The Beginning and the First Nine Years
![urantiachronicles_heading [L-R]: Harry Loose; Harold and Martha Sherman; Sir Hubert Wilkins; Dr. Meredith Sprunger; contact commissioners Emma (Christy) Christensen, Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.](
Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.
main page
Compiled and Edited
by Saskia Praamsma
00. Introduction
01. The Beginning
02. Dr. Sadler's History
03. Sherman and Loose
04. The Forum
05. Foundation and Brotherhood
06 “Patience Yet a Little While”
07. “The Word Is Made Book”
08. Blessings and Brickbats
09. The Message Spreads Abroad
10. Introducing a Revelation
11. Dr. Sprunger and the Ministers
12. Scientists and Metaphysicians
13. New Blood, New Ideas
14. Controversy with the Church
15. Questions and Some Answers
16. "It's for the Future, not Now"
17. Making Haste Slowly
18. Consideration of Some Criticisms
19. Appraisals and Transitions
20. The Wilkins Opportunity
21. Missed Chances
22. A Wall of Secrecy
23. Bill Sadler Speaks
24. More History Mysteries
25. A Season for All Things
26. Nine Years of Slow Growth
HMSA: Harold M. Sherman's archives
UBH: Urantia Book Historical Society
SHWA: Sir Hubert Wilkins' archives
UBF: Urantia Book Fellowship's Timeline
UF: Urantia Foundation's website
HIFTUB: How I Found the Urantia Book
- The Contact Commission
- 533 Diversey Parkway
- The Plan for the Urantia Book Revelation
- Major Growth Steps in the Urantia Movement
- "I Remember the Forum"
- "Until We Meet Again"
- The Split: A Blessing in Disguise
- Sherman's 1942 Publishing Suggestions
- Sherman's 1942 Organization Suggestions
- The 1942 Forum Petition
- Sir Hubert Wilkins and the Urantia Book
- Forum Data and Apocrypha
- Childhood Days at the Forum
- Historic Urantia Newsletters
- Forum Days
- The Value of an Accurate History
- The Forumites
- Forumite Clarence Bowman
- Separate Publishing of Part IV
- The JANR Debate (2000)
- No Urantia Church-Not Yet!
- A Box of Chocolates
- 2003: Open Letter to Larry Mullins
- Urantia in Australia in the 1970s
- The Italian Translation Story
- La Storia de Il Libro di Urantiago
- The Urantia Book and Oahspe
- Webster Stafford's 1952 Urantia Report
12. Scientists and Metaphysicians
Culver, In., April 2, 1957
Dear Mr. Long,
A friend gave me a copy of your book, The Secret Science at Work. The conclusions reached are remarkably accurate. You appear to be an individual unafraid of truth, even if unorthodox. For this reason I believe you would be greatly stimulated by a recent book which is, I believe, the greatest book I have ever read. If you would be interested in reading this book, I shall be glad to send you a loan copy which you may return after you have read it. You would find it quite in harmony with the fundamental concepts of your thinking but going considerably beyond your “cosmology.” Let me know your pleasure.
Sincerely yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Leonia, N.J., April 5, 1957
Enclosed you will find a copy of an article which I plan to submit to the Gravitational Society this April 15, 1957. This paper is the result of a year’s effort in blending vital information set forth in the Urantia Book with the basic scientific knowledge now accepted in the technical fields of cosmology.
You will note that I have refrained from referring to the Urantia Book inasmuch as this paper will be directed to a technical group. The type of knowledge is in itself so radical to the technical mind, as to cause considerable comment, without bringing into the picture any celestial or metaphysical origin. I hope that you will find the arrangement of sufficient interest and as gratifying as I have, and that you will consent to the use of names, etc., taken from the Book in the preparation of this paper. As you will note, the most reassuring thing is that present-day technological advance fits the celestial picture in all aspects.
This paper is required at the Gravitational Society by April 15; therefore, your permission to release the paper is desired at the earliest possible date.
Thank you for your continued cooperation.
A. A. Zachow
[Marginal note: “Doctor said OK to give permission.”]
Chicago, April 8, 1957
Dear Mr. Zachow,
Thank you for sending us a copy of the article which you plan to submit to the Gravitational Society on April 15, 1957, using material from the Urantia Book. It is most interesting and seems to us exceedingly well done, although of course we are not physicists.
We are glad to give you permission to release the paper and will be very interested in any comments which you may care to pass on to us.
If you are ever in Chicago, we would be very glad to talk with you.
Cordially yours,
Marian Rowley

APRIL 10, 1957
Summary, Events of the First Quarter 1957
From Warren H. Kulieke, Vice President
Take special note of the following action proposed by the Domestic Extension Committee and approved by the Executive Committee: For some time we have been coming to the belief that we should make it as easy as possible for bookstores to carry the Urantia Book. We have heard several complaints that people tried to get the book, but the bookstores did not have it and knew nothing about it. To remedy this situation we are doing two things:
First, we are having the Urantia Book listed in several catalogs which most bookstores use. This means that when a bookstore receives a request for the book, they will find it listed, with the price and the publisher’s name and address, so they can order it.
Second, we have decided that bookstores and other vendors should have their normal discount of 40% instead of the 25% which we have previously been allowing them. In order to make this possible without losing money on the transactions, the Executive Committee has voted to raise the price of the Book to $12.00, effective June 1, 1957.
The decision to raise the price was made only after long thorough discussion. Some wanted the price even below $10.00. But a price that is too low and obviously out of the conventional line immediately raises questions as to why it is so low. We have had that reaction from strangers. Others wanted the price to go to $15.00, contending that the book is actually worth even more. The $12.00 price is a compromise between the two extremes and we feel it will not work a hardship on anyone. The 40% discount will apply to the following:
- Bookstores purchasing any quantity.
- Other vendors purchasing ten or more for resale.
- Local Urantia Society purchasing any quantity.
The dissemination of the book goes on slowly; the Urantia Brotherhood School is in session every Wednesday; certain study groups are expected to apply for a charter soon.
Chicago, April 11, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
This is to be a hurried note, but I want to tell you of a new development that I know you will be very interested in.
Last night Dr. Sadler gave us what we all have been waiting for so long—a breakthrough on the scientific level. As you may know, Dr. Sadler considers your acceptance of the Urantia revelation as the first breakthrough on the theological level. Now comes the acceptance of the Book by a scientist in toto. The scientist in question is a Dr. Zachow of the University of Pennsylvania. On Monday, April 15, he will deliver a paper before the Gravitational Society; this paper was read to us last night. Although the Book was not quoted he requested to use the names of the various parts of the universe as found in the Book. He sets about the tremendous task of proving by what is known of linear gravity laws as developed by our scientists in the last five years that the cosmos could not be organized other than it is in the cosmology of the Urantia Book. He uses complicated charts to show that the universes of time and space must be divided into seven superuniverses, that there must be an Havona, and a central organized body of material called the Isle of Paradise. He demonstrates by scientific jargon that I don’t understand yet, that the laws of linear gravity prove that there must be just ten major sectors in a superuniverse and that the various subdivisions of the major sectors must be organized as in the revelation.
He said in his letter he was making no reference to the supermaterial origins of these new hypotheses as the talk was before a very technical group, but he refers to the Universal Father and the Celestial Father who must be responsible for all these universal phenomena. As you were the first to put your theological reputation on the line, here is a scientist who is willing to put his scientific reputation on the line. It was a thrilling moment.
I called Dr. Grauer the other night, but he was so busy. I should have known better at this time of the year. He did say, “Oh, I can see the value of such a book.” He said for me to call him up and come over and talk to him after Easter, which I shall do. . . .
Kindest regards to you and your family,
Harold E. Karrer
Chicago, April 17, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
I haven’t forgotten you. The Trustees of the Foundation wouldn’t act without the advice of the copyright attorney and that’s what we’re waiting for now. I will drop you a line just as soon as we get this proposition straightened out.
I wonder if you are going to be up to Chicago sometime in the near future.
William S. Sadler
Chicago, after April 21, 1957
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sprunger,
What a delightful hospitality springs from the Sprungers’ domicile! To be unexpectedly included en famille on an Easter Sunday is an experience I shall not forget here or hereafter.
It was an added pleasure to tell the First Urantia Society on a Sunday afternoon of our Culver visit. Everyone in the group is always eager to hear news of the Sprungers. Indeed you seem to be one of us.
You might be interested in knowing that our Society observed the Remembrance Supper for the first time since its organization on the Sunday following Easter. Our Mr. Kulieke Sr. presided, impressing us all with the simplicity and true meaning of the occasion as described in the paper on the Lord’s Supper. Commenting afterwards, several think August 21 a most appropriate time for such a service in the future and I for one hope it so develops.
Oh, we have lots of problems to solve. It would be helpful to have your ideas about a number of things. You have a wonderful setup to do your work and a wonderful family to help.
Remember—the Bucklins will be most happy to have you drop in on them any time you can make a Chicago visit and I intend to enjoy another one of your church services before too long.
Greetings to the family and thank you all so much for a lovely Easter.
Mildred Bucklin
Chicago, April 29, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Just a few minutes before the day’s work begins to tell you that you might have been out of sight yesterday, but hardly out of mind. I spent about fifteen minutes telling about your work and methods, and everyone was very interested. I want to thank you for the questionaire and study group material. I had the questionaire multilithed and it created a great deal of interest. The women also reported on your Easter program and they were delighted with your home and hospitality.
A letter was read [to the Forum] from Pearl Buck25 in which she ridiculed the Book unmercifully. I think she only scanned it. I think author ego got in the way and somehow I got the impression that she has a personal religion of her own that she pretty much accepts as an absolute for herself and probably everyone else. Her letter was a shabby performance—for a respected authoress.
I could not quite understand your [possibly verbal] comments about Dr. Zachow and what he has done. Perhaps I should have used the word “cosmography,” although “cosmology” is the more inclusive word and covers the structure of the universe. I really think in the not-too-far-distant future astronomers will be proving the setup of the universe as given in the Urantia Book. It just never occurred to me that laws of gravity would be instrumental in proving it so conclusively as Dr. Zachow seems to have. I think he is a very gifted, but young physicist. We are trying to find out more about him.
We hope to see you in Chicago some Sunday soon.
Harold Karrer
Culver, In., May 4, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler,
We have been looking over our schedule to see when we can come to Chicago on a Sunday afternoon. It appears that we can get away on May 19. We will no doubt have to dismiss our own study group which meets on Sunday evening. We enjoyed meeting and visiting with the ladies from Chicago on Easter Sunday. We are looking forward to visiting with you again and meeting many of the other folks.
Am interested in learning more about Dr. Zachow. Am also wondering about the condensation in reference to the lawyer’s opinion and suggestions of the Foundation.
Chicago, May 4, 1957
Dear Mr. Zachow,
We have been hoping to hear from you as to reactions or comments you may have received regarding the article you planned to submit to the Gravitational Society on April 15. Did you get any comments, either adverse or favorable?
We would also be interested in knowing something about the Gravitational Society. Is it a national or local society? What is its purpose? You mentioned that it was a technical group. Are the members in industry, teachers, students? So far we have not been able to find any information about the society and we would appreciate your help. We would also be interested in knowing something about yourself, your background, your work, and so on. We are especially curious as to where you got the Urantia Book.
Some of our people who have seen your article have asked for extra copies of it. . . . If you do not have extras, may we have your permission to reproduce it ourselves?
We would really appreciate hearing from you.
Marian Rowley
Haverton, Pa., May 6, 1957
Dear Miss Rowley,
I have delayed answering your earlier letter, for I had hopes of gathering some unusual information that would be of considerable interest to you. However, to this date I have not been able to materialize a program. What I have attempted to do is to take the theme of this essay and present it to the top men of the companies around the country, who I believed would be interested in pursuing the concept. So far I have seen and had answers from about fifty percent of the twenty-one firms and research organizations I initially contacted. None of the physicists that I have discussed the concept with so far have refuted it or found serious fault, but the concerns are not at the present interested in pursuing such a program. It is costly . . . but I believe if backed by the proper company then a contract could be obtained from the Office of Naval Research. I am thoroughly enough convinced of this to spend two months of my time, full time, to try to sell the program, much to the dismay of a number of people.
In regard to the Gravity Research Foundation, it is located at New Boston, New Hampshire. The founder is R. W. Babson26. . . . It is a little-known organization that gives yearly prizes for the best essays on gravity, or any devices related to it. The winners are not announced until June.
Your question on where I got the Urantia Book somewhat puzzles me, for I ordered it from you last Christmas, 1956. I had, however, been reading it for many months before that, having borrowed a copy from the Association of Research and Enlightenment in Virginia Beach, from Mr. Cayce27. . . .
I am sorry that I cannot furnish you with any additional copies of the essay for I have only a few left, but I will gladly give you permission to reproduce same. I would very much appreciate the opinions expressed by those who have seen it already and would like to correspond with those seriously interested, for I have only scratched the surface. As to my background, the attached resume28 may help you. Not reflected there is considerable research in cosmology, metaphysics and astrophysics.
Now I have several questions for you that I haven’t had time to inquire about. Could you provide me with a somewhat detailed write-up of the facts behind the Urantia Book? Why did you change your name to Brotherhood? What are the dates of presentation of Papers 15, 41, 42, 43, and 57? Were these papers re-edited celestially as a number of the other papers are reported to have been? Also, since this Book is an unusual publication job, how are you able to cover cost at only $10.00 a copy? Do you have records as to the number published to date and how many have been sold? On what basis do most individuals seek out this book, through metaphysical work? Next question then is how much do they benefit from it, for much of the text is written so that considerable thought is required to interpret same. In addition, considerable cross-reference is required no matter what subject you may be pursuing. Incidentally, has anyone attempted to cross-reference this work, or any type of breakdown? Can you provide me with a copy?
There are two very important questions in my mind still unanswered, though I have read only about half of the book. There is no mention of reincarnation directly—it might hint at it but I feel that man’s mind tends to want to read it that way because of his other metaphysical studies. As you know the other only worthwhile basic text is A. J. Davis’s Principles of Nature. In consuming that from cover to cover there isn’t a single word on reincarnation! What is your interpretation? Along the same line is the question of Atlantis. Neither the Urantia Book nor Davis’s text confirms its existence, yet all other metaphysical works play it to the hilt. Mu and Ur and all other pre-civilizations are covered, but no Atlantis!
I hope I have answered your questions and will be glad to be of assistance wherever I can. I may be in the Chicago area shortly and will look you up for a rather comprehensive chat, but if any of your present organization are in Philadelphia I would enjoy chatting with them. I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.
Sincerely yours,
A. A. Zachow
Chicago, May 7, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
I have your note telling me you will be with us on May 19. That is the Sunday that I have the program so I will arrange for you to have part of my time to tell our folks whatever you may have on your mind that you think will be helpful to them.
I will talk with you about the condensation problem at the time of your visit.
William S. Sadler
Sir Hubert Wilkins, back from three months in Alaska, wrote to Harold Sherman on April 8:
Thoughts Through Space is much sought for in the several places I have been—someone swiped the copy from our Quartermaster Research Library and several people in Alaska want copies. . . . The Urantia Book is also in great demand by my friends. I have disposed of some twenty-five and have a request list waiting to be filled. Some recipients are thrilled, some indifferent, and what seems strange—but not too strange from what we know—some of the books just seem to have disappeared in the post office and tracers have found no evidence of them. . . .
On April 12 Sherman responded:
. . . Was interesting to learn of the interest in Thoughts Through Space. Interest in our books is steadily increasing and our biggest sale is still ahead of us. I have given quite a number of talks on our work and they have always been spellbinders to luncheon clubs, etc. Public acceptance of ESP is growing right along, as is interest in such subjects as Urantia—although the book is over the heads of many who say they don’t have time to go into it. Others consider it too fantastic, but we both know this book contains some of the most remarkable knowledge on this planet today. . . .
To his friend Adolf Thies, who had asked Sherman to review some of his scientific papers, Sherman wrote on April 19:
. . .While I am studying your material, I wish you would get a copy of the new book, Urantia. It is a tremendous volume. I know a great deal about it, its origin and its development through the years. I prefer to hold my own opinions in abeyance until you have read it, with an open mind, and given me your judgment. I want you to compare its contents with your own concepts. This book can be obtained through Kroch’s, I believe, and it will cost you probably $10, but I think you will find it a worthwhile investment. Some of its contents are profound enough to even challenge the brain of an Adolf Thies! (This book Urantia was set up and printed by Donnelley & Sons, you may be interested to know.)
Thies responded on April 27:
. . . You want me to read Urantia. I know of the book, but have not read it. You think I should. Surely, libraries are full of profound concepts, complex, interesting, but intrinsically hollow, for the sole reason that a human can only reason in human concepts inextricably tied to things, physical things. Nothing makes sense without a connection to graspable things. . . . Must I read Urantia? Of course I will, if this will make you happier, although I don’t see why. An obvious fact cannot be found again in a different form. . . .
On May 7 Sherman replied:
. . . Yes, I would like you to read Urantia and to get your evaluation of it. I would like you to check as to how some of the concepts agree with your thinking, since they are supposed to have come from higher sources. You believe it is possible for higher intelligences to communicate new ideas and concepts for the advancement of the human race on the planet—BUT . . . is it also possible that designing intelligences—or the wrong kind—can also communicate? I want to make clear that I do not accept a lot that is in Urantia—for instance, the Jesus story, appended—but I know considerable about its origin and I do not want to “color” your own mind in advance. . . .
Chicago, May 20, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
It was good seeing you and your wife again yesterday; I wanted to talk with you a bit longer, but I felt it would be depriving my fellow Urantians of the pleasure of meeting and talking with you. Knowing that gang like I do, and understanding their reactions a good deal, I would do them an injustice to say they considered you anything other than great. . . .
I like the enclosed editorial which was in The Tribune this morning; probably you have read it already. Perhaps I am all wrong, but I have never approved of evangelism of the type of [Billy] Graham’s.29 There is too much emotionalism in it; the religious roots seem shallow. Maybe, in the same manner we shouldn’t look with disdain on those who need symbolism in their religion, we shouldn’t disparage needy souls who require emotionalism to bring them into the flock. I am sure you know more about this than I do.
I, too, am desperately frustrated at times, but never discouraged. I just look at the minds of men and I think, how could they be so stupid? What has happened that I just can’t understand their thought patterns and reactions? Could it be only that of human loyalties? I know they are so hard to budge. Is truth so hard to discern?
Again, thanks for coming over, and we will all look forward to when you come again.
Harold Karrer
Paris, France, May 31, 1957
Dear Sirs,
On January 7, 1957, your Secretary-General answered my letter of December 26, 1956, dealing with the possibility of translating and publishing the Urantia Book in French, and commenting about the Index. She said that she had turned over my letter to the Urantia Foundation. She finished her letter by the sentence, “Please let us know if we can help you in any way.”
Naturally enough, the help would be to let me know the answers and reactions of the Urantia Foundation to the questions put up.
Also, a passage in the Book seems to indicate that a soul never incarnates again on Urantia. I refer here to page 1811, nine lines from below, where it is written: “The Master found it difficult to make men believe that their souls had not had previous existences.”
Also page 436 paragraph 2: “A mortal never returns to his native planet during the dispensation of his temporal existence.” This would be misunderstood here, because experiences show that reincarnations exist on our planet. Therefore, an interpretation should be given in order to clear any potential misunderstanding.
Now, I go a little further. After an extensive study with qualified friends, we came to the conclusion that the translation of your book into French was desirable, possible, and worthy to be undertaken. The effort is enormous, and we entertain no illusions about it. Something like three years of work and many thousands of dollars for the translation alone, about the same time to find the adequate number of readers (both periods overlapping for a part), plus then the cost of publishing the book in four to six volumes, at intervals of six months or so. The work on an index and glossary should be added.
Outside of me and my group, I see nobody in France who may contemplate such an effort. Therefore, I ask you formally by the present letter if you would agree to give me the French copyright for a period of seven to ten years, the right being cancelled at the end of the period if I am not able to show you at least a good typewritten translation.
Awaiting your reply, I remain
Sincerely yours,
J. Weiss
Chicago, June 5, 1957
Dear Mr. Weiss,
Thank you for your letter of May 31 regarding an interpretation on the question of reincarnation and also asking for the French copyright for translation.
I am turning your letter over to the Urantia Foundation and you will no doubt hear from them in the near future.
Marian Rowley
Chicago, June 12, 1957
Dear Mr. Weiss,
Replying to your letter of May 31, you can be sure that the Urantia Foundation is greatly interested in seeing the Urantia Book translated into the modern languages.
In planning for translation, there are two important factors: first, financing and undertaking; and second, the organization of a competent group of translators. I am sure the Trustees of Urantia Foundation will always be in readiness to cooperate with any undertaking that promises the realization of these objectives.
The Foundation, I am sure, would not be willing to in any way manipulate the copyright of the Urantia Book and that would not be necessary in making any arrangements for translation. The Foundation will always hold all copyrights.
The Foundation will hold its quarterly meeting within the next two months at which time your letter will be formally presented for their attention.
About the matter of reincarnation, we note your reference to Paragraph 2 on Page 436. Yes, that seems to be the teaching of the Urantia Book. Mortals when leaving this planet embark upon a progressive career. That is, they do not come back during any one dispensation to the planet of their origin. Each change in personality is progressive. There is just one instance of reincarnation in all the wide universe. You will find reference to it on page 528, and it pertains to the spornagia, a type of celestial animal.
Sincerely yours,
E. L. Christensen
On June 5 Christian Ronne returned the Urantia Book to Harold Sherman with the note:
Deeply regret the long delay—but!—once I started this survey for you I had to finish it. It was one of the most “difficult” works I have ever read, studied, and analyzed. My report on it follows in a few days (being typed).
Ronne’s report arrived on June 13 while Sherman was out of town on business, and Martha wrote to him:
You had Christian Ronne’s analysis of Urantia today and he expresses some points of view that are unique. I expect I had better hold it for you to read here at home. . . . I might comment that he feels the writing to be too similar in expression to have been composed by such a variety of beings with such supposedly vastly different backgrounds. He does feel that much of the material is not to be found in any other writing. As for the Adam and Eve story, he thinks it awful—gauche is his word for it. Now, it certainly will be interesting to see what Adolf’s comments will be! . . .
This is a volume of Bible length. All of it was written automatically by a man who for many years acted as a subject under the spell of superhuman entities who dictated their messages to him.
Urantia is the name of our planet earth. However, two thirds of this Book is devoted to a very detailed account of a whole cosmogony of the universe which is quite unique, for its plan and evolution are entirely new and do not stem from any known classics on this subject; so are the chapters concerning our planet’s evolution, with the exception of Paradise which has in parts some resemblance to very ancient authors of the Hermetical and Pythogorean schools
Many superhuman entities dictated the contents of this Book, singly or in committees. Their infallibility is taken for granted since nearly all of these authors confine themselves to affirmations. The only exceptions to this occur when they frankly admit they lack full knowledge, or are forbidden by their superiors to add more. Several times these authors complain or point out that they are limited, or hamstrung in making statements clear, due to the English language they have to make use of in order to get through to the subject who is taking their dictation, or because of the limitations of the human brain.
The balance of this tome, roughly the last third, is exclusively devoted to a life of Christ. This is the best and most understandable of this extremely difficult and ponderous work, and was dictated by a committee headed by the disciple Andrew [sic]. In many ways this is the best life of Christ that has so far been published, in my opinion. It is minutely chronological (though it does not agree with any of the Fathers of the Church, or modern experts on such basic matters as how he was conceived by his mother, the date of his birth, his family, his miracles and crucifixion, and the major events in his life) and very impressive indeed in the passages that explain and stress his mission on this earth. According to these authors, Christ was made in the likeness of the inhabitants of eleven other worlds which he visited in human form, before his twelfth [sic] and last mission on our planet.
Since you asked for my opinion on this Book, I can truthfully say, after a great deal of time spent in meditation (over one year), most careful and disinterested thought and study of many similar books, but above all considered in the light of my inner knowledge based upon the teaching of the Master Elm,30 that I cannot subscribe to the authenticity of these superhuman entities, that seemingly were responsible for its inception. It is an impressive and powerful work that evidently brought together a group of influential people, no doubt men of good will, to finance its publication in its present form. It is in the same class as many other inspired books that have resulted in bringing forth a new religion, or sect, due to the faith of tormented humans who crave to learn the truth.
How much if any of the original script was edited, I cannot venture to say. It is one of the few books published in the United States that is absolutely free from typographical error, and that is exceptional indeed in these times of hurry and stress and great imperfection in the printing of books, even so-called fine editions.
Having read every word of its contents, I am convinced that the uniformity of its style denies the large number of its purported authors. This is aggravated considerably by the fact that (if taken for granted) there were so many differently constituted superhuman entities from vastly separated worlds and cosmoses who were employed to dictate their special messages that due to their tremendously different backgrounds from each world, would have used contrasting styles of expression. There simply is far too much uniformity of style, in vocabulary and in point of view throughout the thousands of pages of this book that deal with such a multiplicity of various subjects. To counter this criticism by saying that it was due to the fact that all these messages had to be channeled through the one subconscious mind of the medium would have been a lame excuse. I am firmly convinced there was but one author regardless how many entities might have inspired him, or how far he might have traveled on the several planes.
My greatest objection lies in the fact that whoever wrote the book evidently had no knowledge of the law of reincarnation. This is contrary to all Ancient Wisdom and its Beliefs. Denying reincarnation, the author is left with billions of individual souls (even though a certain number are eliminated periodically due to their unworthiness), and as he seems to be quite ignorant in reference to the difference in space-time in the superhuman, Seraphic Angels are numbered by millions of souls! But space is limitless as conceived or understood by humans, so there is always, and always will be, more and more space for this increasing multitude of ascending souls! This is not the truth concerning these matters.
The special terminology that is used throughout this book is not sufficiently clearly defined.
There are some interesting new theories that require a great deal of thinking out. The Thought Adjusters and the role they play in the conditioning of the first inhabitants of this earth especially is most arresting, until one realizes that it is a faulty and complicated way of saying that all men can receive the Spirit of God in their hearts when the time comes, and when they are ready for this momentous happening in their lives as mortals. The detailed delineation of other strange beings is attempted and fills many, many pages.
As for the chronological history of the various races of mankind, it does not agree with such [French] authorities as Le Normant, Fabre D’Olivet and Saint Yves D’Alveydre, to mention only these inspired authorities.
The story of Adam and Eve, and the geographical location of the Garden of Eden is also quite new and most original especially to Eve and the Serpent. It is ludicrous—gauche!
In conclusion, this Book, with its tremendous array of new facts, does not explain the First Cause which still remains unsolved and the intrinsic difference between the Absolute and the Relative Worlds; the Kingdom of God and its Creation; and the Kingdom of Man and its Creation.
All wise men, inspired men of God, have always, and always will learn and then understand that truth is extremely simple and can never be found through the intellect, but only through the heart, when they have at long last mastered their minds. Laotse was one of these ancient ones, and in our times so was Jesus.
It is far, far better to hold one’s tongue than to babble meaninglessly in the marketplace. The wise man is silent, motionless, timeless as he listens to God and learns the great secret of Love-Inspiration-Action-Joy. Only foolish men, due to their vanity and ignorance, talk much and shout in the marketplace, but the crowds that gather have no eyes to see nor ears that hear.
Christian Ronne
5601 Graves Ave.
Encino, Calif.
Chicago, June 14, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
When you and your delightful family visited the Chicago Urantia group several Sundays ago, I did not get a chance at the close of your most interesting and intelligent remarks to tell you how much I enjoyed them, nor how encouraging was your enthusiasm for the revelation and your tact in dealing with it, and your good humor and patience with the restrictions placed upon us all. Especially does your statement that this revelation is primarily for the young, ring true in my ears.
In connection with the courses of study in Urantia School this spring, I wrote out the enclosed attempt at stating briefly the fundamental, basic concepts of the Urantia Book.31 No doubt it is presumptuous to try to encompass 2,000 pages (and such packed pages!) into only two. But in my own early contact with the papers, I would have ardently welcomed some such overall brief outline. I was confused by the many facets of the subject matter and felt overwhelmed by the tremendous quantity of it!
These feelings were not entirely allayed, upon the Book’s publication, even by that excellently detailed Table of Contents. If the size and complexity of the Urantia Book [seems] formidable to busy college students, or others seeking some unifying purpose in the baffling complexity about us, possibly this hilltop view of the reading terrain of the Urantia revelation will stimulate close-up exploration. To me, this landscape is the most thrilling site in the world. My description of it is of course inadequate—merely one person’s viewpoint. . . .
Best wishes to you and your fine family in all your efforts.
Ruth F. Burton
Vista, Calif., June 20, 1957
Dear Friend,
My tardy thanks for sending the Urantia Book.
I have been spending a half-hour daily on it and am surprised that I had not heard of it from at least one of my many Huna Research Associates or friends who have been interested in many things which have slipped my notice and who bring endless material to my attention.
May I ask the cost of the book? It seems a shame that I do not have it in my reference library.
And may I ask how the book was received? Someone must have written it down, and must have found ways and means to have it printed.
Is there an organization built around it as a religion, or what is the present standing of the material, if you do not mind telling me.
I would like to review the book in some future HRA Bulletin, as I am sure most of the members have never heard of it, and need to know a little of its history and background. I also need to be able to say whether it is to be purchased by anyone desiring a copy, and from whom at what price.
I must add that I am delighted not to have it turn out to be another copy of Thinking and Destiny,32 of which I have had three sent in the past three years, even after reviewing it for the HRA in a Bulletin.
Again, my warm thanks.
Max Freedom Long
Chicago, June 23, 1957
Dear Harold,
So, I read URANTIA, and I could give my opinion in just one single word—but I dare not; firstly, because I do not want to appear biased and secondly, I do not want to hurt your feelings. This latter thought has been with me throughout, and it grew to aggravation, causing me to glance back again and again, hunting, searching for something I must have missed, something a possibly closed mind of mine had failed to detect. The more I probed about, the more my first conviction was tempered, hardened.
Honestly, Harold, I am very sorry to say to you that I failed to find the “profundity,” and I cannot help it if this makes me a heel. It is your expressed caution regarding the Jesus story which lessens the severity of the ordeal of facing facts—facts as I see them.
On the whole, Urantia is of no help. All the “revelations” add to the already too great burden of compulsory belief which is now breaking the back of religion. Yet, believing (assuming) that all of the Urantia presentation is true, what, then, does it offer? There is a central autocratic authority hopelessly entangled in a conflict between the infinite and the finite, its nature being “explained” with a host of phrases of adoration. All of it is functioning in a mountain of bureaucracy, loaded with over-, under-, and between-lings, most outstanding in its inefficiency in doing anything, the very few objectors in this setup having been “interned”! All of all there ever was and will be, bearing a distinct flavor of English terminology and, sorry to note, ideology, bringing to mind the possibility that an Indian or Chinese patriarch might view the promise of his exalted future with considerable reservations.
Now, then, here is my considered opinion:
The anonymity of the work puts its very birth under an odorous cloud. I think the work is not only erroneous, it is fraudulent. Perhaps I should say here that there might be a few innocents involved, though I doubt this. The only clue to the origin is given in the URANTIA FOUNDATION. I feel certain that if the contributors were exposed, they would be shown to be the kind that have hitherto debauched social laws and their application, bent politics, national and international, to their murderous ends, and used what there was of science to foster mega-murder-for-profit.
This group, having used religion as well to further their evil doings, observed with alarm the waning effectiveness of church-control on the “masses.” When did this low ebb occur? In the thirties. Later in the text I found indeed that it was in the thirties when “these papers were first translated.” I say, they entered into English by a contracted-for and paid-for work, thought to stem the deterioration of unquestioning submission. It would have been, were honesty involved in any way, an obvious beginning, to explain the very act of this transpositioning of the papers. After all, they do not fall from the sky, nor do they grow on trees. Despite the diverse authorities and sponsors, etc., all the originals display uniform style, brazenness and cunning. Also, the fact that one origin was essential to keep the multitude of “wardheelers” (mine) reasonably straight, accounts for the late publication (completion) of the hoax—and I wish it were only that!
We may begin with a Freudian slip which appears somewhere: “Let’s you and I make a new religion”33! . . . so that we may continue to reap the fruit of loot in luxury and leisure—a very pressing project in the thirties. How does one start a new religion? Naturally, by finding a new prophet. But a new prophet must be reasonably honest, else he is bound to slip sooner or later when the going gets to be rough. No one in the group would volunteer his chances here, for no one believed in anything here-after. So they let George do it. Christ, of course. Difficult, perhaps, but we have not been able to teach the mob to shout and die for freedom—the freedom to slave for us? Thus began the doctoring-up, the tedious work of the “knowledge perfectors.”
Strangely, not one of the whole gang had the slightest inkling of the dawn of the atomic age—even Raymond34 pointed to that. We are then presented with a great hodgepodge of fact and fiction well-shaken and carbonized, but still running stale in a hurry. Please note how Urantia always comes up with precise figures when it is safe to do so. A cycle, in Urantia or any other years, can never be proved wrong if the phenomenon to which it applies cannot be proved, for the simple reason that it does not exist.
So we have our planet! Have it by dismissing the seven-day creation as an anecdote. But, we must not have man coming from monkeys! Then, with devilish skill, the Adam story was created. That we cannot explain the process is only natural—you simply are too stupid! Please note also the constant conflict between the dead matter and life. The former seems to enjoy a priority. It takes its sweet time while all the gods and godlings patiently wait around.
The episode of the Solitary Messengers is a jewel! Since one of us idiots might figure out that if he had to wait for an answer to his prayer, the millions years of travel, first for the message, and then for the relief, might be a bit disturbing, we have the messenger travel in multiples of the speed of light! (Just how that got in here, is not so clear.) And—just in case a heaven-goer or wishing-for-er should object to the prospect of being given that job (on the road all the time, sort of a truck driver), we have their number fixed—no reproduction, no wives, no children, but a built-in liking (craving) for their particular type of misery!
Just how are we going to get our hero into the act without offending, again, a lot of “people” (creatures, mobs, slaves, etc.)? Even this is being managed, but the process is again secret—super-super-duper secret!
Need I go much further? I find it difficult, and it really is not necessary to free the most magnificent concern of ours—namely creation—magnificent through understanding, not through absurd adornments, for ugly, filthy lies for a criminal purpose.
At this point I am upset enough to have planned to point, and point again, to many samples of monstrous creations of the wishful thinking of beasts splattering their filth over what little good there is left on earth (not Urantia)!
After a re-reading, I find this remaining space so refreshingly CLEAN!35
Heartiest greetings,
Culver, In., June 28, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler,
Have just returned from Cleveland where I was a delegate to the Uniting Synod of the United Church of Christ. This is no doubt the most significant church union in the history of Protestantism in the United States. It represents four denominations of different polity and national backgrounds and is the beginning, I believe, of significant developments in the American Church.
Slowly the seeds that have been planted during the last year are producing growth. Unusual developments are the most interesting. Last fall I gave a copy of the Urantia Book to a friend who is a denominational executive. I hesitated in giving the Book to Henry because his wife always appeared to be a straight-laced individual who would brook no nonsense. This week at Cleveland she said, “We have a book of yours; I’m wondering if you’re anxious to have it back?” Hesitantly I replied, “Which book is that?” When she referred to the Urantia Book and told me she was enjoying reading it, I was amazed. She referred to the rephrasing of the golden rule and other things which she considered excellent. “If people would read this Book,” she said, “their thinking would be favorably changed about a lot of things.” I would have never expected that from her! Henry has been too busy to read the Book but she assured me he would get around to it—and with that kind of a lady there to see about it, I know Henry will read it!
With a number of ministers and other educated people becoming critically interested in the Urantia Book, I realize that I must write up a brief history of the human side of the story—that which can be told. It seems this must be done for two reasons, first to insure accuracy and second to be a bit more comprehensive. I hope that I might get together with you sometime this summer to take notes on this material. . . .
I have also been increasingly compelled with the idea that this winter I should make a serious attempt to write a book possibly entitled A Critique on Christianity in which I attempt to present the insights of the Urantia Book which are reasonably clear from the standpoint of our evolutionary knowledge. This could be one of the forerunners preparing our society for an eventual introduction to the Urantia Book. This book would, however, be entirely evolutionary in its argument and point of view. If a large number of people would read such a book, the introduction of the Urantia Book might be much easier. I will appreciate any wisdom you have on the subject.
I hope you are having a pleasant summer. Best wishes to the family.
Sincerely yours,
Culver, In., June 28, 1957
Dear Mr. Zachow,
For some time I have been wanting to write you to express my appreciation for your paper, “Gravitational Energy and its Interrelationship to the Science of Cosmology.” Dr. William S. Sadler of the Urantia Society of Chicago showed your paper to me. My background is in the fields of philosophy, theology, and psychology. From these points of view the Urantia Book is superb. The cosmology of the Urantia Book I assumed was beyond empirical validation and so was quite amazed to learn of your paper.
This winter I plan to write a book using the insights of the Urantia Book that are reasonably clear from an evolutionary or empirical point or view. One chapter will deal with the fact that our present religious thinking is based on an antiquated cosmology. To get background for this chapter I have such books as The New Astronomy published by the Scientific American. I am wondering if I could have a copy of your paper for this purpose also. . . .
Sincerely yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Chicago, late June, 1957
Dear Meredith,
We had our annual Urantia picnic yesterday afternoon at the home of David Adler in Winnetka. A good time was had by all. Dr. Sadler and others spoke reviewing the first two years of the new “dispensation”; your work was commented on at length and that of many others. You see, many members of the Brotherhood, who don’t attend the regular meeting of the Urantia Society, always attend the annual picnic, and it affords them an opportunity to catch up on all that has happened. The Doctor said things were developing in such an interesting fashion that he hoped he could be around for a while longer. He impressed us again and again that this revelation is unprecedented and therefore completely unpredictable. I sometimes can’t help believing that he is being kept alive, because he still has a function to perform. More and more, I believe the planetary authorities could not have chosen a better agency for the bestowal of this revelation.
I need not say I am disappointed that there have been so few responses to my work, but I was perfectly prepared by you and others. Really, I guess, we can’t expect success except where there is hunger and in cases like yourself where independent thinking has brought you convictions much in line with the doctrine of the revelation. But discouragement is not to be reckoned with, with convictions as strong as mine. . . .
Best regards to you and your family.
Ark Haven, June 30, 1957
Dear Adolf,
Your brilliant analysis of URANTIA has been received and I first want to thank you for the investment in time and money you made to get this book and go through it so thoroughly. I did not want to prejudice you by telling much about it in advance, but Martha and I spent much time in Chicago reading this book in manuscript form at the home of Dr. William S. Sadler (noted physician and psychoanalyst) who was supposed to be the custodian of this material which came through a “Sleeping Subject” (identity carefully guarded). . . .
Some day, when we are together, if interested, I will give you the whole fantastic story of how we became interested, and involved. In the beginning, I have reason to believe that some of this material came from so-called higher sources, but was soon swallowed up in the colossal designing greed and lust for power of those controlling these papers.
This is what is so sickening. Perhaps you have read the book, There is a River, telling the story of Edgar Cayce, whom I knew personally. And once again, what is told is not true! Again I could tell you a tremendous story. I know whereof I speak! It has been part of my mission, apparently, to investigate many of these developments, to determine whether or not they were genuine, because my quest has been for the truth, at whatever cost.
It is criminal, how the mass of humanity is being duped, but it is the same unhappy story over and over again. I am not writing to be quoted—this is confidential—it is not my job to go abroad in the land exposing fakers. It is my job to know, whenever possible, who is genuine and who is fake, for my own protection.
When you reveal the truth, as you come to know it and prove it in your own life, it can combat lies and errors. It is difficult, if not impossible, to tell the fanatical followers of a Cayce or a Urantia Foundation that their faith is not founded upon truth. They prefer to believe in lies because the lies have become so appealing and so reassuring to them. However, individuals who are sincerely seeking can be reached.
You can pass on a spiritual truth such as a technique for right thinking, as described in different books of mine, and people can prove it out in their own lives by practicing the techniques and getting results. . . . You possess a mind of great penetration and discernment. Your masterly breakdown of the Urantia Book is just another evidence of it. . . .
Best to you!
Chicago, June 30, 1957
Dear Martha,
This has been a lovely weekend—sunny and bright and yet not hot nor humid. Perfect June weather. The supper dishes have been done and we are sitting in the yard listening to the birds twittering and watching the sun as it goes down in the west. So quiet and peaceful and nice to be thinking of you.
Just a few days after I received your note of the 4th, Rachel told me she had written you about the turn of events which changed her plans about a trip to Denver and a possible visit with you. All spring she had been trying to inveigle me into saying I would make the trip with her but I told her it would not work with the plans we had made early in the year. I guess it was wishful thinking more than anything else. . . .
Lulu Steinbeck and Caroline Brown are again in Guadalajara, Mexico, for the summer. Grace Palmer is back in Chicago and she tells me she expects to give up her apartment this fall. There had been talk about the folks at 533 selling the building but lately I have heard that the deal is off and they are selling the lake property. The Forum picnic was held yesterday at the home of the Adlers in Highland Park but I had too many other things to do so I did not go.
Did you know that Dr. Hornell Hart37 has a Urantia Book? I sent him one through the Brotherhood last fall and as far as I know he never has acknowledged it. I know that prominent people in the field of education do get bombarded with books and literature of all sorts, so it probably is just another book to him. I have read quite a bit of his writings and like them all. I have a book containing a collection of lectures given for the Garvin Foundation called The Garvin Lectures. Garvin, a retail merchant, created a trust fund for the delivery of lectures on the subjects “The Idea of God as Affected by Modern Knowledge” and “The Immortality of Man.” Hornell Hart gave the 1943 lecture originally under the title, “The Immortality of Man” but called in this book, “Psychic Research and the Life Beyond Death.” After reading his lecture I felt he should be interested in the Urantia Book so sent him one. Sure wish we could get some reaction on it from him.
Alice Leverenz stopped me a few Sundays ago to tell me that she and Fred have attended service meetings of a newly organized group meeting in Evanston and had heard Hornell Hart speak there. Don’t remember the name of the group but do remember the word “Fellowship” as a part of it. 38 After learning from the Brotherhood that I had sent him a book, she has written him about this new group and mentioned that he had been sent a U book. This may get a reply from him. I would also like to know something about this group. . . .
The California U group have had a charter granted them but have as yet not organized. They are so widely separated that it is difficult for them to meet regularly. The Oklahoma group is growing and is expected to be requesting a charter to organize a Urantia Society.
. . . I wish you and Harold and all your family are well and of course I know you two are busy as usual. Always so nice to hear from you. [Elsie's sisters] Phyllis and May join me in sending best wishes and as always my love,
Vista, Calif., July 2, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Thanks so much for the sheets telling more of the origin of the Urantia Book material and for offering to let me have the loan copy for $10—for which I enclose my check with thanks.
I shall hold up the proposed review until later, as you suggest.39 I am sure your history will be of great value in many ways to the student.
I am always interested in the material that comes through sensitives and cannot help but wonder why, when Huna was so old and was the most highly developed psycho-religious system of all, and when we find it so clearly behind the secret teachings of Jesus as well as hidden in the early writing of Yoga, it should have entirely escaped the notice of the entities who gave Oahspe to Dr. Newbrough, the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith and now the Urantia Book (not to mention the many other writings from similar sources, some of which are supposed to be written by Jesus himself).
I am wondering if the same sensitive is still getting material of this sort through and if it might be possible to ask through her/him or the circle, for information as to the overlooking of Huna. Of course, I realize that the Huna system of three selves, three potentials of vital force and three tenuous bodies does not at all match the system given in Urantia to fill this hole in human knowledge. I have tried several times to pass on the knowledge of Huna, as I now see it, to spirits communicating from the other side of things, but with no luck. They all seem to be entirely set in their ideas and unable to tolerate anything contradictory. My guess is that the average communicator is lacking mana enough to do fresh thinking and/or must do with what he did on earth or accept memories from other spirits without thinking them through.
Again my warm thanks, and now my aloha,
Max Freedom Long

JULY 15, 1957
Summary, Events of the Second Quarter 1957
From Warren H. Kulieke, Vice President
The Urantia Society of Glenview, holding Charter No. 3, was installed on May 24, 1957, in a simple but impressive ceremony. Mrs. Ruth Burton, Chairman of the Charter Committee, conducted the ceremony, assisted by Mrs. Mary Lou Hales, Mrs. Katharine Jones, and Ernest Pritchard, all members of the Charter Committee. There were twelve founders and eight additional charter members. Several members of the First Urantia Society were present as guests. This local Society evolved from the study group started by Bernard Burton in Glenview soon after the Book was published.
On or about July 25 the West Coast Urantia Society of Los Angeles will be formally installed. This study group was granted Charter No. 2 last fall. Bill Sadler and Ruth Burton expect to be present and participate in the ceremony.
The administrators of the Urantia Brotherhood School wish to announce the following courses to be offered during the 1957-58 semesters:
Structure of the Urantia Book—Year Course Instructor, Marian Rowley. (Major)
- Constitution and Organization of Urantia Societies—Fall Semester Instructor, Harold Karrer. (Minor)
- The Teachings of Jesus—Spring Semester Instructor, Dr. Sadler. (Minor)
- Registration September 18, 1957—7:30-8:30 p.m. The fees will be the same as last year. . .
The Custodians report that approximately 2,900 Books have been distributed to date. This is not a spectacular showing, but we are not to be discouraged by slow progress. Let us build wisely and well.
The annual commemoration of Jesus’ birthday will be held August 21 at 533 Diversey Parkway, at 8 o’clock. . . .
Let us hear from you. How goes the cause?
[partial copy of letter to Elsie]40
Ark Haven, July 16, 1957
Dear Elsie,
. . . I will say briefly that after a year of careful study, he (Ronne) is not impressed with the contents (of Urantia). In his case, we mentioned that the Book was dictated to a “Sleeping Subject.” His remark was that “all the dictating entities sounded similar whereas, coming from such wide varieties of backgrounds and experience, each should have had an individual character.” In other words, he does not believe that the dictators are authentic. He terms it “difficult” and “ponderous” and the Adam and Eve story, for instance, as “ludicrous—gauche!”
He believes that truth is fundamentally simple and not wordy. He comments further upon the lack of mention of reincarnation which is so widely believed in upon this earth.
Now, as you remember, Harold and I do not embrace that philosophy but we have always maintained that the biggest fault with the Urantia papers was that they did not help people to straighten out their problems here and now when they need it most. We well recall Dr. Sadler saying that our Thought Adjusters were not interested in our progress here—that that was relatively unimportant, that it was the life beyond which counted. We disagree completely. The now is all-important. It is all we ever live in and, until we settle the problems of today, we cannot progress into the future. Jesus, himself, whom we recognize as the greatest teacher of recent ages, devoted himself to telling simple parables illustrating what our attitudes should be in meeting day-to-day problems.
The Urantia Book is said to be a step beyond the Bible, but is it when it fails to help us live better lives today? As we stand aside and think, it seems to us that Forum members, as a whole, are filled with fear rather than more love for their fellow man.
A brilliant thinker in Chicago whom Harold asked to purchase a copy of Urantia and read for analysis, comments thus:41. . .
Here, I want to say that this man, although not a degree scientist, has an enormous understanding of science. He is a German by birth, and has an overwhelming belief in the boundlessness of God and His creation. Again, we maintain, the veracity of the papers would best have been proved by keeping the original papers open for public inspection and study, at all times. What could truth possibly have to fear from such study?
These are brutally frank criticisms but I relate them as completely outside viewpoints which, necessarily, must be faced.
Ark Haven, July 20, 1957
Dear Christian,
Please pardon my long delay in acknowledging your magnificent analysis of the Urantia Book!
Your conscientious study of this tome and your appraisal confirms my own—and Martha and I were associated with this voluminous enterprise for five years while in Chicago, reading this Book from the manuscripts. We were told it came through a “Sleeping Subject,” that Dr. William S. Sadler (author of Mind at Mischief, etc.) was the custodian of this material, that it was not to be edited, that it was eventually to be published exactly as it had come through. The identity of the Sleeping Subject was carefully guarded.
Some two or three hundred other “selected” men and women constituted the Forum which met every Sunday afternoon to hear a paper read and discussed by Dr. Sadler. These papers were supposed to have been produced by automatic writing from a subject in a tranced condition, and to have been coming through since around 1914 [sic]! It is too long a story to recite in a letter, but Dr. Sadler was able to get this Forum group to finance the printing of the Book and contribute to other expenses (a pretty nice racket through the years!). Martha and I have contributed not one cent.
During the course of our investigative association with this group, I pointed out some inconsistencies in the material—the intelligences discoursed so authoritatively on higher kinds of phenomena but had nothing to say in the way of explanation of extrasensory perception—telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, etc. (as you say, even of reincarnation). We were supposed to accept everything told us in the papers on faith. I contended that if these beings really knew about these higher powers, they could easily explain our experiences with ESP.
Whereupon, because I had had more experience than anyone else in the group with ESP (the Wilkins-Sherman experiments, etc.), I was invited to write a paper on the subject, which would then be “submitted” to the higher intelligences and, if approved by them, would be included in the book! This was the giveaway, indicating that the original material was being edited, and added to, and that Dr. Sadler and his group (the inner circle) were preparing to form a new religion, basing it upon some inspirational stuff that actually had been received, under so-called psychic conditions. Martha and I sought to expose this operation, and were instantly set upon by Dr. Sadler who accused me of being Lucifer incarnate and forbade any of the Forum members to even speak to us thereafter, under penalty of excommunication and denial of any existence in the hereafter!
His denunciation and intimidation worked with all but half a dozen of the entire Forum group, but Martha and I, to show that we had no fear of Dr. Sadler or his invoking of the higher powers against us, and because we had been told we had been chosen by higher intelligences as members of the Forum, continued to attend the Forum meetings each Sunday afternoon, for four more years—in defiance—daring the higher powers to punish us (as Dr. Sadler had predicted they would do) in the hopes of freeing the enslaved minds of the followers who greeted us with hostile silence. However, it proved a futile effort on our part because Dr. Sadler’s control of his group was so hypnotic (the king can do no wrong concept) that we left Chicago without having made any dent on the membership—only half a dozen or so who stood with us in the beginning, retaining contact with us, which has lasted to this day. These half dozen have been banished from the inner circle and the confidences of those close to the Master.
I had not wanted to prejudice you in the reading, but now feel that you deserved to know this background. What a story could be written of our experiences with this fantastic group—who have been sold that they have been destined to bring new enlightenment to the world—and have financed Dr. Sadler (now in his eighties) for lo these many years!
I doubt that there is a man in America more qualified to evaluate this material than one Christian Ronne, and you have rendered an immense service in so doing. I agree that the Adam and Eve story, etc., is God-awful! The “uniformity of style” gives the authenticity away, because, as you point out, the variety of intelligences would have had uniquely different powers of expression. Another reader has pointed out that no mention has been made of the atomic era, which these higher intelligences seem to have ignored or missed entirely! . . . I am enclosing a check for $10 and wish it could be many times more. Again, Martha and I extend our profound thanks for your monumental review of Urantia. This Book will get nowhere, substantially, otherwise I would expose it in my own writings.
Warmest regards . . . sincerely,
Harold Sherman
Culver, In., July 22, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler,
. . . Thank you for your recent letter. We will be glad to talk with you August 19. We will plan to be at your home after dinner, around 1:30 p.m. I am anxious to get into a number of things this winter in connection with the Urantia Book. During our recent vacation we visited with friends who have a cottage near us. He, Harry Bredeweg, is full-time synod president of our South Indiana synod. We learned that both Harry and his wife are reading the Urantia Book and are quite impressed with it. In the limited contacts I have made with the Book, reception has been excellent. When these are consolidated, we will gradually extend our contacts.
We hope that you are having a pleasant summer at your Indiana home.
[Continued from Chapter 4, “The Forum”]
. . . From the time I was ambulatory, around 1950, Forum kids were seen scampering about the sand dunes every summer in late June at Pine Lodge in Beverly Shores. There were generally about one or two dozen kids at these events in addition to fifty or sixty adults.
Pine Lodge was a grand estate, made entirely of logs. There was a very large main house with a big fireplace and wooden porches running the length of two sides, It was fun to run up and down and hang off the rustic porches. The front of the house had a nice elevated view of Lake Michigan. Two small bunk houses were just down the drive from the house where Forumites could change into their bathing suits and head down the long wooded drive to the beach. A three-car garage with an apartment over it bordered on the extensive back yard. There were several horseshoe pits and a shuffleboard court behind the garage. The estate was entirely surrounded by wooded dunes. Because no other homes could be seen, the area felt like an island of Urantia activity amid an ocean of vegetation.
The beach was broad and sandy and the water at the southern end of the lake was quite warm. Swimming was generally the first item on the agenda after a long, hot drive through Chicago and northern Indiana. Kids and adults alike splashed in the water and played ball in the sand. This was followed by a picnic on the broad lawn and some group singing led by my father and uncle (Warren and Alvin Kulieke). There was, of course, considerable socializing going on throughout the long afternoon by all. A few adults napped in the shade. In the early evening, most people started to work their way up to the manor house to visit in the large main room with its cozy fireplace. This was, once again, an occasion for listening intently while Dr. Sadler served up story after story. He was a natural storyteller in the grand tradition. His talks, it seemed, served to inspire us all and give us all another boost of morale before we went back into the world where nobody knew, or could appreciate, the new revelation of truth we felt part of. At least this is how I felt and others seemed to feel. When Dr. Sadler talked, the clock stood still and we would become conscious once again of the experience we were all sharing in.
I remember in those days feeling odd and different in the everyday world. When I came together with my relatives at a Urantia gathering, it felt good and normal to be involved with the Urantia Papers. These occasions were the payoff times when you felt you were among a special group of people and blessed to be a part of this fledgling project. The picnics reminded me that I was participating in an historic moment on this beleaguered planet.
Chicago, July 30, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
. . . We will be at Beverly Shores August 15, 16, 17, and 18, and again on August 29, 30, 31, and September 1; in fact, we will be there all of the first week in September as well. So, since we have been anxious to have you come to Pine Lodge, and since it is a nicer drive for you than to come to Chicago, we would love to have you choose whatever time suits you the best and then to visit us there instead of coming into this hot old city. What do you say? . . .
Chicago, circa late July, 1957
Dear Meredith,
. . . My committee has prepared a tentative program for the first few months of this year; we begin our meetings on Sunday, September 29, and if there is any Sunday at all you can make it to Chicago before the snow flies I would like to put you on as the leader. This will be a matter of your personal convenience and I shall change the program to accommodate. The group is very anxious to hear from you again.
I have given up teaching the course on the Organization and Constitution of Urantia Societies in the Brotherhood School. Instead, I am conducting a “kindergarten” school every Sunday before the regular meeting for the instruction and assistance to new members and interested observers. I will enjoy that very much; as a teacher you learn so much yourself. And I want to understand this revelation as much as possible. I really don’t know what I would have done without it during these last five years of crisis in my own life. Truth certainly liberates. . . .
Have a good time on the second half of your vacation, and I shall look forward to seeing you again.
Best regards to your family,
Sincerely yours,
HMSA Harold Sherman had been corresponding with Hornell Hart, J.B. Rhine’s associate at Duke University, “with whom I have been doing some undercover experimentations, long-range.” The two men had also recently presented a joint three-day ESP lecture series for Fred Bailes, head of the Science of Mind Church, at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles. In a 22 July 1957 letter to Hart wherein they were discussing preparatory material for Hart’s new Research Program, Sherman asked:
By the way, were you sent a copy of the Urantia Book? I know all about this volume, which was supposed to have been transmitted by higher intelligences through a Sleeping Subject. I read all of its chapters in manuscript form before the Book was printed and Martha and I had a highly dramatic experience as a result of our association with a Forum in Chicago, supporting this work. We need about a week together to exchange experiences and ideas on this whole subject.
Hornell Hart replied on July 29:
Yes, a copy of the Urantia Book was sent me, and I have studied it sufficiently to reach the conclusion that I do not need to concern myself with it in any positive way. One of my collaborators referred to the Book, and mentioned the fact that you had had connection with the movement at one stage. . . .
Sherman wrote back on August 1:
I did not want to color your mind in my query about Urantia, but Martha and I discovered the manuscripts were being revised and edited, and when we challenged those in authority, we were blacklisted (they feared exposure) and I was branded as ‘Lucifer Incarnate,’ sent by evil forces to keep this great spiritual revelation from reaching the world, etc. What a story we can tell you about our five years in Chicago! You did well to reach the conclusion that you “need not concern yourself with this Book in any positive way” (despite some remarkable material in certain sections). I don’t know who mentioned my former connection. Some “followers” hoped I would help with my name and endorsement, etc.
Ark Haven, August 4, 1957
Dear Rachel,
Finally I have gotten around to copying the review which I promised you. Elsie mentioned that you would be in the East during July so I am hoping that you have had a wonderful visit with Phil and family. . . . I also continue to hope that sooner or later you and Elsie can visit us here. . . .
As to the review, I would like to make these comments. It was written by a brilliant Frenchman who has lived in this country for many years. Hence, the historians he refers to are ones he is familiar with in his native country. He has been a lifelong student of comparative religions and inspirational writings. This should make his analysis well worthy of study. He knows nothing of the Urantia background except that a Sleeping Subject acted as amanuensis. Since he undertook this review privately for Harold, I thought best not to sign his name but, otherwise, the copy is identical with the original. Just what he refers to when he speaks of his Master Elm I have not the faintest idea. And on page two, paragraph two, we are not sure of the meaning. It seems somewhat confused to us and we wonder if the secretary who copied it may not have left some phrases out.
Elsie also wrote me that she had a volume of Urantia sent to Dr. Hornell Hart at Duke and wondered whether Dr. Hart had mentioned receiving the Book to Harold. He had not. So Harold wrote him recently, asking Dr. Hart about it, and mentioned that he, himself, was familiar with the book. In passing, let me say that Dr. Hart has frequently quoted from various books of Harold’s, so that he is in accord with much of Harold’s thinking and would, ordinarily, give serious thought to any subject matter Harold might mention. In this case, however, even though Harold told him that he, himself, had been familiar with the Book (not in any way indicating whether he accepted or did not accept the subject matter), Dr. Hart brushed it off with the following:
“Yes, a copy of the Urantia Book was sent me, and I have studied it sufficiently to reach the conclusion that I do not need to concern myself with it in any positive way. One of my collaborators referred to the Book, and mentioned the fact that you had had connection with the movement at one stage.”
Who his collaborator was or what he had reference to, we of course have no idea. Would you mind passing on this report to Elsie as I may not be writing her for a little while.
However, we think these comments on the subject matter by persons not emotionally influenced by long years of familiarity and association with the Doctor are very important, for they represent the attitudes and interests of the average public whom you are endeavoring to reach. It is becoming more and more obvious that the ponderous amount of writing and the intellectual slant of the presentation will not impress people. An outstanding personality must take the lead in presenting any new idea to the world. The simple parables of Jesus would have carried no influence whatsoever had they not been associated with his personality. Human beings seem to need someone about whom they can rally and upon whom they can depend in time of criticism and stress and doubt. It seems to us that much of the Urantia Foundation is built upon the quicksands of fear. The individual association members are afraid to think for themselves and it is bound to repercuss on every phase of their lives making them fearful of making independent decisions on any matter. This, the Doctor will one day be held accountable for. . . .
Write us when you can about your own summer and comment, if you will, on Urantia developments.
Much love, as always.
Chicago, August 13, 1957
Dear friends,
Delighted that you are coming to Pine Lodge on August 30. But if you can possibly make it, please come for lunch. Lunch on our front porch, overlooking Lake Michigan, is really quite nice. Not necessary to write me as things at Pine Lodge are informal and I will just expect you to get there as early on that day as you can. You’ll be glad you did.
Whittier, Calif., August 16, 1957
Dear Harold Sherman,
Many thanks for your letter of July 20 enclosing your check for $10 re the review I finally sent you concerning that strange book, “Urantia.
It was good of you to give me further details on what actually took place in bringing this ponderous work out. Strange that so many people could bow to the dictates of one man! It is always food for thought when such “movements” occur, usually to start with tremendous enthusiasm and “in time” sort of peter out and break up into cliques and factions due to the various members disagreeing among themselves, or new leaders appearing. It seems to be a pattern, not only with sects but with dogmatic and established religions. I often ponder why? All of the Christian religions, especially the church of Rome, are now functioning along lines that are so far afield from their founders’ basic teachings! Christ would be rather dismayed if he should appear on earth again! This pattern is also true, even to a greater extent with all of the so-called Utopias that have been founded with the object in view to a better and saner life on earth. The Mormons are about the only people who still function—but here again, how very differently from their original intent. So it would seem as if Man has still a long way to go to find out Truth and be able to mirror in a practical way the kingdom of God both within himself and put it into practice in his daily “sociological” life! . . .
I pray all goes well with you.
Culver, In., August 22, 1957
Dear Meredith,
I’ve been meaning to drop you a note all summer long to tell you how much I enjoyed filling in for you at Grace Church back in July. . . .
While it is on my mind, I should like to pay you $10.00 for Urantia, which I have decided to keep. Though I cannot be persuaded that it is any more authoritative or authentic than the Apocrypha, I find it interesting reading.
I hope you have had an excellent summer.
Yours truly,
W. MacQuillan
Havertown, Pa., September 2, 1957
Dear Mr. Sprunger,
Your letter of June 28, 1957, had not gone unheeded, but I have encountered activities during the summer that have kept me moving, and in addition I wanted to spend some time thinking about what you had said in the few lines in your letter.
I have spent a little over a year studying the Urantia Book, and I must admit that I am only beginning to fully comprehend many of the intricate passages. My interpolation of many of the statements may be in error; but at the same time I find very few reasoning minds that are able to comprehend the meaning behind much of the work. I myself have had to let certain parts go until I had done research in some subject that I had no background in and the research has never been only surface deep, if I were to get the true meaning. Since my formal training does not cover your fields of theology and philosophy there was much for me to review. So far I have only scratched the surface, having browsed through some 200 books in the metaphysical jungle, to find that there are only several that have any real meat in them, such as the Urantia Book. The astonishing point of this research, however, is that I have found that if time and interest is devoted to the task, an integrated factual story of creation unfolds, that encompasses our latest scientific accomplishments and established theological principles.
Your desire to present to the world a new and enlightened concept of the Ultimate, is a necessity, but I feel that it will take you many years to do the job. I am in 100% agreement with you but I have never before heard a man of the ministry earnestly want to do something about it. Further, to do it properly it will be necessary to base it on a cosmology so sound that it encompasses all points in question, especially to the scientific mind, for if this is accomplished I believe there will evolve a new civilization on an entirely different plane of existence. It is impossible for the scientific man to now work as a team with the theologian, and vice versa, for each have set their sights along different tracks, whereas they must both have the same goal. There is going to have to be several of us who are to light the way, but the subject knowledge required is not available from only one mind. A team must be built of minds having the same objective, and if in this direction I can be of assistance to you I would be glad to do so. At the present I have the same feeling that this work must be done and soon. I have already started to compile the material to build a foundation but I have found it slow going.
But of as equal importance as the knowledge in the work is the technique by which you plan to present it to the populace. Because of the age we live in, the written word is not enough. It must be put on tape and record form, as well as expounded from the pulpit. A program such as [Billy] Graham has just completed, but with a complete theme, is needed, and eventually it must go into the visual aid bracket. A moment’s reflection shows us that the stage has already been set and that things are moving in that direction, but it will require a lifetime of boundless energy backed by spiritual guidance.
There are as you know several religious undertakings along these lines, but most of them by necessity are pushing some particular philosophy or past person. By necessity this seems to be the only approach, but personally I feel that something different and much more dynamic has to be the springboard to this program. The method will evolve, and you may have already been involved in working it into a functioning program. But enough of my prattle—results are what you need, and now.
I am attaching a copy of the Gravitational Energy paper as you requested. I should mention that it was written specifically for a special yearly essay contest held by a Gravitational Society. For your work it needs re-editing with an entirely new format.
As for reference material, I am afraid that Scientific American, The New Astronomy, will not be enough. I can recommend much more comprehensive texts, about 20 or more, which would be much more impressive. As for the Urantia approach, however, our present astronomers would throw up their hands in horror, for they are probably the most unimaginative group of scientific personnel, and also some of the most dogmatic. All astrophysicists that I have submitted this paper to—top men—will not even discuss it with me, or pass any comment. There are reasons, for when we make progress in establishing these facts, the present concepts take a staggering blow, and most of the persons who have formulated them are still alive. So far my experience with them has been discouraging. The other fields of science are going to force the astrophysicist in this direction, for this is the only way we will get answers. It will take time—I hope it is within our lifetimes.
If we were only closer much more could be accomplished, for I could provide you with much material that is now theorizing from the Urantia Book, on the subject I am pushing—electromagnetic energy. Incidentally, it may interest you to know that this has led me into psychic research and to evaluating the work of some pretty good mediums. I have established for my own mind, beyond any doubt, the existence of the spiritual level, and with the enlightenment of the Urantia Book I can now answer technically many impossible occurrences, even things that do not make any sense to the mediums.
I shall be happy to assist you if I can and will give you a technical reference list if you wish. I can also provide you with a list of leading technical people in this field, most of whom would give you a rugged time in this type of concept. The interesting thing I have found is not the tearing apart of the concept, but the refusal to even discuss it. You cannot determine what a man thinks until you answer his questions.
Sincerely yours,
A. A. Zachow
Chicago, September 2, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Here are items of information you should have had before this. I did not realize that your study group was even interested in a charter—fast progress, and solid too, I am sure—an encouragement to all of us.
I am eager to see that new pamphlet of yours, the primer with preparatory preface. When there is an authorized digest of the Urantia Book, perhaps the requirement that all ten founders must have read every one of the 2097 pages can be reduced. The point is that they must sincerely believe in the revelation. The Urantia papers would be a juicy plum for certain isms to get control of, and we don’t want infiltration by votes to be too easy. That, of course, is for the far future.
Not knowing beforehand just when church services began, my husband and I were indeed lucky to have heard your entire sermon. Besides being timely, well organized, interesting (we recognized Urantia phrases and the referral to Dr. Sadler), the sermon and the whole service were primarily worshipful. And afterwards tasted even better than it smelled. I’m sure it influenced my husband to calm down his hurry to go on to Monticello. We got there in plenty of time, laden with interesting books, well fed in body, mind, and spirit, and most grateful to you and your fine family for a memorable day.
Ruth Burton
Chicago, September 6, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
I found your letter of September 1 when I came back to the city today. I am going to pass your draft about the Brotherhood on to Miss Marian Rowley, and you’ll hear from us later.
We certainly enjoyed having you people with us at Pine Lodge, and hope we can do it again.
Chicago, October 8, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Your “Evaluation” is a truly tremendous contribution to the understanding of the Urantia Book. It seems to me that every study group should begin with it, and then use it as a guide for more detailed study. It will be most useful for people who join a group already part way through the Book, enabling such latecomers to catch up and have some idea of what is being discussed or read. When you come to Chicago October 20, I hope you bring a supply along if they will become available to non-Culverites, for I’ll want to buy at least a dozen to start with! I’m eager to learn of progress your study group is making and of any questions they might have which the charter committee could answer.
My husband and I are looking forward with much interest to your presentation of “Government on a Neighboring Planet.”
Meanwhile, we are most grateful to have your pamphlet,
Ruth Burton

OCTOBER 15, 1957
Summary, Events of the Third Quarter 1957
From Warren H. Kulieke, Vice President
You will be interested to know that we have study groups in the following places. There may be others; if so, let us hear from you.
- Albany, New York: Sophie Hansen
- Springfield, Illinois: Florence Emery
- Culver, Indiana: Dr. Meredith Sprunger
- Dhahran, Saudi Arabia: Don and Jean Carter
- Evanston, Illinois: Ruth Renn
- Bensonville, Illinois: Grace Kolze
- Western Springs, Illinois: Arthur Burch
- Chicago, Illinois: Al Leverenz
On July 26 Urantia Society No. 2 was installed as the “West Coast Urantia Society.” Ruth Burton, Chairman of the Charter Committee, conducted the installation, assisted by Bill Sadler Jr., and Robert Burton.
Charter No. 4 has been granted to the “First Urantia Society of Oklahoma” which is headed by Mr. B. M. Salyer. We expect the installation ceremony will be held in the near future. We extend our heartiest best wishes to this group in Oklahoma.
The meeting held at 533 on August 21 in memory of Jesus’ birthday was very well attended. A similar meeting was held at the home of Sophie Hansen in Albany, New York.
August 21 marked another important event. We saw the dummy copy of the Index. Work on the Index is proceeding. The cost? We are not sure. More information later.
The Urantia Brotherhood School opened with two classes on September 19 with a total enrollment of 29 regular students and 14 auditors. If anyone would like a copy of the “Outline of the General Organization of the Urantia Book” being used in class we will be glad to send it. . . .
With the approval of the Executive Committee on October 7, certificates conferring the title of “Ordained Teacher” were given to the following persons on October 16: Ruth E. Burton, Marian T. Rowley, Alvin L. Kulieke, Leone M. Sadler, Edmond F. J. Kulieke, William S. Sadler, Warren H. Kulieke, Kenton E. Stephens, Anna Rawson, and Thomas E. Wideroe.
Harold Karrer has been appointed to fill the position on the Foreign Extension Committee left vacant by the resignation of Fred Leverenz who has moved to Dallas. Arthur Burch becomes Secretary of the Committee.
Vista, Calif., October 16, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
The material on the Urantia Book came and I have been much pleased to have it. I have finished within the hour folding the last of the current HRA Bulletins and will send you a copy as it tells of the change in plans for the HRA work in the future.
I note that you are not too anxious to have the news of the Urantia Book spread far and wide, and in the wrong places, and can well understand the reasons.
Perhaps when I have had more time to read Urantia I will understand it better and have more to say about it than I have now, after perhaps ten hours of reading all told.
Again, my warm thanks for your kindness.
Sincerely yours,
Max Freedom Long
Champaign, Ill., October 21, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
I was contacted by your brother-in-law today about the book that you loaned me last year. I will give it to him tomorrow.
I’m very sorry about being so negligent. I saw very little of the book last spring because I was very much overworked, not until this summer, and had just started to take an interest in it this fall. My roommate this semester is a Ph.D. candidate in the philosophy department, and we frequently have discussions together. In one of these discussions I brought the book out, and we’ve been using it ever since.
I’ll be quite frank with you—this book has more absolute nonsense in it than any other single book I’ve ever seen. Furthermore, as a religious liberal who finds Christian theology almost completely untenable, this book seems equally ridiculous in that it retains most of these old ideas, adds very unlikely new ones, and tries to pass itself off as “new revelation.”
My roommate has commented:
The parts of the Book which deal with factual knowledge can be found in elementary textbooks dealing with sociology, psychology, astronomy, biology, etc., and are certainly no revelation to anyone.
The use of terminology seems to be designed to arouse emotional responses independent of cognitive meaning (where there is cognitive meaning). To be more specific, the terminology is a curious mixture of that of science fiction and of Mormon theology.
It would be interesting to know what criteria were used by you to determine the authenticity of the material in the book.
Despite this rather severe criticism of the book, I hope that you will accept my thanks for the use of a very interesting book.
Ritchie Mikesell
Culver, In., October 23, 1957
Dear Ritchie,
Thank you for your interesting letter; I much enjoyed your reaction to the Urantia Book. Am certainly not going to try to convince you of the worthwhileness of the Urantia Book. But to answer your question as to criteria on which I have accepted its high quality, briefly I would say it was the same criteria which caused you to reject it—previous convictions. I had come to most of the basic assumptions of the Urantia Book before ever seeing the book.
May I point out a few observations which to me seem significant: it presents the only reasonable spiritual cosmology I know of which is in harmony with our present astronomical knowledge of the universe, the discoveries in the field of psychic research, and the assertions of the major religions of the world. Its spiritual insights are higher than any other source material with which I am acquainted—i.e. the Golden Rule in the New Testament, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This changes the concept from one of brotherly love to that of fatherly love—a deeper concern. It makes reasonable sense out of the incomprehensible or untenable aspects of the Old and New Testaments. It gives a more adequate picture of the life of Jesus in the light of his effect on history than any of the naïve accounts produced by historical research.
There are many other reasons why I am impressed by the Urantia Book. May I say that I am not impressed because it claims to be a new revelation. But after studying it thoroughly I have come to the conclusion on the basis of internal evidence that no human could have produced it. In the first place, the breadth of knowledge is tremendous. And in all this I know of no one who has been able to prove even little things to be erroneous—and some very brilliant people have read the Book. A friend of mine in reading of the origin of man noted that all of the early men usually mentioned by anthropology were mentioned. He told me he went over the paper four times looking for the Piltdown Man. It’s not there, and although the papers were written in 1934 scientists did not discover until recently that the Piltdown Man was a hoax. This is just one of many such observations. I believe I am acquainted with the best philosophic writing from Plato to Kant but never have I found a volume of philosophy much shorter than the Urantia Book’s 2000 pages in which there are not contradictions in point of view—humans are not thoroughly consistent. You will not find a contradiction anywhere in the Urantia Book’s involved story. If it were produced by a group of men contradictions would be inevitable. Taking the book as a totality, I seriously doubt that any human mind could have produced it.
The reason I sent you the book was not to interest you in its religious or philosophical aspects but to get your reaction as a scientist on Paper 42, “Energy—Mind and Matter.” As you may recall, I wanted to know whether as a scientist you thought this paper was “impossible” or “probable.” For as you know, if you have read this section, it makes certain claims not yet verified by scientific discovery, such as ultimatons, atomic cohesion, etc. A number of things have been verified since 1934 in this chapter but others are still a matter of question. I feel quite competent to evaluate the philosophical-religious aspects of the book but I would enjoy your opinion as a scientist on these as-yet-unproven observations.
Forget about “new revelation” aspect of the book—so far as I am concerned it stands or falls on the worth of its insights. When I first started reading it I was convinced it was Far Eastern mysticism but soon found that the quality of material was far superior to such literature so I began evaluating each concept presented. For me [it] is the most authentic philosophical-religious material I have encountered to date.
I can understand, as you find Christian theology almost completely untenable, that the Urantia Book would be “ridiculous in that it retains most of these old ideas,” but my guess is (unless yours is a completely materialistic philosophy) you are much closer to the Urantia position than the Biblical tradition. As a matter of fact, I think it is good that people have widely differing philosophies of life.
It’s been good to visit with you, Ritchie, via letter. If you get to Culver, would be glad to have you visit for a good philosophical discussion.
Cordially yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
P.S. I find it rather interesting that very recently I received a letter from a young physicist in Pennsylvania who, after reading the cosmology of the Urantia Book, writes stating that in his opinion the discoveries in recent years in the field of gravitational energy postulate a cosmology almost identical with that pictured in the Urantia Book! That’s one aspect of the book which I would assume could never be proved—at least not until man is fairly advanced in space exploration. It’s all quite interesting.
Culver, In., October 25, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler and Christy,
Have read Long Heads and Round Heads42 and find it quite interesting. Just as a medical student examines himself for the symptoms of all the diseases he studies, I found myself wondering how much of the Alpine and Nordic heritage my Swiss ancestors had! I felt a little better for having blue eyes!
Seriously, I hadn’t realized the German writers were so brazenly Machiavellian. What amazes me is that you could dictate this entire book in 24 hours! Especially appreciated getting the 25 points “in the flesh” for it certainly helped us to understand why you have been a speaker par excellence.
Also I am glad that you are skeptical of parapsychology and psychic phenomena for, as leader of the beginnings of the Urantia movement, no one can ever rightfully accuse you of being gullible or soft-headed regarding such phenomena.
We should like to thank you folks again for the enjoyable visit we had Sunday and hope that you may be able to visit us this fall.
Sincerely yours,
P.S. Just happened to remember that you are going to talk about reactions to the Urantia Book next Sunday. Since I received an interesting letter this week from a young physicist whom I know—a Unitarian—I thought you might like to have it. He obviously hadn’t read the book and probably lost the letter in which I asked his opinion as a scientist on Paper 42, my primary reason for sending him the book. Would appreciate having the letter to keep on file.
Chicago, October 28, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Thank you for your letter received last week, with enclosure from your friend, the physicist, which I am returning to you as you requested.
This letter is a good indication of a mental reaction of preconception. There are so few open minds in the world today. When cement once hardens it takes an automatic drill to break it up.
Champaign, Ill., October 28, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Your attitude toward the Urantia Book concerns me a great deal. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that the individual parts of the book were written by men, probably by experts in their fields, and that the editing was done with utmost care to make the whole consistent in style and in content.
To be sure, we were impressed by the quality of the extrapolated scientific hypotheses; if every one of these hypotheses stands the burden of proof from this time onward, then the book is indeed remarkable. I mean this in the strict sense; many of these things were stated in such vague terms that no matter what is discovered, a person who really wants to believe in the book can easily say that these things were so predicted. Witness our “fundamental” Christians: many parts of the Bible are clearly allegorical, but these people interpret them literally as prophecy, and then rationalize in their own minds what happens in the real world to avoid the obvious contradictions. Indeed, if you want to believe something contrary to fact, it is extremely easy to do so. Your young physicist [Arnold Zachow] is guilty of this: he knows the known facts about gravitational theory, and because he wants to believe in the book, he makes the nonsense statement that he does. When a scientist states facts he is a scientist but when he offers opinion he is a man like any other. This, I think, is not understood by most people. Mueller, the geneticist, has obtained a few facts about the effect of radioactivity on genes; the atomic energy commission has a few facts about the concentration of radioactivity after an atomic explosion. So, Mueller says atomic testing should be stopped at once, and the AEC says that the testing is completely harmless. These conclusions are completely unwarranted from the known data.
My philosophy—and religion—is this: accept what is known and take it in its entirety. Because what is known for sure is very small compared to what is not known, we must form opinions about these things that 1) are consistent with the known facts, 2) are constantly altered as new facts become known, and 3) are clearly labeled as opinions. There are many ideas which are held widely as important but in actuality have no significance for mankind except perhaps to satisfy his conceit; e.g. the belief that a God (with unmistakable human characteristics) created mankind and that nature works for the benefit of mankind. To make it worse, the philosophers go ahead and give this God such properties as omnipotence, omniscience, etc. Don’t misunderstand me: it is my opinion that there is order in nature and, again in my opinion, that this order is not merely a function of our observing it; however, it is also my opinion that this order was not created by any manlike God. So, you see, I am a materialistic humanist in my thinking.
There is no such thing as a single source of absolute truth, i.e., the Bible, the Urantia Book, or anything else. To search for such a source can only lead to frustration; this is the reason why I feel that you are very much mistaken in your attitude toward the Urantia Book.
In a 30 October 1957 letter to Sir Hubert Wilkins, Sherman commented:
Reports from Urantia friends say the Book is having hard going, as to its acceptance, which is not surprising to me. Was looking at it the other night—it has some terrific material, no doubt of that—but it is so enormous and requires so much time to digest, the average busy person of importance just can’t get into it.
Evanston, Ill., November 2, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
There have been many remarks about the fine way in which you conducted the Chicago Urantia meeting. We all enjoyed the stimulating discussion.
Working at Northwestern University where I come in contact with some of the students, two with whom I have talked about religion filled out the interest forms such as you use at Culver. I hope they will show an interest in our new Evanston study group.
We have started with the study of Thought Adjusters but are interested in using your condensed form of the Urantia Book which Ruth Burton showed us.
Will you be able to spare 22-25 copies? . . .
Thanking you,
Ruth E. Renn
Culver, In., November 9, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler,
Thought you might like to see a copy of a “halfway” approach to the Urantia Book which I have prepared for some of my colleagues who would not read the Urantia Book itself.43 We’ll be interested to find out whether it stimulates their thinking. Best wishes.

Chicago, November 11, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Ever since you were here I’ve been intending to write you to ask if I might have a copy of the booklet that Harold Karrer had—I think it was called “An Evaluation of the Urantia Book.” It was a number of pages stapled together. He read a lot of material from it in his kindergarten class. . . .
By the way, I want to call your attention again to an error which you’re still carrying although I corrected it on the original chart you made a year or more ago. You still have the names of the major and minor sectors confused with the names of their headquarters worlds. The major sector is Splandon and the capital is Umajor the fifth. The minor sector is Ensa and the capital is Uminor the third. I know it doesn’t sound logical, but that’s the way it is. See the bottom of page 174. I’m sure you’ll want to correct this.
It is so nice to have you here and I hope you can come again soon.
Marian Rowley
Mt. Sinai Hospital, Chicago, November 12, 1957
Dear Meredith,
Thanks so much for your kind letter and the enclosures. Bob Burton left a copy of your “Evaluation of the Urantia Book,” which I think is very well done.
Your second write-up, “Religion for the New Age,” startled me because your very first section parallels the introduction I had worked out to the talk at Ann Arbor. In other words, Christian cosmology must evolve from geocentric to a post-Copernican level. I shall read this latter treatise with some care.
Progress continues. The doctors tell me I may anticipate a more or less complete recovery,44 and a travel schedule next year appears in order. Hope to see you then.
Cordially and sincerely,
Chicago, November 30, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Thank you so much for sending the “Evaluation” and also “Religion for the New Age.” I think you’ve done a wonderful job and I certainly hope you get it published. This is a very good approach and it can slip through the armor of some people who wouldn’t take the Book. I continue to be amazed at you. How can you do so many things—and do them so well! Your grasp of the book in such a short time is remarkable. You certainly have caught the spirit of it.
And I hope you won’t mind my mentioning that a few of your facts aren’t quite straight. In this article it won’t matter as it’s all being put forward as speculation, but for yourself and your students you might want to review page 167, for example. The Milky Way is not our local universe of Nebadon; it is the entire seventh superuniverse, or Orvonton. And the diameter of Orvonton is about 500,000 light years (not 40,000,000). See pages 359 and 360 in Paper 32. I don’t know where you got the figures at the top of page 3, but if you can give me the pages, maybe we can get straightened out. Or perhaps you’re not quoting from the book, but from some other source.
Let me say again that I think you’ve done a wonderful job. I hope this gets published.
Marian Rowley

- Max Freedom Long (1890-1971) was an American novelist and New Age author.
- Read an article about Arnold Zachow: A. A. Zachow—Revelation Worker.
- Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) was a prolific American writer who spent most of her life in China. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for her novel, The Good Earth. After her return to the States in 1935 she became an advocate of the rights of women’ and minority groups. [Wikipedia]
- Roger Ward Babson (1875-1967) was an entrepreneur, business theorist, writer, economist, founder of universities, philanthropist, and Prohibition Party candidate for U.S. President in 1940. [Wikipedia]
- Most likely Hugh Lynn Cayce, son of Edgar Cayce, who remained active at A.R.E.
- Footnote with a short bio of Arnold Zachow to come
- Billy Graham (1918-2018) was a charismatic Christian evangelist who rose to celebrity status in the 1950s when his sermons, revivals and crusades were broadcast on radio and television, resulting in mass conversions to Christ.
- We have found no evidence of who Ronne is referring to.
- Presumably an early version of Ruth Burton’s “Basic Concepts of the Urantia Book”
- Harold W. Percival. Thinking and Destiny (New York: The Word Publishing Company, 1946)
- The Urantia Book, 132:7.6
- Raymond or Life and Death (1917) is a work by Sir Oliver Lodge, the well-known spiritualist. Oliver’s son Raymond was killed in World War I and Lodge was able to communicate with him after death, revealing many details of the hereafter.
- Referring to balance of page left blank.
- Elsie Baumgartner and Rachel Gusler were two of the few Forumites who developed a deep friendship with Harold and Martha Sherman and continued to correspond with them after they left Chicago.
- Hornell Hart (1888–1967) was a professor of sociology at Duke University and a parapsychologist who wrote papers on apparitions and life after death. He was also a friend of Harold Sherman and the two sometimes appeared together on the lecture circuit.
- Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship
- In 1960 Max Freedom Long wrote: “Those who scold me so often for not accepting their particular “Ye Olde Complete Truthe and Worde of God” are invited to spend $10, as I am sorry to say I did, and buy and read the latest revealed-by-spirit book, The Book of Urantia. It is not written in the old English of the first King James Bible, but in its 2,097 pages I have not found a single statement issued “from the horse’s mouth” which has been offered with any proof other than the old, “This is true, because I say so.” Vistas Bulletin, June, 1960.
- This partial letter is a typewritten fragment of Martha’s longer handwritten letter which has not been found.
- Here Martha repeats the June 23 report of Adolf Theis.
- William S. Sadler, Long Heads and Round Heads (Chicago: A.C. McClurg & Co., 1918)
- This has not been found. Sprunger wrote many essays through the years, often updated them and changed the titles. Here is an archive of his writings:
- Bill Sadler suffered from heart problems and was frequently hospitalized.
- Max Freedom Long (1890-1971) was an American novelist and New Age author.
- Read an article about Arnold Zachow: A. A. Zachow—Revelation Worker.
- Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973) was a prolific American writer who spent most of her life in China. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932 for her novel, The Good Earth. After her return to the States in 1935 she became an advocate of the rights of women’ and minority groups. [Wikipedia]
- Roger Ward Babson (1875-1967) was an entrepreneur, business theorist, writer, economist, founder of universities, philanthropist, and Prohibition Party candidate for U.S. President in 1940. [Wikipedia]
- Most likely Hugh Lynn Cayce, son of Edgar Cayce, who remained active at A.R.E.
- Footnote with a short bio of Arnold Zachow to come
- Billy Graham (1918-2018) was a charismatic Christian evangelist who rose to celebrity status in the 1950s when his sermons, revivals and crusades were broadcast on radio and television, resulting in mass conversions to Christ.
- We have found no evidence of who Ronne is referring to.
- Presumably an early version of Ruth Burton’s “Basic Concepts of the Urantia Book”
- Harold W. Percival. Thinking and Destiny (New York: The Word Publishing Company, 1946)
- The Urantia Book, 132:7.6
- Raymond or Life and Death (1917) is a work by Sir Oliver Lodge, the well-known spiritualist. Oliver’s son Raymond was killed in World War I and Lodge was able to communicate with him after death, revealing many details of the hereafter.
- Referring to balance of page left blank.
- Elsie Baumgartner and Rachel Gusler were two of the few Forumites who developed a deep friendship with Harold and Martha Sherman and continued to correspond with them after they left Chicago.
- Hornell Hart (1888–1967) was a professor of sociology at Duke University and a parapsychologist who wrote papers on apparitions and life after death. He was also a friend of Harold Sherman and the two sometimes appeared together on the lecture circuit.
- Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship
- In 1960 Max Freedom Long wrote: “Those who scold me so often for not accepting their particular “Ye Olde Complete Truthe and Worde of God” are invited to spend $10, as I am sorry to say I did, and buy and read the latest revealed-by-spirit book, The Book of Urantia. It is not written in the old English of the first King James Bible, but in its 2,097 pages I have not found a single statement issued “from the horse’s mouth” which has been offered with any proof other than the old, “This is true, because I say so.” Vistas Bulletin, June, 1960.
- This partial letter is a typewritten fragment of Martha’s longer handwritten letter which has not been found.
- Here Martha repeats the June 23 report of Adolf Theis.
- William S. Sadler, Long Heads and Round Heads (Chicago: A.C. McClurg & Co., 1918)
- This has not been found. Sprunger wrote many essays through the years, often updated them and changed the titles. Here is an archive of his writings:
- Bill Sadler suffered from heart problems and was frequently hospitalized.