The Beginning and the First Nine Years
![urantiachronicles_heading [L-R]: Harry Loose; Harold and Martha Sherman; Sir Hubert Wilkins; Dr. Meredith Sprunger; contact commissioners Emma (Christy) Christensen, Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.](
Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.
main page
Compiled and Edited
by Saskia Praamsma
00. Introduction
01. The Beginning
02. Dr. Sadler's History
03. Sherman and Loose
04. The Forum
05. Foundation and Brotherhood
06 “Patience Yet a Little While”
07. “The Word Is Made Book”
08. Blessings and Brickbats
09. The Message Spreads Abroad
10. Introducing a Revelation
11. Dr. Sprunger and the Ministers
12. Scientists and Metaphysicians
13. New Blood, New Ideas
14. Controversy with the Church
15. Questions and Some Answers
16. "It's for the Future, not Now"
17. Making Haste Slowly
18. Consideration of Some Criticisms
19. Appraisals and Transitions
20. The Wilkins Opportunity
21. Missed Chances
22. A Wall of Secrecy
23. Bill Sadler Speaks
24. More History Mysteries
25. A Season for All Things
26. Nine Years of Slow Growth
HMSA: Harold M. Sherman's archives
UBH: Urantia Book Historical Society
SHWA: Sir Hubert Wilkins' archives
UBF: Urantia Book Fellowship's Timeline
UF: Urantia Foundation's website
HIFTUB: How I Found the Urantia Book
- The Contact Commission
- 533 Diversey Parkway
- The Plan for the Urantia Book Revelation
- Major Growth Steps in the Urantia Movement
- "I Remember the Forum"
- "Until We Meet Again"
- The Split: A Blessing in Disguise
- Sherman's 1942 Publishing Suggestions
- Sherman's 1942 Organization Suggestions
- The 1942 Forum Petition
- Sir Hubert Wilkins and the Urantia Book
- Forum Data and Apocrypha
- Childhood Days at the Forum
- Historic Urantia Newsletters
- Forum Days
- The Value of an Accurate History
- The Forumites
- Forumite Clarence Bowman
- Separate Publishing of Part IV
- The JANR Debate (2000)
- No Urantia Church-Not Yet!
- A Box of Chocolates
- 2003: Open Letter to Larry Mullins
- Urantia in Australia in the 1970s
- The Italian Translation Story
- La Storia de Il Libro di Urantiago
- The Urantia Book and Oahspe
- Webster Stafford's 1952 Urantia Report
22. A Wall of Secrecy
Hollywood, January 29, 1961
Tonight, when Martha answered the ring on the phone, a voice said, “You’ll never guess who this is!”
Martha said, “Well, then, why waste time?”
It was Bud Kagan, from whom we had not heard a word since our dinner and evening in his Calabasas home with Dorothy Elms.19 We had phoned once, asking them to dinner with us, but Dorothy answered and said Bud was away on European flights so much that she could not set a time. This Christmas we sent them a greeting and Bud’s call was partly in response to the message written thereon, to the effect that we still thought of them as friends even though we had differed in our points of view about the Urantia story and had not seen them for so long.
Bud went on to say that he has since been married to Betty, a California girl; that he has sold his Calabasas home and they are living temporarily in Redondo Beach but intend to build a home in Malibu. He was ill part of the year but has now completed training to fly the 707 jets. Dorothy has returned to Albuquerque to live with a daughter. It seems Bud’s and Dorothy’s relationship cooled when Dorothy became too possessive. Betty is a writer of plays. They intend to be very selective in their choice of friends, said Bud. “Life is too short to waste it on past times and talk of dollars and stocks.”
He stated that he has never forgotten our evening together—thought us charming and exciting—and that Harold had work to do of great benefit to the world. He said Harold had the faculty of presenting ideas in a simple, understandable form.
Then he went on to say that after our visit he returned to Chicago and conducted a regular “FBI investigation” of our history in connection with 533 and said he had found “no evidence of malpractice” on our part whatsoever—“nothing to justify the rudeness” of the Chicago group. He stated that he, himself, was now “purged” from the Chicago group; that he had told the Doctor he did not approve of a church group or organization but that the Book of Urantia was now in the bookstores and nothing could prevent use of it. He said he still maintained complete faith in the Book but considered the people connected with it as human beings, and that he thought that attitude was best because then the Doctor would not be “sainted.”
He would like to see us soon for another evening of “challenging conversation” and is to phone us upon return from a short Florida trip early in February.
Chicago, February 24, 1961
Dear Martha,
The cheese arrived in wonderful state and was delicious. I used the last [of it] two weeks or so ago. And the first time when Elsie came during the holidays. Have not seen her since but we have a telephone visit every week. . . .
Do the folks out there keep you posted on Urantia doings? I’ll send you the report I just received. Elsie attends quite regularly but I have some difficulty walking and really stay home most of the time. . . .
With love,

FEBRUARY 20, 1961
Summary, Events of the Fourth Quarter 1960
From James C. Mills, Vice President
The annual meeting of the General Council was held January 22, 1961, at 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois. Attached is the roster of the General Council indicating newly elected council members and departmental committee members. Also attached is the annual report of the treasurer.
President Warren H. Kulieke’s report was directed specifically to the future, not merely for the next three years but for the next and succeeding generations. He stressed the study of the teachings of Jesus. We believe, concerning the Urantia revelation, that the acceptance of the Urantia Book must await the culmination of world events for those more settled times immediately following the present world conflict and unrest, that the Book will not catch fire for several generations. He further said, since we believe this, we shall reduce our disappointment and increase our joy as we calmly and patiently go about the task of spreading the good news to those who come seeking. And the folks are coming seeking—letters are coming in from all over the world.
President Kulieke also reminded us that we must continue training teachers and leaders to be ready for the days ahead when our revelation will become known throughout the world. Hence, the continuation of the Urantia Brotherhood School. He proposed that our program of education be stepped up in whatever manner possible, particularly in training young people who will truly carry the burden in those great days that lie ahead. And finally, and most emphatically, the president reminded us we must live exemplary lives and remain at all times fully sensitive to the needs of those who even now come seeking the knowledge and truth that is ours to give.
Activities of the various departmental committees for the year 1960 have been reported in prior News Letters. However, the Charter Committee reported that the Second Urantia Society of Chicago, under the leadership of William S. Sadler Jr., was inaugurated last May; that a charter for the “Urantia Society of Santa Monica” has been approved and this sixth Society will be installed soon; also the Charter No. 7 has been approved for the “Orvonton Urantia Society of Chicago”; and this Society, which is under the leadership of Al Leverenz, will be installed in the near future.
Numerous study groups are being formed; we are sure it will be of interest to all of you to know that a group has been formed in Dunedin, New Zealand. One of the group first heard of the Urantia Book from some of our readers in Australia, and we are in correspondence now with the secretary of the group. The group includes artists, scientists, and a doctor.
At their December meeting the First Urantia Society of Oklahoma elected the following officers: Clyde C. Goodman, President; W. Van Butler, Vice-President; Berkeley Elliot, Secretary; Helen Butler, Treasurer.
For those Societies who would like to get in touch with each other here is a list of the names and addresses [omitted—Ed.] of the secretaries of the first five Societies: First Urantia Society of Chicago—Miss Nola Smith; First Urantia Society of Los Angeles—Mrs. Julia Fenderson; Urantia Society of Glenview—Mrs. Donna Rowley; First Urantia Society of Oklahoma—Miss Berkeley Elliott; Second Urantia Society of Chicago—Mrs. Florine Sadler.
Custodians of the Urantia Book report the number of Books released to date as follows:
- 1955—1,695
- 1956—639
- 1957—594
- 1958—388
- 1959—454
- 1960—522
This equals a total of 4,292 sold or presented as gifts. So far during 1961, 86 have been sold.
One hundred four bookstores located in 24 states and 9 foreign countries have ordered at least one Book. The bookstores in the United States which have ordered the largest number are:
- Rector’s Bookstore, Oklahoma City—169
- Kroch’s and Brentano’s, Chicago—122
- Culver Military Academy, Culver, Indiana—101
- Weiser Book Dealer, New York—62
- Pickwick Book Shop, Los Angeles—53
Oklahoma City claims the largest number of Books in its area—432.
Bookstores in foreign countries are as follows:
- Durban, Union of South Africa
- Brisbane, Australia
- Melbourne, Australia
- Dusseldorf, Germany
- Ottawa, Ontario [Canada]
- Lausanne, Switzerland
- London, England
- Alexandria, Egypt
- Greenmeadows, New Zealand.
Also, we have nine vendors who have sold 217 Books.

Circa 1960
At the time of the publication of the Urantia Book suggestions were given by the revelators respecting the methods to be employed in the work of its distribution. These instructions may be summarized as follows:
Study the methods employed by Jesus in introducing his work on earth. Note how quietly he worked at first—so often after even a miracle, he would admonish the recipient of his ministry, saying: “Tell no man what has happened to you.”
It was suggested that we avoid all efforts to achieve early and spectacular recognition.
During the first five years these suggestions have been followed and the distribution increases yearly. The vast majority of the Brotherhood has concurred in this sort of quiet and gradual presentation of the book. However, one thing should be made clear: While it is the policy of the Brotherhood to work slowly in the presentation of the book, nothing is done to interfere with the energetic and enthusiastic efforts of any individual to introduce the Urantia Book to his friends and associates.
Since the Urantia Brotherhood is not a corporation—a legal entity—the Urantia Brotherhood Corporation was formed on October 21, 1955, under the laws of the State of Illinois, designed to provide for corporations not-for-profit, to serve as the legal arm of the fraternal and voluntary association of the Urantia Brotherhood.
This corporation is the fiscal agent of the Brotherhood and in a general way takes care of the varied financial and legal interests of the Brotherhood
In December 1959 the Internal Revenue Bureau of the United States government ruled that the Urantia Foundation, and the Urantia Brotherhood, and the Urantia Brotherhood Corporation were exempt from paying income taxes, and that any and all contributions made to these organizations are deductible from the income taxes of such donors.
Among the early activities of the Brotherhood was the organization of the School of the Brotherhood which began its first session in September 1956. The degree granted after three years of training is that of “Ordained Teacher.” A shorter course of study leads to the status of “Certified Leader.”
The School is conducted by the Educational Committee. Many textbooks have been prepared for use in the School and for use by a future Correspondence School which will no doubt materialize as the Urantia Book continues to be distributed throughout the world.
The following textbooks have been prepared:
- The Theology of the Urantia Book, Part I
- The Theology of the Urantia Book, Part II
- The Theology of the Urantia Book, Part III
- The Theology of the Urantia Book, Part IV
- The Teachings of Jesus
- The Short Course in Doctrine
- Worship and Wisdom
- Science in the Urantia Book, Vol. I
- Science in the Urantia Book, Vol. II
In Preparation:
- The Urantia Book and the New Testament
- Analytic Studies in Part I
- Analytic Studies in Part II
- Diagrams and Maps
The course of study is planned to cover a three years’ seminary education. At present, only part time work is provided at evening sessions.
The curriculum embraces courses in the following subjects:
- Techniques of Public Speaking
- Leadership and Teaching
- Comparative Religion
- Educational Psychology
- Christian Sects and Denominations
- Homiletics
- Old and New Testament History
- Presentation of the Urantia Book
- Studies in the Urantia Book
Urantia Doctrine
Synthetic Studies
Topical Studies
Life of Christ
Worship and Wisdom
Short Course in Doctrine
Comparison with the Four Gospels
Science in the Urantia Book
Critical Analysis
As yet [1960], no degrees of “Ordained Teacher” have been granted, but diplomas as “Certified Leader” have been given to 14 individuals.
The number of registered students taking credit courses has averaged about thirty. A like number of “auditors” attend the classes.
Hollywood, February 22, 1961
Bud Kagan and new wife, Betty, married around January 11, spent the evening with us last night and had much to report about Urantia doings.20
Bud said he had checked our story with the folks in Chicago and found it was in substantial agreement with the account Dr. Sadler gave him. He said he still couldn’t understand why so much fuss had been made over us and why Clyde Bedell, who had suggested the petition, and had written it, had not been punished or ostracized along with the Shermans. There was no satisfactory answer to this.
Bud agreed that Dr. Sadler was a dictator and said he, himself, had witnessed violent explosions of temper whenever the Doctor was crossed or questioned. In talking with Bill about the matter, Bill readily admitted that his father had lied when he had told the Shermans that he had received a communication from the “higher-ups” warning against them. Bud stated that he intended to see the Shermans again, and Bill told him to go ahead, that he, himself would apologize to them if the occasion presented itself.
Of course, Bill has since broken with his father after divorcing Leone and marrying his secretary. Bud said that Bill is still one of the Trustees but they do not notify him of meetings and he has to force his attendance.
Bud went on to say that the Sherman or so-called “Second Lucifer Rebellion” has accomplished much good because it had resulted in drastic changes of the original Charter and Constitution, which the Shermans had criticized as being completely commercial and dictatorial. Now, the control of the Urantia Foundation is in the hands of a board of Trustees of which Dr. Sadler is no longer 21 a member; no monies can be invested in other projects save Urantia; the power to vote on limited salaries to executives of the Foundation has been removed; and Trustees can no longer vote for their successors—they must be elected by the membership.
Bud remarked that the membership, however, is still largely made up of the Doctor’s patients so there is really what amounts to a “psychopathic board of control.” (Russell Bucklin is now a Trustee replacing Mrs. Kellogg.)
Bud learned that there was one woman (Mrs. Gusler), who refused to be intimidated and who would not remove her name from the list of petitioners despite the threats and demands of the Doctor.22 She refused to take sides saying that she believed the Shermans. Bud further stated that Dr. Lena, the Doctor’s wife, was far more spiritual than he and kept him in line while she lived, demanding that he observe the social graces and that he hold his temper in check. After her death, it was learned she had been a member of the reserve corps of destiny.
Bud himself is now on the blacklist because he wrote an essay entitled, “The Price of Survival,” in which he challenged some of the survival concepts presented by Urantia. This essay was mimeographed by Julia Fenderson and apparently sent broadcast, which infuriated the Doctor who again issued an unsigned documentary denunciation purporting to come from “higher sources” which Bill Sadler told Bud was also a lie. Bud had emphasized that, in his opinion, reading the Book alone and being a member of the Urantia Society did not entitle a person to survival, which appears to be the commonly accepted belief of Forum members. In the case of Al Dyon, who “betrayed” the Forum members by reporting in advance to Dr. Sadler concerning the forthcoming presentation of the petition, he now considered himself elevated to the ranks of a Solitary Messenger.
At that time Dr. Sadler had scared the Forum members by telling them that the “higher intelligences” had taken him into the astral and had enabled him to be present in the home of Dent Karle in Oak Park when the petition was signed. Sadler had described what took place there to the members he was seeing, two at a time, as a means of frightening them into withdrawing their names. This [account of Dr. Sadler’s] too Bill Sadler branded as an “out-and-out lie” and as a “device the old man had used to keep his flock in line.” (In the face of these confessions, one is hard put to know what is true and what is false.)
Bud was concerned about the Jesus papers having been written after the Book itself had been declared finished as of 1934. He received an involved explanation from Dr. Sadler to the effect that the midwayers had wanted to present the Jesus story but had been opposed by the Melchizedeks and the issue went up to Michael himself who bypassed it so that it eventually came to the attention of Gabriel and finally the Ancients of Days. They overruled the objections so the Jesus papers were written.
Bud said he had learned that the Sleeping Subject had died some seven years ago (about the time of the publication of the Urantia Book) and that so far as he knew the wife was still living. Bud was told that this man could not have cared less about this material, and his wife herself was not too interested.
He further stated that Dr. Sadler did not believe this material for some twenty years and finally, so Sadler said, became convinced because of the psychological interpretation of the personalities of the twelve disciples. The Shermans insisted there was something very wrong about this explanation, since the writing and compiling of these papers obviously required an enormous expenditure of time, both on the part of the subject, Dr. Sadler and others involved. It was inconceivable that the subject and his wife, if not interested, would have permitted such a colossal expenditure of time, cutting into their own private lives, particularly if they were disinterested. The comings and goings of witnesses at odd times of day and night for years would have been disrupting to any household or married couple. This man was supposed to be a member of the Board of Trade. His identity has been kept a well-guarded secret.
Bud told, again, how the papers began materializing in typewritten form and how one set was kept at 533 and another in a vault at the Northern Trust Company and that these papers would sometimes be taken out of the vault and replaced by corrections, and the midwayers explained that they had been so close to earth that they had learned how to open safes. This explanation is not accepted by the Shermans, who are inclined to believe that any editorial changes from the original were made by Dr. Sadler.
Bud, however, has accepted the statement made by the midwayers that they will use any material created by human sources if it should fit in the frame of the planned Urantia Book. This excuse was offered when Clyde Bedell, years ago, confronted Dr. Sadler with an almost word-for-word article written by economist Stuart Chase [sic—Emery Reves]23 which Dr. Sadler had read from one of the supposedly inspired papers. All Forumites accepted this explanation without question, apparently approving of this obvious plagiarism. This instance, alone, should have conclusively proved that the Doctor was meddling with the material and preparing and inserting papers of his own. To represent, under these conditions, that the entire Book of Urantia has been written from higher sources is an outrageous travesty.
Bud also remarked that the apocrypha papers told of a Tabamantia visit wherein he recommended that all colored races be incited to fight each other so that they could be wiped off the face of the earth and thus enable the Caucasian race to evolve much faster toward the desired Light and Life goal. Bud termed this suggestion shocking. Tabamantia, however, was overruled by the Ancients of Days who said that, despite painful consequences, the mixing of the races must proceed until harmony might be established.
Another apocrypha story had to do with the visit of a being from a planet trillions of light years away whose own peoples had been isolated by other races and were about to be destroyed. He sought the aid of members of the reserve corps stationed on Urantia who had been schooled in warfare as a result of centuries of experience on this planet. Through the sleeping subjects, a council of these personalities from all the earth races was arranged and they outlined to this visitor a hundred-year battle plan for him to take back to his planet to protect and preserve his own people.
Bud reported that Dr. Sadler was given a “dressing down” by the “higher ups” at the time he denounced President Truman for firing General MacArthur. He was reprimanded and told that Truman was right in his action and that he, the Doctor, was out of order in his criticism. How Bud learned this, he did not say. (This purported action seems inconsistent since the Urantia Book indicates no specific interest in present world affairs and it is unlikely, if the Doctor were bawled out, that the rank and file would ever be informed about it. The Doctor has committed so many personal offenses of a far more serious nature for which he has apparently not been reproved, that this reported rebuke over his comments regarding the Truman-MacArthur incident does not hold much water.)
Bill and Bud are apparently very close friends.
Bud himself has formed an independent Urantia study group, resigning from the West Coast body. It has taken him eight months to get a charter24 whereas another group applying for a charter got action almost at once. Bud’s interest in the Urantia project approached the fanatical. He claims the material is not new to him, that he can quote whole pages almost verbatim from having read the Book through only twice. He told the West Coast group that he could go to a tea party any time and be with people he enjoyed more than [he enjoyed] them, that he came to the Urantia group for one purpose only: to study and discuss and get more out of the material. He observed that members had not developed in character or consciousness or social qualities in all the time they had been exposed to the Urantia philosophy. This was an observation the Shermans had long since made.
The attitude of the members, on the whole, has been one of a smug sense of importance and with the feeling that they had been specially selected as members of an extra-special secret society which has endowed them with a “personal pipeline to God” and the assurance of immortality. They, themselves, do not have to do anything about it; their survival is up to the manipulation of their T.A.s and they are just going along for the ride. Bud, himself, may be taking the Urantia material too seriously and may well wear out his own newly-organized membership by hammering too constantly at the technical details which is really more memorizing than a self-developing process.
Bud’s new wife Betty, as a writer, believes the Doctor could have done some editing or actual writing of the Book itself. Bud is still not ready to admit this.
Re: Harold and Martha Sherman’s Diaries
Recorded September 2002
Harold and Martha’s diaries are fairly close to what happened with a few corrections. I never called Doctor Sadler a “dictator” but rather a very autocratic person who wanted the conversation to go his way or else! I still liked Doc. To me, he was a nice guy and had a very heavy burden on his shoulders being the titular head of the Urantia movement. Doc was a fantastic orator and when he bellowed out in the second floor room of 533 the windows rattled.
Bill Sadler was much closer to me as a friend, a teacher, a mentor. I was in awe of his brilliance and knowledge of all subjects—even airplanes! I can say without equivocation Bill and I were soulmates. Bill was more or less aloof to the Sherman so-called “rebellion.” Bill did not believe that our unseen friends warned Doc about Sherman, but it had a real impact on the simple-minded Forumites.
Clyde Bedell was up to his neck in this petition business; even Christy was taken in by Sherman. Let me describe Sherman (Harold): He had silver hair—not grey but true silver—very good-looking and a wonderful command of language.
Doc called each member of the Forum in to line out their names (I am convinced someone squealed about the petition) and that is where Doc got his information, not the midwayers, seraphim or other beings then on the planet engaged in the Urantia revelation. Doc was very clever unlike his son who called ’em like he saw it.
The Shermans really bought the Urantia Papers; (Martha admitted this me in her kitchen of their little apartment on Sunset Boulevard where many B actors and unsuccessful screenwriters lived on the cheap). Martha said to me as we were collecting the tea and crumpets that Harold really believed in the “New Revelation Papers,” as she termed it, but he could not stand the arrogant Doctor. There was a real “Blood Feud” there.
I speculate that when you have two egos like Sadler (Doc) and Sherman (Harold) there will be a clash of the “Titans.” Evidently this is what happened.
When all is said and done, the Sherman’s caused a real shake up in the (then) Urantia community. It took a year for everyone to take a position on whom to side with. So, in effect it was like the Lucifer Rebellion (on Urantia) where everyone had seven years to make his or her decision. See:
For more than seven years this struggle continued. Not until every personality concerned had made a final decision, would or did the authorities of Edentia interfere or intervene. Not until then did Van and his loyal associates receive vindication and release from their prolonged anxiety and intolerable suspense. (p.756)
Harold wanted to take over the Forum group, and with his charm and charisma probably could have pulled it off, but Doc had a secret weapon. He was communicating with the Revelatory Commission and used this to his advantage.
There is a letter floating around written by Forumite Elsie Bumgartner (never met her) that Sherman wanted to steal the plates (which were in the basement of 533 then) and write a screenplay about them. This story does not make any sense since hauling out 2200 lead convex plates would be a logistics nightmare. (He should have gone for the galley proofs which he could have tucked in his trousers and walked merrily away.)
Now we can get to the nitty gritty of the Sherman diaries. Yes I had dinner with them. I am not certain if Marie Methgen (a novice reader with less than three weeks of struggling through the Book) was there, but Julia Fenderson and Dorothy Elms were present. Subsequently, I had two more interviews with Harold and Martha Sherman at their Hollywood apartment. Julia evidently caught a streak of whatever and phoned Doctor and said: “Bud is talking to the Shermans.” She forgot to mention she set up the appointments. So a phone call from Chicago, where the great doctor commanded me to appear before him the next day. Evidently 1600 miles distance did not phase him one bit. So I traded a flight with another crew member and flew the Cargo flight all night (propeller days) and took a taxi from Midway Airport to 533 Diversey, where I was led into Doc Sadler’s office and got a real ass-chewing for an hour or so. But I explained to Doc, “It was not me but Julia that wanted to bring the Shermans back into the fold.” Then I got another hour of Julia’s physiological [sic] profile. I was a bit uncomfortable with the whole event. Doc "ordered" me to never see or communicate with the Shermans again. I did not take this well, even though I was familiar with taking orders from superiors (and commanders). I told Doc he could tell me who to see or talk to, I was not under his medical care and I did not consider him (Doc) as my spiritual advisor—at which time Doc became irate and began to yell and scream at me. (I am convinced this is how I got the reputation as a “troublemaker,” which I freely admit I am).
I can summarize: The Shermans were really charming people. Martha was petite, about four-foot-seven inches and very attractive (there is another story here). If there was a Sherman Rebellion, so be it. Bill Sadler thinks not. But they did remove [Sherman] (by force) from the second floor meeting room and escorted him out of the building, although Doc said Martha could stay; she followed her husband, and that it the sum and substance of the whole Sherman affair.
In summary: The revelators chose the Sadlers; they did not choose Sherman! I would have to go along with the wisdom of our unseen friends. Of course, Doc Sadler was not a perfect man, but he and his fellow Contact Commissioners got the job done. They received and published the fifth epochal revelation to our planet, Urantia. We should never forget that, as it was a momentous transaction. As Doctor’s son said: “When I see the gold-plated Cadillac in this, I’m out of here!” As I see it, no one got rich over this mystery that lasted over fifty years, and many more.
As for myself, I was lucky having to be thrown into an experience that put me at the right place at the right time. I take no credit for this, it was one of those events that happen in time and space, and is was a propitious time for myself. I am very grateful for it.
Hollywood, March 8, 1961
Henry Belk, head of the Belk Foundation,26 phoned out of a clear sky from NYC to ask Harold what he knew about the Urantia Book. He said he had spent last evening with Dr. Charles Francis Potter27 who had reported to him that Harold knew a lot about Urantia. Belk said he [Belk] had read the Book through completely twice, and was much impressed by it, but when he had tried to get information regarding its source and origin from the Urantia Foundation he had met with a stony silence and come up against a wall of secrecy. He said when he encountered any attitude like this it always aroused his suspicions and made him feel there was something rotten or phony about a person or organization.
Belk remarked about psychic mediums and psychic investigators in general, wondering why the majority of them were so jealous of one another. For illustration he referred to Dr. Puharich28 and Dr. Rhine, both of whom he had known personally for some years. He said Rhine had little use for Puharich although he, Belk, had found Puharich to be a good man and competent investigator. Belk said it was he [himself] who had arranged with his friend Tom O’Neill (publisher of the Psychic Observer) for Puharich to conduct the infrared motion picture investigation of Camp Chesterfield séances, which had resulted in the exposé.29
Belk asked Harold if he knew Arthur Ford,30 and Harold confirmed that he did, saying that he had liked him and his work some years ago but that he had also known that Ford had suffered a decline in health and psychic ability due to drink and emotional difficulties for quite a period of time. Belk said this was true but that Ford, for the past five years, had straightened himself out and was trying in every way to make atonement for what he termed “the sins he had committed.” He said Ford was doing some good work with several prominent ministers, members of the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship.
Belk asked Harold what he knew about the coming of a predicted world catastrophe or calamity. Belk said that every medium or psychic of any consequence that he had contacted, whatever variance of their impressions on other subjects, had all agreed that a great and devastating world change was coming which might take the form of tremendous earth disturbances, such as earthquakes, added to whatever man himself might do.
Harold said this was true in his case, but he wanted to make a distinction between the wishful thinkers, who were hoping that higher beings might appear on earth to save man from himself, and genuine “sensitives” who could apparently foresee the catastrophe which might result from man’s own causations. Belk said he was allowing for that but that, significantly, ancient literature as well as modern seers seemed to indicate that a cataclysm of some stupendous nature was approaching.
Belk said he was forty-four years of age, head of a department chain in Miami, and had set up his foundation with the hope of finding out what this ESP really was and how operative. He said he believed that with the sensitized instrumentation of today, man should be able to tune in on the minds of humans by machine and duplicate as well as amplify the thought waves. . . .
Harold inquired if Belk had read Nature’s Divine Revelations by A. J. Davis as well as the works of Swedenborg and A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos. Belk said he was familiar with all except the Davis book and asked Harold, in turn, if he had heard of a man whose name Harold could not catch but who had been a friend of Tesla, and who had written a manuscript the size of Urantia in ancient Hebrew. Apparently the writer of the Hebrew manuscript had no knowledge of Hebrew, and Belk said the entity dictating this book purported to have been Isaiah. . . .
Getting back to the Urantia Book, Belk said his interest was heightened in it by the many references to the Order of Melchizedeks. It seems that Peter Hurkos31 has, as his “guide,” an entity by the name of “Mosedek” who is a member of that order. Belk is speculating that there is some connection between the Melchizedeks of old and some of the psychic revelations taking place at the present time. He feels that there are good and evil forces of an almost cosmic nature as the result of his investigation thus far.
Belk is a little wary about “guides” who represent themselves as great spirits or personalities of the past. He has seen Hurkos be so completely wrong during certain manifestations. But Urantia, according to Belk, seems to tie in with all known knowledge in the various fields of science, and he had hoped this Book and its contents would stand rigid investigation and inspection. He asked Harold who was behind the Book, and Harold supplied him with Dr. Sadler’s name and address. Harold also said that he was convinced Sadler had taken editorial liberties and that Sadler had kept none of the original papers as written by the Sleeping Subject.
Belk asked why wouldn’t Dr. Sadler have done this if this was all on the level, and Harold said that that is just the point. Belk expressed the desire to meet Harold in the near future and asked if he would be willing to come to New York for a discussion of Urantia and ESP subjects. Harold said he would if the institute would provide the means. Belk then gave his NY address and phone numbers in NY and Miami.
This was a surprise call and left Harold with the feeling that Belk, himself, is a genuine and honest investigator.
Hollywood, March 8, 1961
Dear Mr. Belk,
There is so much I would like to discuss with a man of your penetrating interest and background, which average citizens, involved in their own little problems, would not comprehend. Great changes are coming so soon that few will be prepared to meet them. . . .
For instance, I have documentary evidence of a so-called flying saucer landing—signed statements of witnesses, countersigned by an examinating officer of the Air Force at the Yuma Air Force base, in Arizona, which I have written up with the hope that True Magazine will accept it for publication. . . . This may be part of the functioning of Higher Intelligence, and we have no reason to be assured that it is necessarily friendly.
I was thrilled at your discussion of the book Urantia, to know of your interest in it. I know the whole inside story, as much as can be known at present. I went to Chicago and spent five years with the material before it was published, reading the manuscripts with Mrs. Sherman. I brought my friend, Sir Hubert Wilkins, into this project, so he could evaluate the material with a scientific mind. He was much impressed and went to his death believing in it, in the main. When I challenged certain editorial handlings of the Book, Dr. Sadler and his inner circle tried to excommunicate the Shermans. It is as dramatic a story of its kind as you will ever hear.
I could write a book titled The Mystery of Urantia which would make amazing reading. If the Belk Foundation would support me in such an enterprise, and help investigate from this point on, we might unearth something of great metaphysical value—but Sadler has controlled this project with an iron hand and ruled as a Pope. Any Forum member (pledged to secrecy until the Book was out) who so much as questioned him on any phase, was threatened with expulsion. He became drunk with his feeling of power as the “appointed custodian” of this unusual material, and, as one Forum member said, “became obsessed with the idea that he had a special pipeline to God.”
So few people who develop metaphysical powers or become closely associated therewith, retain their mental or emotional balance. They are like hypnotists tempted to misuse their domination over the minds of others. Why is it? Of course, we both have discovered these ESP powers will function for the evil as well as the right-minded individual, once they learn how to exercise them! . . .
I have written Rhine that I believe I am getting a clue as to how these ESP powers work, and I myself have been experimenting in telepathy, psychometry, clairvoyance, and the like—with the feeling that these phases are all manifestations of the same basic force.
It interested me to have you give me the good report on Arthur Ford, whom I have not seen in years but for whom I had great respect some years ago. I know he went through some rough years, as many sensitives apparently do. Potter may have told you that he, himself, ran into trouble, during his experimenting.
So much to say that cannot be said in writing. . . .
Best to you!
Harold Sherman
New York, pre-March 27, 1961
Dear Mr. Sherman,
I am impressed by your intelligent letter and sensible conversation. You and I agree on all major ESP points just like Hudson32 fifty years back. Now where do we go from here? . . .
I am impressed by Urantia and surprised you turn up the missing link for me. I knew it would unravel. It’s a great book. It doesn’t say much on reincarnation or hypnotism. It sure has all the angels stashed away—like an IBM machine.
Excuse my direct answers, but another surprise was flying saucers and its tie-in to ESP. I saw one, and some of my friends with Eastern Air as pilots have also. We all feel they are spirits and actual machines. Five years ago I would never believe UFOs nor ESP stuff. It has been a hell of an intellectual jolt to find out all this stuff since I was a Presbyterian.
I want to meet you. We will see whether I fly there or you here.
H. J. Belk
Hollywood, March 27, 1961
Dear Mr. Belk,
Thank you for your good letter.
Yes, I will have much to tell you about the Urantia Book when we meet. Ivan Tors would like to meet you, also. He has in mind doing a TV documentary on the outstanding ESP experiences—every phase, each one—dramatized, with authoritative comments and evidential support. Ivan Tors is close to the scientists, and your idea of a possible electronic machine is worth thinking about.
As in the ESP field, the flying saucer mystery has attracted many screwballs, fanatics, and self-deluded individuals who have muddied the waters, but there is no question that spaceships from some unknown source exist.
You have come a long way in the past five years, with your Presbyterian background as a start. . . . Let us know when you can make it out here and we will set aside the time for a real visit.
Best to you!
Harold Sherman
From William M. Hales, President
Chicago, April 7, 1961
Dear Friend of the Urantia Book,
As we analyze our financial needs for the current year, and for the next few years, we are faced with certain practical considerations.
- Almost half of the Urantia Books of the first printing have been sold out. We estimate we will need to be financially ready to enter into a contract for the second printing within five years.
- We are in the final stage of entering into a contract for the acquisition and publication of a French translation, which involves a specific commitment of $20,000.00 at the time of the signing of the contract. In completing this transaction there will be, of course, additional costs such as legal fees not yet billed, copyright expenses, etc.
- We are midway in the very arduous procedure of preparing the Index for publication. We have on a salary basis the full time of one person and half time of another working on this exacting detail. When this is completed, we then must arrange for the printing which involves proofreading as well as other printing costs.
- Finally, illustrative material has been developed and is continuing to be developed which presents concepts of the physical universe and geographical references as developed in the text. These should be helpful to all of us.
We are enclosing a statement of income and expenses from the establishment of the Urantia Foundation, through December 31, 1960, which shows our cash position.
Our only definite additional funds in sight at this time toward meeting the costs of the items mentioned above are the sales of Books and from a bequest now in the process of becoming available. The remaining funds needed must, therefore, come from those interested in furthering these projects.
Our analysis indicates that (apart from the anticipated receipts from the sale of Books and the known bequest) $10,000 per year will be required for each of the next five years for meeting continual annual costs as well as building up a cash reserve for the money needed at the time actual contracts are signed for the second English printing, the French translation, the Index, and illustrations.
We are enclosing a pledge card for your convenience in indicating and programming your financial help. . . .
We welcome any questions or suggestions you may have. The Urantia Foundation is financially separate from the Urantia Brotherhood, and receives money from it only through the sale of Books. . . .
P.S. The U.S. Treasury Department has ruled that contributions to the Urantia Foundation are deductible from taxable income.

typed by Martha Sherman before returning the original to Rachel Gusler
Chicago, April 12, 1961
Dear Martha,
Even though it has taken me a long time to tell you so, I did so much enjoy your last letter and Christmas greeting, both of which were so generous in news about yourselves and family. . . .
Yes, I did know of the Burtons’ visit with you last August and I believe Ruth has been back since then. Bob gave me a program of the [Sherman] lecture they had attended [at the Los Angeles Ambassador Hotel].
The item about the Urantia Book was in one of the monthly periodicals published by the Cayce group. Never did get a copy of it. Have heard nothing concerning the Doctor’s publication of anything about the UB. I have always understood that certain instructions required that the original manuscripts be destroyed and forbad him from ever divulging the source of the material. As you know, we in the earlier days were also forbidden to discuss the origin of the papers. After all, none of us know the identity of the contact personality so verification is impossible, and knowing that such phenomena are possible, we can accept the Book on its face value. This last fall, the Sunday Tribune magazine section printed a lengthy article on the founding and work of the Cayce group with many photographs.
Just last week I received a card from Lulu Steinbeck, and she and Caroline are still in Mexico. Seems they are in no hurry to return to Florida. I understood that Caroline was [writing] or had written a book in collaboration with a woman in California and that was part of the reason for their visit. I don’t know whether Caroline is engaged in gainful occupation in Mexico, but Lulu’s letters indicate a busy social schedule; in fact, the card just received was from a seaside resort at which they were staying. Lulu had sent me a Kodak picture of herself and I too thought she was looking very well.
The Bill Sadler family is indeed grown up. Patty took graduate work at Chicago U. and is engaged in some sort of social service work. Chuck goes to Europe this summer for a year of study, the same as Patty did. While Bill is undoubtedly active behind the scenes he is never seen at any of the 533 activities. Mrs. Kellogg died in February 1960 after a short illness. She was about 84 or 85 years old and the Doctor will be 87 in June. Rachel tells me she sends you the Quarterly News Letter so you can keep informed as to what is happening.
Just after the first of the year a Mrs. Ivs May Herrick started to attend Sunday Forum meetings and I was amazed to find I had known her for many years. She had been a proofreader at the Daily News for many years and knew Harry Loose very well. She spoke to me of a book she had read and had given to many friends to read, You Live After Death.33 Then it was her turn to be amazed when I told her we were friends and that you had been Forum members. She said she had attended some of Harold’s lectures in San Diego and had spoken to you on the phone. She wants to be remembered to you. I have had coffee with her several times at O’Connell’s and she is an interesting person. What a small world after all!
Also heard last week that Jennie Allen is in critical condition at Evanston Hospital where she had been moved from the Mather Home. The cancer condition is now terminal and her death is a matter of days. She has fought a long and valiant battle for life, always hopeful and cheerful in spirit. A few months ago she called me on the phone to ask me for several addresses among which was yours. Have you heard from her?
The two Thuerk sisters are now together in Los Angeles. Clara who lived here in Chicago moved to Los Angeles about two years ago. They live on North Gower Street in Hollywood. I hear from them quite regularly. Florence, who was my sponsor to the Forum group, is a member of the West Coast Urantia Society but does not attend meetings. It is my impression that their interest in the UB has diminished to where they have lost interest in the meetings too. They are not readers and I think are given over to many social activities.
This past winter I asked Mr. Kulieke what he knew of Mr. Guessefeld.34 He said he had not seen him for some years and knew nothing further about him. Sorry to have lost track of him for he was an interesting person in his field of investigation. I still have a letter from him in which he suggested many book titles in the field of occultism which he thought I should read.
. . . I have not seen Rachel since Christmas week when I went to Oak Park to spend a day with her. We speak together once a week, usually on Sunday evening. She sure faces a problem selling her house and dismantling her apartment. . . .
It is almost a year since my retirement and time has passed so swiftly. . . . We are keeping well and busy and deeply interested in all that goes on in this space age. Conquering space? Never! Hope you and your family are all keeping well, too. . . . Phyllis and May join me in best wishes and love, as always,

APRIL 15, 1960
Summary, Events of the First Quarter 1961
From James C. Mills, Vice President
Since our last News Letter a couple of months ago we have not had much news from the various Societies and study groups. However, the two new Societies—Urantia Society of Santa Monica and the Orvonton Society of Chicago—are making arrangements to be installed soon.
We have had the pleasure of several visitors in the past month, five from Oklahoma City, two from Urbana, Illinois, and eight from Elkhart, Indiana. All came to attend a regular meeting of the First Society and visit the Foundation and Brotherhood headquarters. They are all interested and enthusiastic about the Urantia Book. Rarely a Sunday passes but what we have a visitor, either from or out of Chicago. You are all cordially invited to visit the headquarters of the Urantia Brotherhood and we hope more and more of you will come when you can.
Miss Marian Rowley, Secretary-General of the Brotherhood, is going to California this month and is looking forward to meeting with the groups there. Upon her return she will no doubt have news for us as to their doings.
The last regular meeting of the First Urantia Society for the spring will be held on June 11, with a discussion of Paper 157, “At Caesarea-Philippi,” by Harold Karrer. This Society will have its regular annual meeting on June 18. This year the picnic at Dr. Sadler’s Pine Lodge will be held on Saturday, June 24. Please come and bring your friends.
And don’t forget Jesus’ birthday will be celebrated at 533 Diversey Parkway, on Monday, August 21, at 8 p.m.
Custodians report they steadily receive orders from bookstores. So far this year 161 Books have been sold through bookstores or directly to individuals. Urantia Brotherhood School textbooks are still available.
Fort Pierce, Fla., April 30, 1961
Dear Sirs,
In your April 15 Quarterly News Letter it was mentioned at the last that Urantia Brotherhood School textbooks are available. Could you please send me a list of these books available, as well as selling prices? I may be interested in purchasing several.
I plan to enter the Congregational ministry and am sure that these books would supplement my reading of the Urantia Book.
P.S. Is any more information available on how the Urantia Book came to be? I read something about this in the Appendix of Dr. Sadler’s book, The Mind at Mischief. In this book he said he would be able to make more of the story public at a later time—after the death of the individual involved. What of this?
Chicago, May 4, 1961
Dear Mr. Grimsley,
It was good to hear from you again. Our last direct letter from you was in 1958, but Dr. Sprunger sent us a copy of one you wrote him about a year ago, telling of your continued interest in the Urantia Book. . . .
The textbooks which are used in the school present no new material. They are mostly excerpts from the Book itself. But they are arranged in subjects and classifications which help in understanding some of the concepts a little better. There are four volumes of Doctrine: The Theology of the Urantia Book, each at $5.00 and they may be bought separately. These cover subjects such as God, Paradise, the universe, angels, sin, salvation, and so on. Another volume is called Short Doctrine and is simply a brief summary of the preceding four. This is $3.00. The Teachings of Jesus is arranged in four parts—parables, miracles, sayings and sermons. It is $5.50. Worship and Wisdom consists simply of inspirational passages from the book gathered into one volume. It costs $5.00. Science in the Urantia Book—Part I has the quotations gathered under the headings of geology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc. and costs $2.50. Topical Studies—Part I covers general subjects such as faith, prayer and worship, etc., and costs $5.00. Whenever a new textbook is ready it is listed in the News Letter. . . .
I showed your comment regarding the Appendix in The Mind at Mischief to Dr. Sadler and he wanted me to remind you that the Appendix was written long before the Urantia papers started. Other than that I can tell you nothing.
I hope you keep in touch with us and let us know how you are progressing. If you are ever in Chicago, please come in to see us. We would like to meet you.
Marian Rowley
* * *
On 27 April 1961 Martha Sherman, changing planes in Chicago en route to Michigan to tend to ailing relatives, had a phone conversation with Elsie Baumgartner wherein Elsie caught her up on Urantia news. To Harold, Martha wrote:
[Elsie] said Jennie Allen had died a week ago and mentioned that January True Magazine had an article by Otis T. Carr35 pooh-pooing the Book of Urantia.
Harold wrote on May 2:
Well, Henry Belk finally got here. I spent the afternoon with him here, following lunch together, and I like him very much—believe you would too. Tomorrow noon we have lunch with Tors.
Belk wants Puharich and myself to aid him in revitalizing the Belk Foundation and doing some real solid work along investigative and development lines. He was fascinated by the Urantia story and our experiences, said he admired our guts in taking a stand, and said it was just history repeating itself—the church threatening to excommunicate to take away the promise of eternal life, and scaring the pants off gullible, God-fearing creatures. He thinks Sadler is a paranoiac with a Messianic complex. . . . He plans to be here for about two weeks and you may have a chance to meet him.
Sherman followed this up with a letter on May 5:
. . . Belk is enormously interested in the Tors feature picture idea and we are meeting at the Tors home tomorrow for a discussion on it. Belk knows men like Huntington Hartford, and feels he can raise $150,000 in a short time, putting in money of his own as well. He was on Hartford’s yacht just two weeks ago.
I like Belk very much and he is plenty smart on ESP, the fakers, etc. Has a tremendous drive in him to get a big job done in next year or two as he believes cataclysmic things may happen and that we have a mission to perform—sounds like Harry Loose. He believes Urantia is right on Melchizedek order. He says he is convinced certain souls came here for a high purpose but have not been spared terrific human experiences as a testing and preparation for it. In fact, he thinks often-times they get rougher treatment—and he suspects forces of evil really make such people marked men and women, knowing their potentiality for good in the world. Interesting point of view. Belk has been hit with just about everything the past five years himself, but is now free to devote his full time and energy to this project. . . .
* * *
Sample letter sent to be sent to each new Society
Chicago, May 15, 1961
Dear Miss Lindstedt,
Miss Rowley has turned over to me your letter of May 10 requesting permission for your Society to use the “three-concentric circles”—the Urantia symbol.
In 1959 the Urantia Foundation passed the following resolution:
“BE IT RESOLVED, that Urantia Brotherhood, Urantia Brotherhood Corporation and any and all Urantia Societies chartered and in good standing with Urantia Brotherhood be and they hereby are authorized and privileged to use a trademark described as being comprised of three concentric azure blue circles on a light background, registered with the United States Patent Office in the name of Urantia Foundation, on letters, documents, pamphlets, books, pins and badges with the right of the Board of Trustees of Urantia Foundation at any time and from time to time to withdraw this authorization from any one or all of the said organizations for any reason whatsoever.”
You will note that Urantia Foundation has enacted a resolution which defines the authorization limits and purposes to which the trademark can be put by organizations related to the Urantia Foundation.
In view of the above resolution, we are most happy to extend to your Society the privilege of using the trademark for the purposes stated therein.
Sincerely yours,
Emma L. Christensen
- A dinner invitation with directions to Bud Kagan’s Calabasas home, dated January 28, 1959, has been found in the Sherman archive. No written record of the event has been found.
- Bud Kagan’s memories of this evening, recorded in 2002, follow this diary entry.
- Dr. Sadler was never a Trustee but served as Committee Chairman.
- Mrs. Gusler did remove her name from the petition (will find evidence in her own words) so Kagan must be referring to someone else.
- Matthew Block has created a parallel chart,"The 1943 Midwayer Messages"
- The Santa Monica Urantia Society, which was never inaugurated.
- Many of Bud Kagan’s statements about this evening and the so-called Sherman “rebellion” of 1942 contradict the Shermans’ own account in The Urantia Diaries of Harold and Martha Sherman, Volume Two. As Bud was not present at the events he describes, his version is based on hearsay but we are presenting it here for comparison.
- Henry Belk's grandfather and uncle, William Henry Belk and Dr. John Montgomery Belk, founded the Belk Department Store chain. In 1928 the strongly religious brothers created a fund for building and remodeling Presbyterian churches as well as to support health and educational endeavors. In 1952 their heirs, including Henry Belk, formed the Belk Foundation, which continues to fund excellence in education.
- Charles Francis Potter (1885-1962) was a Unitarian minister, theologian, and author who, in 1925, advised Clarence Darrow on the Bible in defense of John Thomas Scopes, a schoolteacher who was charged with teaching evolution in his classes. In 1925 he founded the First Humanist Society of New York. He was a good friend of Harold and Martha Sherman.
- Andrija Puharich (1918-1995) was a medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor, physician and author. He was known for bringing renowned psychics Uri Geller and Peter Hurkos to the United States for scientific investigation.
- In 1960, psychic investigator Andrija Puharich and Psychic Observer publisher Tom O'Neill filmed two séances at the Spiritualist Camp Chesterfield using infrared film. Fraud was revealed on the part of the medium and her assistant, who used cheesecloth to fake ectoplasm. The exposé was published in the 10 July 1960 issue of Psychic Observer.
- Arthur Ford (1896-1971) was a psychic, spiritualist medium, clairaudient, and founder of the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship whose mission was to be "an interfaith, non-profit movement" of religious leaders, writers, and business and professional persons who feel a kinship with and have a concern for the growing Western interest in altered states of consciousness and mystical experiences. In 1928-1929 Ford became well-known for claiming to have contacted magician Houdini's mother as well as Houdini himself. In the 1930s he was in demand in Hollywood as a medium. In 1967, having recovered from alcoholism, he gained national attention when he appeared to have contacted the dead son of Bishop James Pike on network TV.
- Born in Holland, Peter Hurkos (1911-1988) allegedly manifested ESP at 30 upon regaining consciousness from a head injury caused by falling from a ladder. Sponsored by businessman Henry Belk and parapsychologist Andrija Puharich, Hurkos was brought to the United States in 1956 for scientific investigation. He became known for helping law officers search for clues in crimes, and for entertaining live and television audiences with his psychic feats.
- Thomas Jay Hudson, The Law of Psychic Phenomena (1893)
- Harold Sherman, You Live After Death (New York: Creative Age Press, 1949)
- Herman Guessefeld was the Forumite who Elsie Baumgartner introduced by letter to Harold Sherman in 1951 and with whom Sherman continued to correspond for several years.
- Otis T. Carr (1904-1982) was a protégé of the great inventor Nicola Tesla and a prominent figure in the 1950s flying saucer scene who founded OTC Enterprises to advance and apply technology originally suggested by Tesla.
- Marginal note dated July 10, 1973: “This is sample Mary Lou was looking for—a letter signed by Pres or Sec of Foundation must be sent to each new Society.”
- A dinner invitation with directions to Bud Kagan’s Calabasas home, dated January 28, 1959, has been found in the Sherman archive. No written record of the event has been found.
- Bud Kagan’s memories of this evening, recorded in 2002, follow this diary entry.
- Dr. Sadler was never a Trustee but served as Committee Chairman.
- Mrs. Gusler did remove her name from the petition (will find evidence in her own words) so Kagan must be referring to someone else.
- Matthew Block has created a parallel chart,"The 1943 Midwayer Messages"
- The Santa Monica Urantia Society, which was never inaugurated.
- Many of Bud Kagan’s statements about this evening and the so-called Sherman “rebellion” of 1942 contradict the Shermans’ own account in The Urantia Diaries of Harold and Martha Sherman, Volume Two. As Bud was not present at the events he describes, his version is based on hearsay but we are presenting it here for comparison.
- Henry Belk's grandfather and uncle, William Henry Belk and Dr. John Montgomery Belk, founded the Belk Department Store chain. In 1928 the strongly religious brothers created a fund for building and remodeling Presbyterian churches as well as to support health and educational endeavors. In 1952 their heirs, including Henry Belk, formed the Belk Foundation, which continues to fund excellence in education.
- Charles Francis Potter (1885-1962) was a Unitarian minister, theologian, and author who, in 1925, advised Clarence Darrow on the Bible in defense of John Thomas Scopes, a schoolteacher who was charged with teaching evolution in his classes. In 1925 he founded the First Humanist Society of New York. He was a good friend of Harold and Martha Sherman.
- Andrija Puharich (1918-1995) was a medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor, physician and author. He was known for bringing renowned psychics Uri Geller and Peter Hurkos to the United States for scientific investigation.
- In 1960, psychic investigator Andrija Puharich and Psychic Observer publisher Tom O'Neill filmed two séances at the Spiritualist Camp Chesterfield using infrared film. Fraud was revealed on the part of the medium and her assistant, who used cheesecloth to fake ectoplasm. The exposé was published in the 10 July 1960 issue of Psychic Observer.
- Arthur Ford (1896-1971) was a psychic, spiritualist medium, clairaudient, and founder of the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship whose mission was to be "an interfaith, non-profit movement" of religious leaders, writers, and business and professional persons who feel a kinship with and have a concern for the growing Western interest in altered states of consciousness and mystical experiences. In 1928-1929 Ford became well-known for claiming to have contacted magician Houdini's mother as well as Houdini himself. In the 1930s he was in demand in Hollywood as a medium. In 1967, having recovered from alcoholism, he gained national attention when he appeared to have contacted the dead son of Bishop James Pike on network TV.
- Born in Holland, Peter Hurkos (1911-1988) allegedly manifested ESP at 30 upon regaining consciousness from a head injury caused by falling from a ladder. Sponsored by businessman Henry Belk and parapsychologist Andrija Puharich, Hurkos was brought to the United States in 1956 for scientific investigation. He became known for helping law officers search for clues in crimes, and for entertaining live and television audiences with his psychic feats.
- Thomas Jay Hudson, The Law of Psychic Phenomena (1893)
- Harold Sherman, You Live After Death (New York: Creative Age Press, 1949)
- Herman Guessefeld was the Forumite who Elsie Baumgartner introduced by letter to Harold Sherman in 1951 and with whom Sherman continued to correspond for several years.
- Otis T. Carr (1904-1982) was a protégé of the great inventor Nicola Tesla and a prominent figure in the 1950s flying saucer scene who founded OTC Enterprises to advance and apply technology originally suggested by Tesla.
- Marginal note dated July 10, 1973: “This is sample Mary Lou was looking for—a letter signed by Pres or Sec of Foundation must be sent to each new Society.”