The Beginning and the First Nine Years
![urantiachronicles_heading [L-R]: Harry Loose; Harold and Martha Sherman; Sir Hubert Wilkins; Dr. Meredith Sprunger; contact commissioners Emma (Christy) Christensen, Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.](
Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.
main page
Compiled and Edited
by Saskia Praamsma
00. Introduction
01. The Beginning
02. Dr. Sadler's History
03. Sherman and Loose
04. The Forum
05. Foundation and Brotherhood
06 “Patience Yet a Little While”
07. “The Word Is Made Book”
08. Blessings and Brickbats
09. The Message Spreads Abroad
10. Introducing a Revelation
11. Dr. Sprunger and the Ministers
12. Scientists and Metaphysicians
13. New Blood, New Ideas
14. Controversy with the Church
15. Questions and Some Answers
16. "It's for the Future, not Now"
17. Making Haste Slowly
18. Consideration of Some Criticisms
19. Appraisals and Transitions
20. The Wilkins Opportunity
21. Missed Chances
22. A Wall of Secrecy
23. Bill Sadler Speaks
24. More History Mysteries
25. A Season for All Things
26. Nine Years of Slow Growth
HMSA: Harold M. Sherman's archives
UBH: Urantia Book Historical Society
SHWA: Sir Hubert Wilkins' archives
UBF: Urantia Book Fellowship's Timeline
UF: Urantia Foundation's website
HIFTUB: How I Found the Urantia Book
- The Contact Commission
- 533 Diversey Parkway
- The Plan for the Urantia Book Revelation
- Major Growth Steps in the Urantia Movement
- "I Remember the Forum"
- "Until We Meet Again"
- The Split: A Blessing in Disguise
- Sherman's 1942 Publishing Suggestions
- Sherman's 1942 Organization Suggestions
- The 1942 Forum Petition
- Sir Hubert Wilkins and the Urantia Book
- Forum Data and Apocrypha
- Childhood Days at the Forum
- Historic Urantia Newsletters
- Forum Days
- The Value of an Accurate History
- The Forumites
- Forumite Clarence Bowman
- Separate Publishing of Part IV
- The JANR Debate (2000)
- No Urantia Church-Not Yet!
- A Box of Chocolates
- 2003: Open Letter to Larry Mullins
- Urantia in Australia in the 1970s
- The Italian Translation Story
- La Storia de Il Libro di Urantiago
- The Urantia Book and Oahspe
- Webster Stafford's 1952 Urantia Report
19. Appraisals and Transitions
Oklahoma City, Ok., January 16, 1959
Dear Dr. Sadler,
The enclosed cover letter and the one-page appraisal of the Urantia Book we have mailed to the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation and our response has been very fine. We are now acquiring a list of all of the Congressmen and Senators of the United States and next we plan to mail it to all of the department heads of government.
We trust you will be receiving some orders for Urantia Books.
Yours truly,
B. M. Salyer Jr.
* * *
Salyer Refining Company Inc.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Dear Sir,
There is an old proverb that says, “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Of all the people in our society who need vision and guidance it is surely those charged with the responsibility of leading our country.
Perhaps you have already availed yourself of a copy of the Urantia Book, but if you have not done so I urge you to do so immediately in order that you will have the scope and the capacity to deal with the world problems facing our country. Fortunately, we no longer have to grope our way in the dark because we are now blessed with the light of a new revelation in print for all to read.
I am enclosing a one-page appraisal of the book for your perusal. This book sells for $12.00 and the first copy of the first edition was placed in the Library of Congress, Catalog No. 55-10554. In the event your local bookstore does not have the book available, you may order it from 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago 14, Illinois.
With sincere regards, I remain
Yours truly,
Salyer Refining Company Inc.
* * *
The Urantia Book is the fifth religious revelation of truth, of epochal significance, to the mortals of this world, Urantia. It is the most important since the earth life of Jesus. The Urantia Book, of 2097 pages, is a comprehensive organized presentation of 196 papers by many accredited superhuman authors.
The four parts of the book are:
- Part I. The Central and Superuniverses
- Part II. The Local Universe
- Part III. The History of Urantia
- Part IV. The Life and Teachings of Jesus
This book, with its timely and heartening revelation, discloses as never before the divine purpose in the mind of God; the orderly creation, the administration, the vast scope and future of the superuniverses, including our world, Urantia; the origin and evolution and history of our planet; the origin and evolution of life, of man and of human institutions, including government and religion. It contains over three times as much as the Bible of the actual life and teachings of Jesus, his perfect life, as the Son of Man and as the Son of God, doing the will of the Father and revealing the truth that God is the loving Father of all men and that all men are brothers. It supplements the Bible as the New Testament supplements the Old Testament. It satisfies the intellect and fully harmonizes modern science, philosophy and religion. It refreshes our spirits and gives us all a new understanding of life’s purposes, new zest in living, new zeal in serving God and our fellow men.
The Urantia Book is published by the Urantia Foundation, a non-profit trust, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago 14, Illinois, and may be purchased through your local book dealer.
* * *
Chicago, Il., January 19, 1959
Dear friend,
I was indeed glad to hear from you and learn of your voyage of adventure among the politicians, and I shall be glad to hear later on when you have more experiences to report.
I see some very interesting letters now and then that come into the office of the Foundation, and it is very interesting to learn about these little study groups that are scattered here and there throughout the country.
With all best wishes, I am,
William S. Sadler
Culver, In., January 21, 1959
Dear Dr. Sadler:
This is just a note to let you know that I have definitely decided to go into college or university teaching. This week I got my credentials in order at the Purdue Teacher Placement Office and hope to be placed in a school by next September. . . .
It seems to me that the future of the Urantia movement is linked with the educational systems of the world. I think the insights of the Urantia Book can be inserted (without labeling) in the universities long before they would be accepted by the religious organizations.
Have been doing some thinking along this line and am enclosing a summary of these ideas. Maybe they could be included among the records of the Education Committee as one suggestion toward an educational policy which must sooner or later be formulated.
Best wishes and greetings to Christy.
Paris, France, January 21, 1959
Dear Sirs:
At the beginning of this new year, I wish to send you my best greetings and keep you informed about the French translation of the Urantia Book.
The first part is typewritten and corrected since several months.
The second part is entirely handwritten and one half has already been typewritten and corrected.
One third of the third part is handwritten and revised, yet not typewritten. I have reconsidered my method and decided to do all the first draft myself, if it is too difficult for outsiders, but they can help [with] polishing the translation afterwards and making it as perfect as can be hoped.
In this part I stumbled against a word which I did not understand—a nearly unique exception as you see. Page 1255, paragraph, The Religious Guardians: "They are the checkmates of the angels of progress.” What does it mean? Are they playing chess on the chessboard of the universe? Are they putting the brake on the work of each other? Are the second checking the work of the first? Or what else? Would you be kind enough to give me your interpretation?
As to the fourth part, it has been started also, but the work is still at the embryonic stage. Now I begin to feel that the end of the whole work will be in sight next year. It is by no means too early to continue an exchange of views about the publication. How far are you with the consultations of your lawyers? And with the Index? And have you made a glossary, even very short? Is any responsible member of your group planning to come to Europe, and when? Have you understood the imperative of dividing the French translation into three volumes, not to be sold separately?
Any news from your side shall be welcome. On my side, you can now feel that I meant what I said when I undertook the work.
Very sincerely yours,
J. Weiss
Chicago, Il., January 23, 1959
Dear Dr. Sprunger:
First, let me tell that I continue to enjoy your Urantia translation of the Psalms. I am much interested in your plan to get into educational work. I rather think that it will turn out that you have made a wise decision. The more I think about it the more it seems to me that for the time being you are doing the best thing.
Thank you for your notice about education in the Brotherhood. I will present it to the Educational Committee. You will be interested to know that our last meeting a few weeks ago was devoted entirely to the correspondence study. We expect to formulate some plan in the next few months.
I will be interested to hear how your plans work out. With all best wishes to you, I am,
William S. Sadler
Chicago, Il., January 24, 1959
Dear Mr. Weiss:
Since your letter of January 21 was addressed to the Brotherhood, it came to my desk first. I am passing it on to Miss Christensen, Secretary of the Foundation, to answer your questions. But I wanted to tell you for myself how very much interested we are in your work and the translation of the Book. Every once in a while I report to our group how you are progressing and they are very interested.
Best wishes for the coming year and success in your work.
Marian Rowley

Summary, Events of the Fourth Quarter 1958
From James C. Mills, Vice President
The annual meeting of the General Council was held January 25, 1959, at 533 Diversey Parkway. Attached is a revised roster of the General Council, officers, and Brotherhood committees. You will note only certain members of departmental committees have been changed. Also attached is the annual statement of the Treasurer.
Each departmental committee chairman and the officers made reports on their activities in 1958, most of which have already been reported in prior News Letters. Those of outstanding significance and interest will be discussed in other items in this letter.
Although President Warren Kulieke’s report summarized the material accomplishments of the Brotherhood, its most significant feature was its spiritual import. He said: “. . . The progress we have made during the past year is not sensational . . . but we have received no adverse or undesirable publicity. . . . Slowly, quietly, day by day, through personal contact, the truths of the Urantia Book are reaching scores of individuals. . . . It is our way of living that will compel them to examine that which has idealized, ennobled, and spiritualized us . . . important is it that they should see in our lives that we have found the God whom they seek.”
Also at the General Council meeting, under Article XIII, Section 13, 3, Recognition of Distinguished Service, upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, and by the unanimous approval of the General Council, THE VAN AWARD was presented to Dr. William S. Sadler, in the form of a beautiful plaque headed with the three concentric circles, lettered in blue, gold, and black; sealed and signed by Warren H. Kulieke, President, and Anna Rawson, Secretary. The substance of the award is as follows:
“The spiritual insight and moral steadfastness which enabled Van to maintain such an unshakable attitude of loyalty to the universe government was the product of clear thinking, wise reasoning, logical judgment, sincere motivation, unselfish purpose, intelligent loyalty, experiential memory, disciplined character, and the unquestioning dedication of his personality to the doing of the will of the Father in Paradise.
“For the exhibition of these qualities of character the General Council of the Urantia Brotherhood presents to Dr. William S. Sadler the Van Award in honor of his many years of devoted and distinguished service in behalf of the Urantia movement.”
The Urantia Brotherhood School has completed its first semester’s work. The second semester will start on February 18 with a new course entitled “Religions of the World” to be conducted by Thomas Wideroe. “The Theology of the Urantia Book, Doctrine IV,” will be resumed by Dr. Sadler.
The Committee on Education is considering starting correspondence courses for the benefit of those who cannot be present to attend the Wednesday evening school in Chicago. It would help them a great deal in their planning to know how many people would be interested in such courses and what subjects you feel would be most helpful. It would, of course, be necessary to charge a fee for each course, but until the plans are farther advanced, it is impossible to set a figure. If you are interested in such a plan, please write to Dr. William S. Sadler, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago 14, Illinois.
Several new members have joined the four Urantia Societies: The First Urantia Society (Chicago) now has 148 members; Urantia Society of Glenview 17, West Coast Urantia Society 18, First Urantia Society of Oklahoma 28, making a total of 211 members in the various Societies. We are also pleased to report we now have three Members-at-Large, two in Indiana and one in Wisconsin. You may be an isolated individual who would like to become a Member-at-Large, and you may do so in accord with Section 4.5 of the Constitution.
We keep hearing of new study groups. Although there are probably several that we don’t know about, the groups that we do know are located in Albany, N.Y.; Springfield, Illinois; Culver, Indiana (there are several groups there); Dhahran, Saudi Arabia; San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, Evanston, Wichita, Ft. Lauderdale, Bensonville, Western Springs, Winnetka, Los Angeles, Darien, and Chicago.
Pins and lapel buttons are now available at $3.50 and may be ordered through the Secretary of your local Society. If you are not a member of a Society, you may write direct to the Secretary-General at Chicago.
The joint custodians of the Urantia Book report that 388 Books were sold and delivered during 1958—this makes 3,316 sold and delivered since publication.

Riverton, Pa., February 1, 1959
Dear Miss Rowley:
May I ask you to intercede for me in regard to a letter sent to me on August 2, 1957, by your Mr. or Dr. Harold E. Karrer. I am a little too ashamed to answer it at this point, but I guarantee you that there have been many reasons why I haven’t. I will only say that immediately after you received my gravitational paper, I became so enthralled with the belief that it could be proven astrophysically that I stopped work and spent two months attempting to sell a research program. Even though I saw the top management of many of the eastern seaboard aircraft and electronic firms, the stage of development that the cosmology had reached was not sufficiently advanced and of course was doomed to failure.
I have not yet recouped financially, but my rewards in all other areas have been so great that the finances have become secondary. For over a year I worked with a good many medical friends to develop a hypothesis on the operation of the brain. . . . However, this work is secondary to the research that I have been doing in the astrophysical field.
I have just now completed a graphical detail presentation of the first attempt of two years ago. I am now starting the write-up, which will probably take me six months. I have been working with two astronomers, a cosmologist and a doctor specializing in electromagnetics. As things now stand I am not able to answer to their complete satisfaction all the astronomers’ questions, but the cosmologist and Dr. in electromagnetics are satisfied. But even more important, I have had several lengthy discussions with some of the pillars of the Catholic Church and [the concept of] integration of the Celestial Hosts with physical Architectural Spheres, verified and positioned in space by Radio Astronomy data, has met with complete acceptance. I have been over this hypothesis with many other technical minds and lay personnel, and so far the acceptance has been quite universal. When my graphs are in final form I will send a copy, but they are still going through revision as I probe into data on galaxies in the outer space realms. Incidentally, the linear gravity concept now becomes understandable and appears to be the force charge responsible for the disc arrangement of the cosmos. I believe that I can now show that this force charge in terms of mathematical relationships, is linear.
If I may change the subject, would you be good enough to tell me what type of doctor is Dr. Senior? Also, were you the person who transcribed the material as it was presented from the Celestial Hosts? I also understand that you were permitted to watch the seraphic departure on the shores of Lake Michigan.5 Would you care to give me any of the details on this event? Did you send certain of the papers from the Urantia Book to scientific minds, and if so were any of them astrophysicists and physicists? Were they decent enough to give you any comments, or did they just consider your group be another misfit organization in the world?
May I hear from you at your convenience and I will try not to be such an inconsiderate creature in the future. I do appreciate Mr. Karrer’s offer to present my interpretation and I have every reason to believe that it has been delayed for a purpose.
May we have the opportunity to get together in the near future.
A. A. Zachow
Chicago, Il., February 4, 1959
Dear Meredith:
I’m sorry for the long delay in answering your letter of November 14 to Dr. Sadler, suggesting the possibility of our printing a booklet containing the Evaluation and Summary of the Book. Doctor intended to present it at the Executive Committee meeting in December, but he was ill. It was presented in January and everyone was given a copy to read.
At our February meeting last Monday, it was agreed that you have done an excellent job and this should be very helpful in presenting the Book to someone new. However, the Committee felt that we should reiterate our policy not to authorize or publish anything along this line. We prefer not to make anything of this sort an official publication of the Brotherhood or the Foundation. As you may perhaps know, others have prepared similar documents and we feel there is a place for all of them, but the policy is not to make any one of them official by putting them out in printed form.
Culver, In., February 6, 1959
Dear Marian:
Thank you for your letter. When I submitted the material that might be used to introduce the Urantia Book I thought it might be helpful. In some cases this may be true. But I believe I agree with the decision of the committee.
Have been undergoing a gradual but steady shifting of opinion regarding the Urantia Book and any institution—the Church or the Urantia Brotherhood or any other institution. Increasingly I am of the conviction that we must keep this revelation free from the possibility of being curtailed or captivated by any institution. At the same time we ought to cooperate with and befriend all individuals and all institutions. Therefore I think it is good to keep away from “official” introductions or anything else.
Coming from the church background, this shift to a non-institutional emphasis has been slow but it is probably for the best. I believe that we should emphasize the non-institutional nature of the movement now so that in the days when the Brotherhood is a powerful organization, they will not have any historical precedents for misusing that power by attempting to be an inclusive or normative institution. Please express my appreciation to the committee for the wisdom of their decision. They have been a substantial help in the development of my own conception of the nature and function of the Urantia movement in our modern world.
Sincerely yours,
San Francisco, March 9, 1959
Dear Dr. Sadler:
My last letter was written to you on February 24, 19556—over five [sic] years ago. At that time you did me the honor of answering my letter some four days later. I was one of the pre-publication subscribers to the Urantia Book and received two copies of it when it came off the press in October of 1955.
Since receiving the Book I have read it through and have studied many parts of it over and over. I am enclosing a copy of a letter I have just written to Dr. Earl L. Douglass whom you recently met. In it I have outlined some of my conclusions.
Would you be so kind as to let me know what other critical examinations of the Book may have been made by specialists in other fields such as physics, astronomy, etc.
Very sincerely yours,
Benjamin N. Adams
San Francisco, March 9, 1959
Dear Earl:
Your letter of March 1 has just come. . . .
Was interested to hear of your visit with Dr. Sadler and Miss Rowley. It is a pleasure that I have not thus far had except by correspondence. However, I do keep studying the Urantia Book which I consider in itself a remarkable phenomenon. The author (or authors) of the Book have not hesitated to “stick their necks out” in so many areas of human knowledge that a critical analysis of the Book should eventually supply a verdict of true or false.
It seems to me that, if I were God, this is the sort of book which I would want to supply my human children on such a benighted and remote speck of dust as the earth. Yet, the best and highest service which can be rendered this Book is a strictly objective and merciless critical analysis thereof.
As I read what it has to say about cosmology, cosmogony, geology, chronology, biology, anthropology, astronomy, physics, chemistry, nuclear physics, etc., etc., I find myself wishing that I had considerably more competence in all of these fields. But I know that I had better stick to my own field of competence which happens to be Biblical studies. In passing, I note a few statements outside of my field of competence which I am inclined to challenge.
On page 477, for instance, is this statement: “There are just 100 distinguishable atomic materializations of space-energy in a dual universe; that is the maximum possible organization of matter in Nebadon.” This seems to me to say that only 100 chemical elements are possible. But I can quote several authorities to the effect that at least 103 elements have been identified and named.
However, turning to the field of Biblical studies, I make the following observations:
- Page 2074. The teacher Clement of Alexandria and the founder of the famous Catechetical School of that city was “Pantaenus,” not “Poutaenus.” (This may be merely a typographical error.)
- Page 1557. Philip the Apostle is identified with Philip the Evangelist (or Deacon) who is said to have gone on the mission to Samaria in Acts 8:5.
- Pages 2057-60. The bestowing of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is represented as occurring on the same day as the ascension and 40 days after the crucifixion. Now this is an obvious error as the very word “Pentecost” means 50 and was supposed to be a week of weeks after the Passover.
- Page 542. A quotation from the New Testament Book of Hebrews is attributed to Paul. This is amazing in view of the generally sophisticated and critical attitude toward the authorship of most of the books of the Bible. (e.g. pp. 1341-2)
- Page 1559. Nathaniel’s father is said to be Bartholemew. But Bartholemew is listed by the synoptic writers among the Twelve. It is a patronymic meaning “The Son of Tholmai.” Thus it is logical to suppose that Nathaniel of John’s Gospel is identical with Bartholemew of the synoptics, and that his father’s name was Tholmai.
- Page 1362. The synagogue teacher is spoken of as the “chazan.” The Hebrew (Aramaic) for this officer is חזן, which would more correctly be transliterated “chazzan” (with a double z).
- Page 1383 (near bottom). Far to the east they could discern the Jordan Valley and, far beyond, the rocky hills of Moab.” But the rocky hills of Moab were not east of Nazareth but east of the Dead Sea.
- Page 1648. “Early on the morning of Tuesday, March 30, Jesus and the apostolic party started on their journey to Jerusalem for the Passover.” But Hastings Bible Dictionary [sic], Vol. I, p. 411, gives a table which shows that the latest possible date for the Passover in AD 28 was Tuesday, March 30 (beginning with sunset the previous day, March 29). Thus Jesus and his apostles are represented as setting out for Jerusalem and the Passover on the latest possible date for the Passover to begin. They arrived at Bethany on April 2, three days later. By this time the ceremonies of the Passover Feast and the first fruits of the barley harvest “waved” before the Lord would have been completed. True, the Feast of Unleavened Bread would go on for another three or four days, but it seems strange that they would be deliberately so late in arriving.
It is only fair to note that the Urantia Book does not claim to be infallible (p. 1008). It is also fair to note that on the other side of the ledger are literally thousands of amazingly accurate details harmonizing perfectly with known geographical and chronological facts. For instance, the UB states in opposition to a tremendous weight of tradition that Jesus did not die on Passover Day, but on the day preceding—that in 30 AD Passover began on sunset on Friday, April 7, and continued until sunset, Saturday April 8. This agrees with the point of view of John’s Gospel but disagrees with the synoptics. Moreover, astronomy bears witness that the first visibility of the preceding new moon was at sunset on Friday, March 24. This would then bring Nisan 14, the “Preparation of the Passover,” to the day beginning sunset April 6 (Thursday) and Nisan 15, the Passover itself to the day beginning at sunset Friday, April 7, continuing through Saturday. This agrees with the Gospel of John and the Urantia Book.
No doubt many more discrepancies will be discovered in the Urantia Book. About all that this will prove is that even midway creatures can make mistakes. But if for each mistake we are able to spot, we are enriched by 1,000 thrilling new facts, then we have a spiritual gold mine before us in the Urantia Book, and the ore we dig out assays at about 999/1,000. We do well not to accept it blindly, but it merits a considerable measure of our confidence. . . .
Most cordially yours,
Benjamin N. Adams
Chicago, Il., March 17, 1959
My dear Rev. Adams:
I was very happy to get your letter of March 9, and I think this is the first really valid criticism I have ever had from of several the last year, but it was evident that the critics had never even superficially read the Urantia Book.
If minor discrepancies were to be found in the Urantia Book I have always suspected that they would probably be found in Part IV because that is the part of the Book that was prepared by the midwayers. The midwayers’ mind level is but a trifle above that of the human mind.
My own preoccupation with the Urantia Book has been along two lines. First, I was concerned as to whether or not this was some fraudulent psychic phenomenon or possibly a case of subconscious disassociation on the part of the subject such as I was familiar with in the fields of automatic writing, trance mediums, etc. I was the last of my family to accept the Urantia papers. I finally decided that the whole thing was beyond my ability to understand.
My next concern had to do with the consistency of the papers. I finally decided that a fraud could not go on the witness stand for twenty-five years, to be examined and cross-examined by 230, and to give more than a million words of testimony and never once contradict himself. I decided that this subject must be telling the truth in order to discuss such a wide range of topics and not once slip into a contradiction.
You ask about others who have critically examined the Urantia Book. From a standpoint of general science I think the studies of the late Sir Hubert Wilkins were perhaps the most extended and exhaustive. For more than twenty years7 he periodically spent time in Chicago going over the papers. He would work weeks at a time, ten hours a day, and his final conclusion was that the papers were consistent with the known facts of modern science.
Since the Book was published, a young physicist in Philadelphia has been a very careful student of the physics of the Urantia papers. About a year ago he wrote a paper, with many diagrams, for the Gravitational Society, in which he advocated that the cosmology of the Urantia Book was the only one that was possible from the gravitational standpoint.
I was very interested in your criticism as proposed in your letter to Dr. Douglass. I would offer the following comments on these criticisms:
- I think the spelling of the name of the teacher in Alexandria is undoubtedly an error in transcribing the manuscript into typewriting. An “an” was undoubtedly transcribed as a “ou.” I remember when we were sometimes in doubt as to whether a letter was an “a” or a “u” in the manuscript. Of course, we who were preparing this matter, did not know the name of this teacher so could have easily made this mistake.
- As far as I could detect, there is only one Philip recognized in the Urantia Book. I note what you say in this matter.
- Now as to the Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth—the possible discrepancy between the end of one paper and the beginning of another. We all noted it one time and discussed it further when the Book was going to press. You should remember that the midwayers prepared a narrative that was many times larger than was finally given us as Part IV of the Urantia Book. It may be that in deletion some difficulties were encountered. Our understanding is that the prayer meeting which Peter conducts at the close of one paper is not the same as that at the opening of the next paper. The one ended at the day of Ascension, the other opened at the day of Pentecost.
- About Paul and Hebrews—of course, we all puzzled about that the same as you, and it occurs two or three times in the papers. We have finally come to the conclusion that it was of composite authorship and the Apostle Paul had something to do with the presentation.
- About Nathaniel’s father I can offer no suggestions except that I know that the manuscript was very clear that it was Bartholomew.
- About the spelling of “chazan.” Our mandate forbade us in any way to alter the text of the manuscript, but gave us jurisdiction over capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. We were told to select our authority and stick to it. Evidently, the authority we chose spelled “chazan” with one z.
- Your notation about Moab is a puzzler to me. We have just looked in the atlas, and, of course, you are right. I have no explanation for this matter—either a mistake of the midwayers or a mistake in copying. I cannot say, but evidently you are right in this matter.
- The intricacies of Jesus’ crucifixion and the day of Passover I am not competent to appraise. In fact, I was not aware that there was any difference in the Gospel of John and the Synoptics, but I am glad that you are inclined to agree with the Urantia Book.
I was indeed cheered to get such an encouraging estimate of the worth of the Book from one who has made such a careful study of it. I am taking the liberty of sending you a copy of an outline which I gave to a dozen ministers who came to meet with me about six months ago. I told them that while I was unable to explain to them about how we had got the Book, I was able to explain to them how we had not got the Book.
I do hope that we will have the pleasure of seeing you and Mrs. Adams one of these days. I am sure, if you have the occasion to come back East, you will not fail to let us have a visit with you.
With all best wishes, I am
Sincerely yours,
William S. Sadler

APRIL 15, 1959
Summary, Events of the First Quarter 1959
James C. Mills, Vice President
For the information of possible visitors to the First Urantia Society (Chicago), June 7th will be the last regular Sunday meeting for the spring. There will be no Sunday meetings through the summer. For the benefit of the members of the First Urantia Society the annual business meeting will be held on June 14th.
As you know, more and more study groups are being organized throughout the country. We are listing some of them and will list others in following News Letters. These groups welcome visitors, so please feel free to visit them.
- Urantia Society of Glenview: Dr. Richard Renn, Pres., 25 Crescent Place, Wilmette, Ill.
- West Los Angeles study group: Bud Kagan, 465 N. Cold Canyon Road, Calabasas, California
- First Urantia Society of Oklahoma: W. E. Grisso Jr., Pres., 715 N. W. 22nd St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
- Albany, N. Y., study group: Miss Sophie Hansen, 11 S. Lake Ave., Albany 3, New York
The West Coast Urantia Society is planning a seminar, led by William S. Sadler Jr., similar to the one which was held last August. The tentative dates are June 21-27. . . .
Sales of the Urantia Book through bookstores are increasing—in fact, the Pickwick Bookstore in Hollywood now carries it in stock.
At our January 25th meeting here, Dr. Sadler presented his “Consideration of Some Criticisms of the Urantia Book.” This 25-page document has been reproduced and we shall be glad to mail you a copy, upon your request; postage around 25 cents.
Many interesting letters are being received by the Urantia Foundation and the Urantia Brotherhood with reference to the Urantia Book. Since we know you would like to hear what others have to say about the Urantia Book, the following are quotations from a few of these letters:
“It seems to me that, if I were God, this is the sort of book which I would want to supply my human children on such a benighted and remote speck of dust as the earth.”
“I want to express my gratitude to God and all who have worked to give this book to us. I am so very grateful.”
“It’s a revelation! Been a help in my ministry and has clarified some of the jumbled confusion of the past.”
“Please believe me when I say the Urantia Book has made the biggest impression on my life. Before I read this book I was not a very religious person but now, through this book, I have gained a very vivid insight into the kingdom of God.”
May 4, 1959
Miss Rowley reported on the death of William F. Harrah, Niles, Michigan, which makes a second vacancy on the General Council.
Circa May 22, 1959
Dr. Meredith J. Sprunger, outstanding Culver clergyman, has accepted a faculty appointment to the staff of the fast growing Indiana Technical College at Fort Wayne.
Pastor of Grace United Church of Christ here for the last nine years, Dr. Sprunger, in a letter this week to the church board, announced his resignation to be effective September 1, when he will begin his new teaching duties.
The Sprungers plan to take up their new residence in Fort Wayne in September.
Culver, In., May 22, 1959
Dear Dr. Sadler,
Must take time out to bring you folks up to date on our activities. As you know I accepted a position teaching psychology at Indiana Technical College. Full-time duties start in September but am teaching a couple of classes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings this summer. The student body is composed of around 2000 men from all over the United States and we have almost 300 foreign students from 46 different nations. You can see what an unusual opportunity I will have if I use it wisely. The president has also asked me if I might not like to organize non-sectarian vesper services on the campus. . . .
I hope that it may be possible to get together with you folks sometime this summer at your cottage. Will welcome any advice you may have to offer regarding our new situation.
Cordially yours,
Chicago, Il., May 25, 1959
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
I was happy to get your recent letter and learn of the completion of arrangements for your entering upon the new teaching program.
I have felt for some time that this was the ideal arrangement for you to make and that it would provide for more freedom of action on your part as well as a wider range of service.
As a Urantian you will be much more free to “carry on” and you will also have a much larger opportunity for doing the things you would like to do and as you would like to do them.
I join with the rest of the folks here in extending to you and yours all best wishes.
William S. Sadler
From Carolyn Kendall, First Urantia Society
pre-June 27, 1959
Yes, the annual invasion of Dr. Sadler’s Pine Lodge, Beverly Shores, Indiana, by the forces of the First Urantia Society and their friends and cohorts.
Rendezvous: 2 p.m., Saturday, June 27, 1959. Come early!
Arms and Equipment: Picnic baskets filled with one day’s rations. (Coffee and tea furnished by the invasion leaders.) Beach and swimming wear, and suntan lotion for camouflage against deadly rays of sun.
Path of Approach: Proceed by light of day on the Calumet Skyway and toll road to Gary East exit; continue east on either route 12 or 20. 12 goes directly into Beverly Shores; if on 20, turn left at Furnessville.
By Train: South Shore electric leaves every hour on the hour from Randolph Street Station.
Transportation Sergeant: Leone Sadler.
Password: “Urantia” of course!
* * *

JULY 15, 1959
Summary, Events of the Second Quarter 1959
From James C. Mills, Vice President
(Handwritten note by Rachel Gusler: “Received today—July 16th, ’59”)
Registration for the following courses for the first semester of the Urantia Brotherhood School will be held on September 16 at 8:00 p.m.: “Science in the Urantia Book” (major) conducted by Alvin Kulieke; “Worship and Wisdom” (minor) conducted by Dr. Sadler. The fees will be the same as last year. . . . Commencement exercises will be held on Wednesday, September 23, at 7:30 p.m. Classes will begin immediately thereafter.
On May 4, 1959, a resolution was passed by the Executive Committee of the Urantia Brotherhood establishing the office of Field Representative, which representative is to serve at the discretion of the Executive Committee. On that date William S. Sadler Jr., was appointed to this office.
The West Coast Urantia Society announces a one-week seminar, July 19 through 26, conducted by William S. Sadler Jr. Daily sessions will be held at the home of M. H. [Bud] Kagan, 4665 North Cold Canyon Road, Calabasas (Malibu Canyon), California, approximating 50 hours intensive study and lectures. Tuition for the week is $20.00 or $3.00 per day. Reservations may be made through Mrs. Dorothy Elms at the above address.
Everybody is looking forward to the commemoration of Jesus’ birthday on August 21, by the First Urantia Society at 533 Diversey Parkway at 8:00 p.m. Those of you who happen to be in the vicinity at this time are most cordially invited to come.
The thirty-fourth annual outing of Chicago Urantians was a picnic held on June 27 by the First Urantia Society at Pine Lodge in the Indiana sand dunes. About a hundred members and friends attended and had a fine time.
Chicago, Il., July 16, 1959
Dear Martha and Harold,
I found the book on prayer8 interesting and helpful, and am very thankful to have it. At present a friend of mine who has had two mishaps in the last seven months—a broken shoulder bone in one and a broken vertebra in the last—has it, having expressed a desire to read it. . . .
About Bill—I know you know about his and Leone’s separation. It is one of these things I never can bear to discuss someway—except with Elsie. She knows nothing of the circumstances except someone told her that the marriage’s failure was not due to the girl, that it had gone on the rocks before that. I have told no-one.
From Marian Rowley, Secretary-General
Chicago, Il., August 8, 1959
Dear Secretaries:
The Executive Committee of Urantia Brotherhood has directed me to give you the following information from a letter from the Secretary of Urantia Foundation to the Executive Committee, dated July 21, 1959.
It is good to have formal approval for the use of the symbol and of course it goes without saying that whenever it is used it should always be in good taste.
Marian Rowley
* * *
From Emma L. Christensen
It has come to the attention of the Board of Trustees of Urantia Foundation that in the course of establishing and fostering the growth of Urantia Brotherhood so that the Urantia Brotherhood might perform its function of disseminating the teachings of the Urantia Book and effectively creating an interested membership through the chartering of Urantia Societies, it would be beneficial for Urantia Brotherhood, Urantia Brotherhood Corporation, and the Urantia Societies to make use of the Urantia symbol, comprised of three azure blue concentric circles, in several aspects of the activities of Urantia Brotherhood, Urantia Brotherhood Corporation, and the Urantia Societies.
Urantia Foundation made application for the registration of a trademark to protect the Urantia symbol and, accordingly, the trademark was approved and registered with the United States patent office, with Urantia Foundation named as the registered owner of the mark. Inasmuch as the Board of Trustees of the Foundation does not want the mark to become diluted within the means of the law regarding trademarks through the injurious and indiscriminate use by persons or groups not sufficiently allied to the purposes and objectives of Urantia Foundation, as guided by the teachings of the Urantia Book, the Board of Trustees has duly enacted a resolution which defines the authorization limits and purposes which a trademark can be put by organizations related to the Urantia Foundation.
By circumscribing the use of the Urantia symbol, the Board of Trustees will achieve the objective of legally protecting the use of the trademark so that it will be prevented from becoming a part of the public domain subject to exploitation. It is felt that with this protection Urantia Brotherhood, Urantia Brotherhood Corporation and the Urantia Societies can more freely make use of the Urantia symbol in correspondence and publications and on pins and other objects.
A copy of the resolution as adopted by the Board of Trustees is enclosed for your reference.
Be it resolved that Urantia Brotherhood, Urantia Brotherhood Corporation and any and all Urantia Societies chartered and in good standing with Urantia Brotherhood be and they hereby are authorized and privileged to use a trademark described as being comprised of three concentric azure blue circles on a light background, registered with the United States Patent Office in the name of Urantia Foundation, on letters, documents, pamphlets, books, pins and badges with the right of the Board of Trustees of Urantia Foundation at any time and from time to time to withdraw this authorization from any one or all of the said organizations for any reason whatsoever.
- According to Mark Kulieke in his book, Birth of a Revelation (1992), the Contact Commission was enabled to see seraphic transports and claim to have witnessed a seraphic train pass by over Lake Michigan (p. 9). This story is repeated in The Urantia Diaries of Harold and Martha Sherman, Volume Five, in Webster Stafford’s “Authentication,” the report of his September 1952 visit to Dr. Sadler and the group in Chicago (p. 481).
- This letter has not been found.
- Dr. Sadler was often careless with dates. Harold Sherman introduced Wilkins to Sadler and the Forum on March 5, 1942.
- Harold M. Sherman, How to Use the Power of Prayer (New York: C & R Anthony, Inc., 1958)
- According to Mark Kulieke in his book, Birth of a Revelation (1992), the Contact Commission was enabled to see seraphic transports and claim to have witnessed a seraphic train pass by over Lake Michigan (p. 9). This story is repeated in The Urantia Diaries of Harold and Martha Sherman, Volume Five, in Webster Stafford’s “Authentication,” the report of his September 1952 visit to Dr. Sadler and the group in Chicago (p. 481).
- This letter has not been found.
- Dr. Sadler was often careless with dates. Harold Sherman introduced Wilkins to Sadler and the Forum on March 5, 1942.
- Harold M. Sherman, How to Use the Power of Prayer (New York: C & R Anthony, Inc., 1958)