News Letters are produced on this machine. Across the hall is the office used by the Secretary-General of the Brotherhood. This room contains two desks, files, large supply cupboards, and counter space for wrapping Books for mailing. Leading off from this office is a room devoted to the storage of Urantia Books (received from the printer in lots of 500), the Urantia Books in French, textbooks for the Urantia Brotherhood School, brochures, etc. This room is always locked since the inventory amounts to thousands of dollars.
In addition to the rooms described, there are two other private offices and several small rooms equipped for storage.
In the committee room are two large wall maps, one of the United States and the other of the world. A red pin is put into these maps wherever we know a Urantia Book is located. You would find them very interesting to study.
The Brotherhood and Foundation have purchased practically no furniture for either the first floor or the second floor rooms. These rooms were furnished by Dr. Sadler and we have the use of all of this furniture. About the only things we have bought (besides supplies) are three file cases, three lamps, a small adding machine, a blackboard, some maps, and carpeting for the meeting room (the First Society paid half of the carpet bill). Even the typewriters were given to us. We feel very fortunate that we did not have to buy furniture for these offices.
Any time you are in Chicago we will be very glad to have you visit us to see the offices and get acquainted.
We know you who truly appreciate the Urantia Book are very interested in hearing what others say and think about it; the following are excerpts from recently received letters:
“Only for a few days was I able to borrow a copy of the Urantia Book from a friend, but I made good use of the opportunity. Especially did I find enlightening Paper 93 and those following, concerning the Melchizedek teaching and its historical background and extension. Of course, I found [from] Paper 100 forward the most vital as regards personal spiritual experience. Truly we cannot fully appreciate, enjoy or utilize one segment of the universe outside or apart from the whole. Never have I found in one volume such a total and balanced presentation of Reality in such comprehensive philosophic and religious terms. I am newly aware of the fact that life is a continual giving of that received.”
“Discovering the Urantia Book has been a life-changing experience; I must feel something of that spirit which inspired the apostles to go and preach in the temple after the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth. I sincerely believe that the Urantia Book can be decisively influential in breaking through the intellectual barriers which many of my contemporaries—recent college graduates—have somehow placed between themselves and their Father. The Book speaks for itself, as I hope my life does.”
“The Urantia Book is marvelously well written. It is great for doubting Thomases like myself who always question whether parts of the Scriptures were correctly interpreted or translated, or understood.”
Compiled by Forumites Arlie Riddleberger and Winona Jewell
[Early 1960s]
“Divine truth must not be discounted because the channel of its bestowal is apparently human.” [1733]
How was it possible for these spiritual documentaries to be transmitted to finite mortals in a manner not to be associated with “mediums” and “spiritualism”?
[865] The Urantia Book, in the papers cited here, gives us the information needed to picture a valid sequence of events designed to make available to finite creatures documentary material compiled by spiritual personalities.
By what authority was such a revelation compiled?
[354] We are told that the papers were “sponsored, formulated, and put into the English language by a revelatory commission acting under a mandate” from on high. All that remained to be done was the transfer of these documentaries to finite resources equipped to preserve them.
How were these spiritual documentaries transmitted to finite beings?
[865, 1257, 1208, 1243] The channel chosen through which this was accomplished is called a “contact personality.” A secondary midwayer is his “contact” with spirit personalities. This human being is one who has been trained as a member of the reserve corps of destiny for just such an emergency, and who has an exceptionally experienced indwelling Thought Adjuster, as well as a guardian seraphim.
How did the contents of the Urantia papers pass from spiritual to human possession?
[425] We are told the gap between the material world and the spiritual world, from whence came these papers, is perfectly bridged by four orders of personalities. They are:
- Primary Midwayers. [865] They are “near the angelic type of being” and communicate with high spirit personalities.
- Secondary Midwayers. [627, 865, 866] These personalities are semi-material and sometimes visible. They are the real citizens of our planet, staying here century after century. We are told that the jail door of Paul’s prison was “opened by a midwayer.” They communicate with all orders of spirit personalities taking origin in the Third Source and Center. They receive extensive training. They are very versatile and are able to adapt themselves so they can use material things.
- The Cherubim. [422, 866] The cherubim communicate with midwayers. They aid the seraphim. They understand our language.
- The Seraphim. [422, 106] They communicate with cherubim. The seraphic hosts include seraphim who understand our language and are versatile in communicating with lower personalities as well as with high spirit beings.
[846] Many spirit personalities who authored papers were able to present their paper in person, as for instance, Paper 75—“Presented by Solonia, the Seraphic ‘Voice in the Garden’.”
[417] Other spirit personalities were qualified to dictate personally a paper, as for instance, Paper 37—“Dictated by a Brilliant Evening Star.”
How were the Urantia papers translated into the English language?
[503, 627] Translation was necessary in many instances involving higher spirit personalities because of language differences. The translation, through an interpreter, was made as the paper was presented. A midwayer acted as interpreter.
[1343] Translation of Part IV would not have been necessary since it was presented by a commission of twelve Urantia midwayers. They were entirely familiar with the English language. The authors of other papers were familiar with the English language, such as some Melchizedek and Archangel papers.
[498] An actual session of translation and recording is partially described on page 498, paragraph 4.
[1258, 663, 1178] We are told midwayers are able to contact the Thought Adjusters of certain favorably constituted mortals by mind penetration and to influence their mind and somewhat to control their action.
[425] The technique of materializing the Urantia papers into the English language involved the help of all the above-mentioned personalities, together with, and most important, the aid of the Thought Adjuster of the so-called contact personality. This Adjuster “unobserved, unified and made meaningful the translation.”
[863] The Thought Adjuster was “in effect, detached from the personality” of the contact mortal, “only during this season of communion with superhuman intelligences.” During the revelation of these Urantia Papers “a Seraphim was used to guard the mind of the contact personality during the time the Thought Adjuster was so detached.”
[865] So, we can see clearly how the “papers,” having been thus “dictated” or “presented,” and translated into English by a qualified interpreter, have only to be (as they were later presented for reading) typed expertly by a secondary midwayer, who “possessed sufficient latitude of adaptation to make, at will, physical contact with what humans call ‘material things,’” in this instance, a typewriter
[1208, 1733] The “contact personality” who was highly qualified to lend himself to this task, was the only visible channel seemingly conveying this divine truth.
What was the time period associated with the materializing of these papers?
[1389, 354, 648, 1319] The time period, according to the twentieth century calendar, runs from AD 1934—for Part I and Part II; to AD 1935 for Part III. The time period for Part IV, compiled and “Presented by the United Midwayers of Urantia,” may have preceded or followed this date. The Urantia Book was printed in the U.S.A. in 1955, under the auspices of the Urantia Foundation of Chicago. It is copyrighted. There is today a French translation made from the English text.
Where did the material in Part IV come from?
[1321] The material was “sponsored by twelve Urantia midwayers,” and was “compiled by a secondary midwayer,” from “purely human sources” where possible, from the memory of midwayers, and as a last resort, superplanetary sources.
[1323, Paper 120] The Director of the Revelatory Commission, a Melchizedek, presented the introductory paper to Part IV.
[1343, 1321] In Paper 121, a secondary midwayer (one on the Commission of Twelve Midwayers) states the source of material in an acknowledgment. This secondary midwayer, we are told, was “one-time assigned to the superhuman watchcare of the Apostle Andrew.”
Chicago, December 22, 1962
Dear Martha,
Just a brief note in answer to your inquiry about Bill Sadler. I know very little about it and that little is not direct from any of the folks at 533, but from Agatha Cook who occupies the apartment above the Sadler garage, previously occupied by Mrs. Kellogg. Agatha has become quite a part of the Sadler family, assisting Christy and staying with the Doctor when the others are out in the evenings.
It was not until last Saturday, December 16, that Agatha told me that Bill had just had a stroke, that he had been hospitalized for two weeks and was now at home. She mentioned that his voice had been affected—how badly, I don’t know. From what I hear from Agatha, Bill is entirely estranged from his family.
I do not know his home address and it is not listed in the telephone directory. However, his office address is 333 No. Michigan Ave., and since his wife is active in the company, I am sure any mail addressed to him there will reach him.
Young Chuck Sadler was married at 1:30 p.m. today at 533. And if I haven’t mentioned it before, Patty has a baby son.
A package from you arrived this past week but will remain unopened until Christmas Eve. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
I talked to Rachel earlier today and expect to visit her some time during Christmas week. . . . Phyllis and May join me in warmest regards and best wishes for a wonderful 1963.
From Marian Rowley, Secretary-General
Year’s end 1962
Each year the Secretary-General’s office becomes a more interesting, exciting spot and this last year has been no exception. It is the hub of all Brotherhood activity and we are in touch with everything going on in the Societies and with all others who are interested in the Urantia Book. Many interesting letters are received and we have quite a few personal callers who want to meet us or get more information about the Book and our organization. Because of my absence from the office during regular business hours, the callers are usually met by Anna Rawson, Edith Cook, and Dr. Sadler, to whom my thanks are due. I was out of town several times this past year, so I also wish to thank Miss Christensen for taking care of my work, as Acting Secretary-General, and Leone Sadler for taking full responsibility as Custodian of the Books.
* * *
I regret to report that the General Council lost two members by death—Floyd S. Bordsen on February 4, 1962, and Warren H. Kulieke on February 23, 1962. Warren Kulieke was also President of the Urantia Brotherhood and he has been greatly missed. The office of President was left vacant and Mr. J. C. Mills has been Acting President.
* * *
Mr. William S. Sadler Jr. presented his resignation as Field Representative on March 11, 1962, and it was accepted with regret by the Executive Committee on April 2, 1962. Mr. Meredith J. Sprunger remains as Field Representative, but has made no official visits to the Societies during 1962.
* * *
An unofficial trip was made by me to the First Urantia Society of Oklahoma late in November. They hold two meetings a week—Sunday and Wednesday nights—and I was fortunate enough to attend both sessions. There is a different leader each night and everyone takes part in the reading and the discussions. Both meetings I attended were very well conducted and most interesting. Their group has grown by ten new members this past year and they are getting some young people interested. It is an active, progressing group.
* * *
The Executive Committee has set up standards of admission for members-at-large and an application form has been made up. We also have provided a membership card for this class of member, and cards have been sent to all thirteen members. Seven members were added in 1962.
* * *
The French translation was published in 1962 and in the summer the Urantia Foundation received its copies of the 3-volume set. The Foundation is handling the sale of the French edition. Mr. Weiss reports the Book is selling very well in France.
* * *
Early in 1962 a question was brought before the Executive Committee as to whether Ordained Teachers of the Brotherhood could perform the marriage ceremony. Our lawyer was asked for an opinion. He replied that it would take considerable study to give a definite reply and it would probably depend on whether the state considered the Brotherhood as a church. In the absence of definite approval, Ordained Teachers will not perform the ceremony.
* * *
HMSA Harold Sherman continued to show interest in the Urantia material, as evidenced in his correspondence. His friend Harry Niles, who had become a firm believer in the Urantia teachings, had introduced Sherman to Tom Slick, founder of the Mind Science Foundation, with the hope that they could work together, but on October 6 1962 Slick died in a plane crash. Niles wrote to Sherman:
“If Urantia is an experimental planet maybe there is some purpose in the removal in their prime of men like Tom Slick. . . .”
In a letter dated November 5, 1962, Sherman replied:
“We have been reviewing Urantia—and our contacts with that most remarkable soul, Harry J. Loose, and find much of profound significance. There seems to be considerable evidence that Urantia is an experimental planet—and you may be right in your presumption that, if we are here on missions of service, some may be called to the other side for other needed activities. Higher intelligences do not regard the change called death as we do; it is perhaps not tragic to them at all—however it occurs—simply a change.
On November 16, responding to Jane McConnell, a friend of Sir Hubert Wilkins, who had requested a copy of Know Your Own Mind, Sherman responded:
Did Hubert ever tell you about the amazing Book of Urantia, which took over forty years in the writing, through a Sleeping Subject—in Chicago? When I put him in touch with this development, before the Book was published, he spent every spare moment, between assignments in Chicago, reading the original manuscripts. This is a long, long dramatic story. The Book, now out, is selling for $12.00 at last reports, and is bigger than all the combined works of Shakespeare. It purports to tell the story of the universe—what happens when we die, where we go, etc., etc. I do not accept all of it, after having made a profound study of the material, and spending five years in Chicago for the purpose of doing so, but the concepts expand the mind to infinity. This Book is published by Urantia Foundation, in Chicago, but I imagine it is now available in Brentano’s in New York, should you be interested.
In thanking Sherman for the book he sent, Jane O’Connell wrote on December 7:
No, I have not read Urantia. George14 Wilkins told me a lot about it, but it was my understanding that it was privately printed and I did not like to ask him to get me a copy of such a monumental tome. I will try to find it now. He was most enthusiastic about it, I recall. . . .
Sherman responded on January 4, 1963:
. . . I will be interested in your reaction to the Book of Urantia if and when you get a copy. Martha and I had a most dramatic experience concerning it which you, having known Wilkins, will be interested to hear some time. We came into knowledge that Dr. William S. Sadler, supposed to be the custodian of this unusual extrasensory creation, was taking editorial license with the material, after it came through the “Sleeping Subject.” The material was supposed to be absolutely unchanged after its transmission. When he knew that we knew what was going on, he did everything he could to get rid of us, ordered all Forum members to have nothing more to do with us under penalty of “cosmic punishment.” There were only five out of more than two hundred who ever even spoke to us again in five years. During this time we attended the Forum meetings every Sunday, in Chicago, when papers were read before the Urantia Book was published, indicating our interest in the material itself and the fact that we had no fear of the Doctor or “punishment from on high.” It’s too big and involved a story to tell you in a letter.
Wilkins was not directly mixed up in this because he was only an occasional visitor in Chicago, but we had come there to make a profound study of the material, while I was dramatizing the life of Jane Addams of Hull House, and we still think highly of some of the contents. But a possibly great work was sabotaged by the commercial desires of Dr. Sadler and his “inner group,” who thought he saw an opportunity to combine all religions by tacking on a purported revelatory story of the “life of Jesus” at the end of the volume. You will see it all, as now printed, and other material which does not appear in any literature on the face of this earth. The perfidy of human nature! . . .
- This version of Meredith’s 1962 “History” survives, but it appears to be a censored account as it does not mention Sir Hubert, Howard Thurston, or Dr. Sadler. A handwritten note reads: “Submitted by letter of March 3, 1962, Meredith Sprunger.”
- This is Marian Rowley’s “cleaned up” revision of Meredith Sprunger’s “History”
- Brotherhood President Warren Kulieke died suddenly February 23, 1962.
- “In 1923 the first group met for free Sunday afternoon discussion of religion and philosophy, with Dr. Lena as hostess.” From the chapter, “Forum Data and Apocrypha,” Urantia Diaries—Volume Two, page 127.
- A Forumite and his wife.
- Editor’s note: Their Urantia Book page references have been simplified for readability.
- George was Sir Hubert Wilkins’ first name, which he chose not to use when he was knighted.
- This version of Meredith’s 1962 “History” survives, but it appears to be a censored account as it does not mention Sir Hubert, Howard Thurston, or Dr. Sadler. A handwritten note reads: “Submitted by letter of March 3, 1962, Meredith Sprunger.”
- This is Marian Rowley’s “cleaned up” revision of Meredith Sprunger’s “History”
- Brotherhood President Warren Kulieke died suddenly February 23, 1962.
- “In 1923 the first group met for free Sunday afternoon discussion of religion and philosophy, with Dr. Lena as hostess.” From the chapter, “Forum Data and Apocrypha,” Urantia Diaries—Volume Two, page 127.
- A Forumite and his wife.
- Editor’s note: Their Urantia Book page references have been simplified for readability.
- George was Sir Hubert Wilkins’ first name, which he chose not to use when he was knighted.