The Beginning and the First Nine Years
![urantiachronicles_heading [L-R]: Harry Loose; Harold and Martha Sherman; Sir Hubert Wilkins; Dr. Meredith Sprunger; contact commissioners Emma (Christy) Christensen, Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.](
Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.
main page
Compiled and Edited
by Saskia Praamsma
00. Introduction
01. The Beginning
02. Dr. Sadler's History
03. Sherman and Loose
04. The Forum
05. Foundation and Brotherhood
06 “Patience Yet a Little While”
07. “The Word Is Made Book”
08. Blessings and Brickbats
09. The Message Spreads Abroad
10. Introducing a Revelation
11. Dr. Sprunger and the Ministers
12. Scientists and Metaphysicians
13. New Blood, New Ideas
14. Controversy with the Church
15. Questions and Some Answers
16. "It's for the Future, not Now"
17. Making Haste Slowly
18. Consideration of Some Criticisms
19. Appraisals and Transitions
20. The Wilkins Opportunity
21. Missed Chances
22. A Wall of Secrecy
23. Bill Sadler Speaks
24. More History Mysteries
25. A Season for All Things
26. Nine Years of Slow Growth
HMSA: Harold M. Sherman's archives
UBH: Urantia Book Historical Society
SHWA: Sir Hubert Wilkins' archives
UBF: Urantia Book Fellowship's Timeline
UF: Urantia Foundation's website
HIFTUB: How I Found the Urantia Book
- The Contact Commission
- 533 Diversey Parkway
- The Plan for the Urantia Book Revelation
- Major Growth Steps in the Urantia Movement
- "I Remember the Forum"
- "Until We Meet Again"
- The Split: A Blessing in Disguise
- Sherman's 1942 Publishing Suggestions
- Sherman's 1942 Organization Suggestions
- The 1942 Forum Petition
- Sir Hubert Wilkins and the Urantia Book
- Forum Data and Apocrypha
- Childhood Days at the Forum
- Historic Urantia Newsletters
- Forum Days
- The Value of an Accurate History
- The Forumites
- Forumite Clarence Bowman
- Separate Publishing of Part IV
- The JANR Debate (2000)
- No Urantia Church-Not Yet!
- A Box of Chocolates
- 2003: Open Letter to Larry Mullins
- Urantia in Australia in the 1970s
- The Italian Translation Story
- La Storia de Il Libro di Urantiago
- The Urantia Book and Oahspe
- Webster Stafford's 1952 Urantia Report
10. Introducing a Revelation
Culver, In., January 4, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler,
We should like to thank you for the wonderful time which we enjoyed at your home Wednesday. You have such a fine family and we appreciated getting acquainted with you folks so much. We hope you will be able to visit us sometime.
We received much also in our understanding of the background of the Urantia Book. As the result of our conversations, I typed up a new edition of the Introduction and ran off a few copies for a select group of Academy instructors I am meeting with Monday evening.
I was never satisfied with the other attempts; they lacked the “we” atmosphere. And few people feel competent enough or courageous enough to tackle something like the Urantia Book in isolation. When they feel that many competent people have taken something of this nature seriously, they are much more likely to follow suit, as you well know.
Would you or one of your family go over it and make suggestions concerning changes which might improve it in accuracy or effectiveness. Probably one of your family could give me a better biographical sketch of yourself.
Just received a note today from D. W. Weaver of this community enclosing a letter from Edmond F. J. Kulieke in which he suggests that Mr. Weaver contact me for an introduction “to a most wonderful book—which we have been studying for over twenty years.” I shall be glad to meet with Mr. Weaver.
We are making copies of the various diagrams which Bill’s wife gave us. Shall start going over the funeral service material soon.9
Cordially yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Chicago, January 7, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
A number of us have gone over your three statements about introducing the Urantia Book. We have put them together as we think would be most effective and appropriate. We hope our efforts will meet with your approval. If they do, we will reproduce this new arrangement to meet some requests that have been made for your statement. We feel that the mention of individual names would not be best for general distribution. We think that it would be perfectly proper in personal letters to use these statements but we doubt the wisdom of using them in a statement to be mimeographed for wider distribution.
We certainly enjoyed our visit with you and Mrs. Sprunger and look forward to seeing you again soon.
William S. Sadler
Chicago, January 7, 1957
Dear Mr. Weiss,
Thank you for your letter of December 26. I am glad you received the two books so promptly.
Your suggestion regarding the Index and the addition of a glossary are very interesting, and your comments on a French edition of the Book are very enlightening. Since both the Index and the matter of translation are the direct concern of Urantia Foundation, I am turning your letter over to them for their attention.
In answer to your question, we printed 10,000 copies of the Book in the first edition. And I must tell you that the printing wasn’t done by any “occult support behind.” A number of people who were interested in seeing the Book published contributed money over a period of several years. And even though the donations were comparatively small, they were enough to make plates and print 10,000 books.
We are delighted that you are so interested. Please let us know if we can help you in any way.
Marian Rowley
Kansas City, Mo., January 7, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
I was happy to get your note of December 31, 1956, and happy to hear that you are interested in distributing copies of the Urantia Book to key people.
Happily, at the present I am able to assist you to a limited degree in your effort. I am having Miss Nola Smith (a Urantia member and friend of mine in Chicago) send you seven copies of the Urantia Book at her earliest convenience. I ask, however, that you do not divulge my name to any recipient. I would, however, appreciate, eventually, hearing of their response and only keep a file of responses.
There is another “string” attached to the seven copies. I do, however, have some advice: Unless you feel particularly impelled to do so, don’t give the Book away, but rather keep them as a sort of “circulating missionary library.” Explain to the “source” that they may keep the Book as long as seven months (six months to read it and 30 days to return it), but you would like the Book returned so you can show it to others. Or they may pay you for the Book, so you can perpetuate the library.
I do wish to emphasize that this advice is only a suggestion coming from my personal experience. I am sending the Books to you as an outright gift to you to use, as your spiritual prudence and foresight deem best.
Best wishes.
Donald Dunn
Niles, Mich., January 9, 1957
Dear Mr. Sprunger,
Thank you much for your most interesting letter of the 2nd and enclosures, and it seems to me you have done a remarkable job in the way of introduction to the Urantia Book.
I would like so much to know as to whether or not this Introduction you have prepared has been submitted to Dr. Sadler and received his approval, also the sheet of most helpful and enlightening excerpts. If these have met with his approval and are released for such distribution as we may desire to make of them from time to time for the enlightenment of interested persons, then I would like to have about a dozen copies of each, in case you are running these off on multigraph or similar device so that you can spare extra copies without rewriting. If that is to be done, we can do it ourselves in our own office.
I am indeed glad to see something in the way of a really informative Introduction being prepared to go with the Book. . . .
It just occurs to me that it would be most enlightening to one reading for the first time if you would write, near the beginning of your comments, just a line of explanation that “Urantia” is the name that has been given our planet. I know that it should by most intelligent people be comprehended before reading far, but it just seems to me if explanation is made at the first as to why this name “Urantia” is used and what it means as to our own world, that would be helpful. . . .
When you get your organization in hand and are gathering contributions to adjust the matter of the cost of the books, I would like to make a contribution to that fund, but I suggest that you first write to Dr. Sadler and find out just what he would suggest, because I have the impression, though I may be wrong, that they would be inclined to reduce the price somewhat on 24 books.
You may have met Mrs. Rawson, as she is now the lady at the reception desk in Dr. Sadler’s and is a very fine personality. Her husband was a fine man, too, and it is just too bad he had to pass on so early in life. I came to know him quite well and regarded him highly.
The Sadler family have been friends of mine over 35 years and I have every reason to have implicit confidence in them. Dr. Lena Sadler was one of the most capable and brilliant women I ever met—most energetic—and she was also a medical doctor and surgeon. She took my tonsils out many years ago, and I have also had two operations by Dr. William Sadler before his arm was broken in an automobile accident, and thus he had to give up surgery. He was at that time, as I remember it, a senior surgeon in Columbus Hospital in Chicago.
I believe you know that Mrs. Sadler’s father was brother of the nationally known Dr. Kellogg, head of the sanitarium at Battle Creek during much of his lifetime, and another brother was the head of the Kellogg Food Company at Battle Creek, so they really were very able people.
My first contact with Dr. Sadler was when I was on a board of the Michigan Manufacturers Association, and we had him give a lecture at an annual dinner in Detroit, entitled “The Human Machine,” and it certainly was splendid. From that our acquaintance grew into a lifelong friendship.
I am sure you would greatly enjoy going over to just a few miles west of Michigan City, where the Sadlers have a very nice and good-sized cottage on the top of a little hill overlooking the lake.
I sincerely hope the good work you are doing in connection with this most unusual Book will meet with great success.
Sincerely yours,
W. F. Harrah
This revelation was apparently made around 1934 (page 707) through some kind of communication with a human being who had an unusual quality of God’s inner presence (page 1208-9). By some “fortuitous combination of cosmic adjustments (between secondary midwayers and the Spirit of God residing in this individual) these revelations were materialized in the English language on Urantia (page 1258). These papers came, apparently, as a divine materialization. When one of the individuals, of unquestioned integrity, who was active in the early history of the Urantia Foundation was asked for further details, he replied that they were instructed to give only such knowledge as was present in the papers themselves. This advice was given because of man’s tendency to venerate personalities associated with unusual phenomena. Following such guidance they destroyed all records containing this information. Unquestionably apocryphal stories concerning the origin of the Urantia Book will arise but the only authentic information is to be found within the Book itself.
by Meredith Sprunger
January 1957
Rarely does one find a book on theology or religion today that one feels has the potential of shaping human destiny. It is generally observed that religion in our day has ceased to be a molding force in our culture. Religion plays a supporting role to the economic, political, and scientific forces which are now the architects of the future.
Therefore it is most refreshing to find a book which appears to have the potential of introducing real creative thinking in the religious field. This book is entitled The Urantia Book. It was published by the Urantia Foundation, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago, Illinois 60614, in 1955 and contains 2097 pages. Examining its contents you will discover that it claims to be written by numerous celestial beings as a special revelation to man living on this world, Urantia. It asserts that it contains the first major divine revelation since the coming of Christ to our planet.
This is certainly claim enough to make anyone suspicious of its contents. People who pose as the bearers of a “new revelation” are quite common. Almost every generation produces a number of such individuals and movements. What is surprising about the Urantia Book is that it has almost nothing in common with these radical movements. It does not advocate a new religion. Elements of fanaticism will find no support in its teachings. It contains nothing contrary to the highest insights or basic convictions of the Christian faith. From ancient Gnosticism to modern Secularism, it cannot be accused of falling into any of the traditional heresies of the Christian faith. Yet its viewpoint is fresh, expansive, and profound.
The superior quality of the philosophical-religious insights of the Urantia Book is clear to anyone of discriminating mind who will read it. It is a book, however, that cannot be properly evaluated until one grasps its comprehensive universe cosmology—its total religious picture. Just as students of the life of Jesus recognize the superlative quality of his character even though they reject his divinity, so mankind is destined to recognize unparalleled quality of the insights of the Urantia Book—even though they do not accept it as a new revelation.
At this time the question of revelatory authenticity is a secondary consideration. Even if this book should live and become a shaping influence in our religious world, it will take at least a hundred years for society or the church to make up its mind about it. Individuals, of course, will probably make up their minds much sooner. The real question which this stimulating book poses is: does it have something creative and constructive to contribute to our modern religious-philosophic outlook?
There is little question but that it can and probably will make a tremendous contribution to our religious thinking. It presents the finest world view of religion which I have ever read, yet it is not actually synchretistic. Evaluated on the basis of spiritual insight, philosophic coherence, and reality-centeredness it is far superior to any book with which I am acquainted.
We should remind ourselves that every advance in knowledge is a disturbing and painful experience for man. This is true of both quantitive knowledge (science) and qualitative knowledge (religion). The prophets are stoned and the pioneers of science are ridiculed. Man’s historical resistance to truth is greatly aided by his tendency to accept second-hand sources of information—usually authoritarianism and tradition. If you are interested in progressive philosophical and religious thinking which has the potential of molding world destiny, the Urantia Book is a firsthand source of information which you cannot afford to miss.10
Culver, In., January 11, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler,
Am sending you a few of the Introductions. I feel somewhat satisfied now with this approach plus the personal elaborations which the individual can do as he deems wise. If you should like us to make you some of these (minus the smudge marks) we would be glad to do so at no cost to the Foundation. Having it all on one sheet makes it much easier to handle.
If you have the quotations of the Urantia Book gathered together and their origins listed, I would appreciate having a copy. Don’t have any trouble with the Bible quotations but those from other sources are completely unknown to me.

Summary, Events of the Fourth Quarter 1956
From Warren H. Kulieke, Vice President
You will find several documents attached to this letter: Annual statement of the Treasurer, a revised roster of all General Council and committee members, and a presentation of the Urantia Book prepared by Dr. Meredith Sprunger, pastor of the Grace Evangelical and Reformed Church of Culver, Indiana, who has enthusiastically accepted the Urantia Book and is conducting a study group in his church.
The annual meeting of the General Council was held Sunday, January 13, at 533 Diversey Parkway. Tom Wideroe and Luther Evans were elected members of the General Council to fill vacancies left by death. New committee members were also elected. Committee chairmen and officers of the General Council submitted their annual reports which may be briefly summarized as follows:
- Judicial: The work of compiling an index and cross reference of the Constitution and By-laws of Urantia Brotherhood is nearing completion.
- Fraternal Relations: Principally engaged in a study of religions and denominations of the world in order to cope with problems which may arise.
- Charter: Chartered the First Urantia Society (the former Forum) and the West Coast Urantia Society of the Los Angeles area. Now engaged in making available certain packets of information and literature to be used by new groups interested in becoming integral units of the Brotherhood.
- Domestic Extension: Met six times. Sent gift Books to about 50 libraries, universities and individuals. Also met with the leaders of several study groups to the end that the committee might be of service to these groups in promoting the Urantia Book.
- Foreign Extension: Investigated the possibility of translating the Book into foreign languages. Mailed books to 100 libraries scattered throughout the British Commonwealth.
- Education: Organized the teaching corps and the curriculum for the Urantia Brotherhood School which began Sept. 19, with 71 students and auditors enrolled. Elected Dr. William S. Sadler, President; Alvin L. Kulieke, Dean; and Kenton Stephens, Secretary-Treasurer.
- Finance: Has raised funds to cover the year’s expenses of the Brotherhood. Looking to the future, this committee is considering contacting individuals outside the Brotherhood for the purpose of raising funds.
- Publications: Published and sent out the Quarterly News Letter and assisted the Urantia Brotherhood in getting out its teaching material.
- Miscellaneous Activities: Has performed various jobs for chairmen of other committees particularly in assisting the Publications Committee in preparing materials for the Urantia Brotherhood School.
The custodians of the Urantia Book report that as of January 1, 1957, 2,334 Books have been distributed.
The Urantia Brotherhood School is completing its first semester’s work. The second semester will begin early in February with two courses being offered: Continuation of Dr. Sadler’s “Doctrinal Course,” and a course in “Technics of Speaking and Teaching” by Kenton Stephens. Part II of the Doctrinal Study will be available for $5.00 early in February.

Niles, Mich., January 14, 1957
Dear Mr. Sprunger,
I have this morning your two most interesting letters of Friday the 11th, and it seems to me that this whole matter now is working out in a very satisfactory form between you and Dr. Sadler, and I am so glad that you have had this opportunity to secure what seems to be his complete cooperation and approval.
I haven’t had time as yet, on account of the pressure of other matters, which on Monday always seem to be more than other days because of heavy mail, to read over carefully the sheet of excerpts and the introduction sheet, but at first glance it certainly seems to me they are very much in order and give a great amount of most helpful and enlightening information to the person who may be a prospective student of this very important matter.
I see, as I am sure you do also from your comments, that it is good judgment to omit the names of prominent individuals who have become seriously interested, particularly in the matter of mimeographed sheets for general distribution, but I am glad that Dr. Sadler does not object to so doing in the case of personal letters or personal interviews.
As our good friend, Judge Hammerschmidt, is really entitled to all the credit for the splendid interest which you are showing in this matter, I hope that it may be possible for you and him to have a little personal interview regarding some of the details, and how I may be of some help in the matter as to getting additional Books. I am glad you will ask Dr. Sadler in regard to this problem, and I will be glad if you and Judge Hammerschmidt will be free to communicate with me as to some further financial assistance on my part also.
Sincerely yours,
W. F. Harrah
P.S. I expect you feel it best not to sign your own name to these most able two sheets—to do so would likely bring you much general correspondence of no real benefit and yet a great burden on you.
Chicago, January 14, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
We have your order of January 12 for five Books, but since you are a newcomer to our ranks, I want to tell you what our policy is regarding Book orders.
Since we are a small organization, we are not set up to send Books out on credit or on approval. Therefore, we have made it a rule not to mail any books unless they are paid for in advance. Please understand that’s not a reflection on you personally. It’s just a rule we’ve felt it necessary to set up, and it holds even for Mr. Harrah. The price is $10.00 and checks should be made payable to the Urantia Brotherhood Corporation. I know Harold Karrer took seven books to you Sunday, which were a gift to you from a man in Kansas City. Perhaps you won’t want these five books which you’ve just ordered. In any event, we won’t do anything more until we hear from you. According to our records, we have sent you two books which you paid for, and 24 books which the Executive Committee authorized us to send you on loan. If you have all those out and working, you are doing very well!
I am sorry to tell you that we cannot give a discount for quantities of 25 or over. The only way we sell the Book at less than retail price is when it is ordered by an authorized bookseller for resale at $10.00.
I found on my desk tonight a number of copies of your latest presentation, which I presume you sent Dr. Sadler. We are very glad to have them. We have just ordered another 300 copies of your first presentation and plan to attach one to each copy of the January News Letter which will go out in the next couple of weeks. Everyone likes it very much and we are grateful to you for letting us use it.
Marian Rowley
Culver, In., January 14, 1957
Dear Rev. Brock,
Following our telephone conversation, I have decided to send the Urantia Book to you instead of waiting until January 30 to deliver it to you. . . . I think you will be much impressed with the life of Christ and what it has to say about the amazing career of mortals following death. I see nothing in the Book that would be out of harmony with spiritualism providing spiritualistic phenomena are regarded as natural or evolutionary and not supernatural or Divine Revelation.
This does not mean that Divine Revelation on a smaller or individual scale does not occur sometimes through mediumistic channels or even the higher mental channels of the so-called average person. Cosmic consciousness is something which we are only beginning to learn about through our evolutionary channels of knowledge.
In addition to the information given in the accompanying papers I might say that I have made a rather thorough study of the content and origins of the Urantia Book and am convinced of its authenticity. These revelations were completed around 1934 and were placed in the custody of a select group of people known as the Urantia Forum. You will find these people of highest caliber and unquestioned integrity. This first group was composed of seventy people under the leadership of Dr. William S. Sadler and his wife, Dr. Lena Kellogg Sadler. They were a nationally known medical team until Dr. Lena’s death in 1939. As you may know, Dr. Sadler was a pioneer in the development of American psychiatry. He has written over twenty-five books, some of which have been standard textbooks in medical schools for many years. He was professor in the post-graduate medical school of Chicago University and lecturer in psychiatry at McCormick Theological Seminary for almost thirty years.
Other men of international reputation who studied the Urantia papers before publication and fully accepted them were famous magician Howard Thurston and the noted explorer Sir Hubert Wilkins. Thurston, who took delight in exposing all sorts of fraud, became so absorbed with the Urantia papers that he dropped his work for a whole year to make an intensive study of them. Wilkins likewise took three months out of his busy career to study the papers.
Finally permission was given to publish the Urantia papers, and the Urantia Book was released to the public in October, 1955. At this time the Urantia Forum was organized into the Urantia Brotherhood with a Constitution and By-laws. This was done largely as a defensive measure against fanatics who might get hold of the Book and attempt to start a new cult. . . .
Obviously, not everyone is ready for the Urantia Book. It would disturb some people. I would recommend that you do not speak to others about it until you can do so from personal conviction growing out of a firsthand study of the Book. And then only to those you feel are ready for it.
We shall look forward to seeing you Wednesday, January 30th, at 4 p.m.
Cordially yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Chicago, January 15, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Regarding your letter of January 11, I have a record of the research on the quotations in the Urantia Book other than those found in the Bible. It is rather a long story, and I think I had better wait and take it up with you some time when you are in Chicago.
With best regards, I am,
William S. Sadler
Chicago, January 16, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
I want to thank you and your wife for the fine dinner and visit with you last Sunday. Again, I want to congratulate you on your courageous and forthright sermon; I was personally thrilled and pleased to have such an able man a member of the Urantia Brotherhood.
Next Sunday I don’t have to worry too much about the best way to present the Book to a pastor: a Dr. Corpening, of one of the Baptist churches here in Chicago, has invited me to his services next Sunday and remain afterwards to introduce him to the Book. What a pleasure it is always. . . .
If at any time I can be of help to you in any way, please do not hesitate to ask. At the end of this month when we hold our meeting of evaluating the progress of the Book I am going to recommend that any of the members having extra Books and desiring to place them where they can do good to send them to you.
Sincerely yours,
H. E. Karrer
Culver, In., January 16, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler,
As you may know, Sunday I presented the Urantia Book to our congregation. The reaction was much as I anticipated—curiosity and interest. To date there have been no negative reactions. You asked about the content of the sermons leading up to this presentation. Before I forget, I will summarize them. All were given under the heading, “How Does God Speak to Us?”
- Through His Inner Presence. . . .
- Through Our Growing Perception. . . .
- Through Mighty Acts. . . .
- Through His Incarnation. . . .
- Through the Vision of Seers. . . .12
Such is the general approach I used.
Would you give me the name of the binders who separated the various parts of the Urantia Book for you? I should like to have one Book made up this way. Sometime when we are in Chicago I shall look forward to speaking with you about the quotations of the Urantia Book.
Chicago, January 18, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Thank you for your letter of the 16th telling me about the sermons leading up to the Urantia Book. Harold Karrer told my class Wednesday evening something of your sermon last Sunday. I thought your text selection from the Urantia Book was very appropriate.
If you wish any Books divided and rebound please direct your request to Miss Marian Rowley at this address, and she will take care of the matter. . . .
William S. Sadler
Alma, Mich., January 18, 1957
My dear Sir,
I feel I should have said “dear friend” since we both are busy with this blessed Urantia Book.
I’m working carefully, praying for leads and then do the follow-up work. I’m taking the attitude that there is a new book out and sounds intensely interesting, adding, “I thought maybe you would like to read it, too.” I’m also glad to say it is not a new religion but acts as a clearing house for information regarding the Bible and its contents. I also add with emphasis that it is the whole world’s answer to puzzling things in many ways, etc.
Up to now I have sold seven books, including the one I have just sold to a man in Saginaw. He bought one for himself and before he got down to the real business of reading it, he loaned it to a lady who is reading it a lot and she does not want to give it up so he is picking up my last volume at the old price.
I do like your fine letter about the Book and I enclose one with each Book, or if it is an out-of-town sale, I send them one to help encourage them.
What I’m concerned with just now in a particular way is this: I have a fraternity house next door to my home. We have a college here in our city and I feel so keenly the need of putting this Book into the hands of the young people. This is a Presbyterian college. They have a fine man as president and he has had lots of experience in dealing with various matters having been a chaplain in the Army during the war. . . . I do not want to do anything too unethical, but if there is no other way, I should do so if and when God guides me. It is surprising how persons will appear, or one will hear of some remark that another made, that will indicate to me that they are reaching out for more than they realize since they seem not very well satisfied with what they now have along Bible lines, etc.
I’m writing you to find out just how you are getting along with spreading this Book around in your locality. . . .
Any enlightenment on various approaches and regarding the progress also would be very interesting to me and others here who want to get at the distribution of the Book.
With sincere good wishes,
Della S. Ward
Chicago, January 18, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
The Doctor insisted Wednesday that I give a report to the Urantia School of your sermon last Sunday, which I did. The report, in gist, was that a planetary situation exists in Culver, with your leadership, which will produce fruits of the spirit. They were so pleased and happy with your work; they all wish you godspeed. By the way, I think you will be receiving more Books.
I received a letter from Dr. Grauer this morning. It follows:
“I have glanced through this book that you gave me and appreciate having you give it to me. I appreciated your letter very much and am glad to notice that you were a very positive thinker. Shall I return the book to you by mail or do you want to drop in some time to get it? Thank you for your courtesy in extending me the privilege of examining it.”
I shall go for the Book sometime in the near future. Any advice? Shall I leave the next move to you? A letter from you? Or let the matter drop?
I would appreciate your counsel.
Very sincerely,
H. E. Karrer
Chicago, January 19, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Thanks for your letter of January l6. We are very glad to hear how you are using the Books you have. It sounds like a very ambitious program and we wish you all the success in the world. If there is anything we can do to help, please call on us.
If I might make a suggestion, when you write us regarding Books, requests for information, and so on, please address the envelopes to me. Then they will be put on my desk and will receive prompt attention. Of course on any personal matters you should address the Doctor, but he has nothing to do with the business matters of the organization. Of course we try to keep each other advised of what’s going on and I think I have seen most of his letters to you.
I have a copy of his letter of January 16 to you regarding having a Book bound in smaller volumes, and I thought you might like to have a little more information before you make a decision. Some people have had each part bound separately, four volumes. However, many of us have had it done in three volumes, combining Parts I and II. This makes three volumes of about equal size. In any event, whether you have it in three volumes or in four, the cost of binding is $10.00—this is in addition to the original cost of the Book of $10.00.
Twenty dollars seems quite expensive, but it is a real convenience to have the smaller volumes. The work is done by a binder in Evanston on his own time, so it sometimes takes quite a while. We can’t guarantee rapid delivery. The Books are bound in blue, about the color of the Urantia Book, but they have no inscription of any kind on the outside to indicate name or what part it is. . . .
I am sure you will be interested to know that Mr. Sven Groenland came into the office this afternoon to buy a Book. He told me he had heard of it through you. I asked him to come to the Sunday meetings and he said he might after he has looked over the Book.
Marian Rowley
Culver, In., January 19, 1957
Dear Mr. Karrer,
Thank you for your letter. We were happy to visit with you again. Am glad to learn of the fine opportunity you are having tomorrow with Dr. Corpening. I am writing to Gerhard Grauer and will enclose a copy of the letter. Perhaps you could call on him in a month or two. If you contact other pastors that I might know or if you think I should write them a letter, let me know.
If you should get to talk to Dr. Tillich, let me know. I have talked with Tillich and believe that he will see you if there is time at all. For as a person he is quite considerate of others and down to earth as a genuine person should be. . . .
Sincerely yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Culver, In., January 19, 1957
Dear Dr. Grauer
Mr. Harold Karrer has informed me that he presented you with a copy of the Urantia Book. If you will read this Book I’m rather sure that you will not take it lightly. After making a critical study of it and the people associated with it, I am convinced of its authenticity. . . .13
Dr. Sadler, who was very close to the materialization of these papers and in actual communication with the secondary midwayers, told me that he held out until the papers on the twelve apostles came. As a psychiatrist he then became convinced that only a being who had access to the human mind could have written them. . . .
Obviously this book is not for most people. Dr. Sadler had several papers read to me which they were allowed to keep but not publish. These papers point out that they were being allowed to publish the book long before the world was ready for its worldwide mission. But it was given for those who were ready for it that leaders and teachers might be prepared through study groups so that they would be ready when the time came. Most of the Urantia people believe that we will not see that day. It is difficult to say. But I would be careful who I introduced the book to—most people would be disturbed with even the idea of such a book. In any case, overrapid growth would be unhealthy and publicity most unfortunate. At this stage it must be a personal ministry.
Mr. Karrer will no doubt call on you again after you have had time to read some of the Book. You may have questions you wish to ask him at that time. If there is any help or service I can render, please let me know.
Sincerely yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Niles, Mich., January 21, 1957
Dear Mr. Sprunger,
In reading again your most splendid two bulletins—that is, the suggested introduction and the excerpts—it just occurs to me that they would carry far more weight if we might be permitted to type your name at the end of the bulletins and your connection with the Evangelical and Reformed Church. In other words, it seems to us that these most helpful and enlightening bulletins ought to be identified as coming from you, who have made such a very considerable study of the matter already.
It so happens that two of our oldest and most experienced young ladies in the office are members of the St. John’s Evangelical and Reformed Church here in Niles, and one of the girls mentioned the fact that their minister, Rev. H. A. Meussling (it is barely possible you have met him), has preached a most interesting sermon regarding Jesus Christ and His work in the world. We wonder if he might not be interested in the Urantia Book, but if he could read these Introductions and realize that they are from a minister of his own denomination, it seems to us it would add materially to his possible interest.
Sincerely yours,
W. F. Harrah
Conneaut, Ohio, January 21, 1957
Dear Mr. Sprunger,
This is to acknowledge your letter of January 17 and the accompanying description material—and to thank you for both.
It is my personal opinion that few people are prepared for the Urantia Book. But those few should be sought after with the utmost diligence. I’m certain that you are looking for these few, and I wish you the best of luck in finding them. It is also my present opinion that support for the Book will come from the most unsuspecting quarters, while people who seem to be likely prospects will disillusion us repeatedly.
Thanks for your efforts in assisting with the distribution of the Urantia Book.
Kindest wishes to you and yours,
Donald Dunn
Culver, In., January 23, 1957
Dear Mr. Harrah,
Am glad to learn that you have two ladies in your office who are members of Rev. H. A. Meussling’s church. I know Herb quite well and he is one of the many young men I have had in mind to some day introduce to the Urantia Book. It might even be better for those ladies to do this and have them tell him that I would be very happy to talk with him about the Book. Let me know if they do this.
Regarding placing my name on these introduction sheets, my judgment would be similar to that of Dr. Sadler. For general distribution, it probably would not be too meaningful—in some cases a disadvantage. Some laymen are suspicious of ministers and their “mystical” ideas. If you, however, typed it on the sheets as clearly additional information added by yourself or mentioned it in a personal letter or conversation, then it could many times be useful. In the spirit of the preceding comments, use your own good judgment in this matter.
Am enclosing some extra sheets.
Sincerely yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Niles, Mich., January 23, 1957
Dear Mr. Sprunger,
Mrs. William S. Sadler [Jr.] brought to my attention a while ago the fact that they had located an expert bookbinder, who would be willing to take one of the books apart and put the four sections into four separate books. I have had a set of these for a short time, and they are such a great convenience to handle for reference and reading that it occurs to me you might find such a special set of particular convenience in your work, so I have now ordered a set made up and sent direct to you with my compliments.
By the way, Mrs. Sadler described you as a very fine gentleman, charming and enthusiastic; and that they felt your activities might make possible great accomplishments.
Sincerely yours,
W. F. Harrah
Culver, In., January 24, 1957
Dear Mr. Harrah,
Thank you for your kind letter and gracious gift. You couldn’t have selected anything I’m more anxious, at present, to get hold of. In fact, just a day or two ago I ordered such a divided Book. That I may have this Book as a present from you, I shall write Miss Marian Rowley asking her to cancel my order and send me Books instead which I can use in our work here.
Thank you for your kindness.
Meredith J. Sprunger
Niles, Mich., January 24, 1957
Dear Mr. Sprunger,
Thank you much for your interesting letter just received, and we are glad to note that you are well acquainted with Rev. Meussling.
I will pass the good word on to the ladies and see what they may be able to work out, and will advise you as to any results, unless you should have changed your mind and have a different idea in this particular instance; and if you have, please let us know by return mail and we will hold up the matter for a few days. I have the Book right here for them to pass on to him for his inspection, provided he seems to be at all interested in giving the matter some consideration.
I think I understand just exactly your idea in regard to the matter of the Introduction sheets; and as I understand you, it will be all right for me to use them in connection with personal letters that I write, in which case I would say that this splendid analysis and the Introduction, which I will enclose, are the results of study by Rev. Sprunger of Culver; and with a personal letter thus supplementing your Introduction, it seems to me that would be about the best we could do.
Thank you for the extra sheets.
Sincerely yours,
W. F. Harrah
Chicago, January 26, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
We ordered your divided Book in three volumes several days ago, but we had not yet ordered the ones for Mr. Harrah, so when I received your letter of January 24 this morning, to cancel your order, we decided to go ahead with yours but have only one done for Mr. Harrah instead of two. It seems confusing, but ends up as a simple accounting problem. . . .
Now I am glad to inform you of another gift! Miss Edith Currier, one of our members, owns a large number of Urantia Books and would like very much to give five of them to you for whatever use you prefer. She also gave me the postage for the five and suggested that if you want to send them to friends of yours around the country, you might want to give me the names and we would mail them from here instead of sending them to you and having you remail them. On the other hand, you might want to send a letter along with the books, or perhaps you would like to use them in Culver. In any event, we have five books for you and will hold them until you tell us how you want them handled. . . .
Have I made it all straight? Any questions?
Marian Rowley
Culver, In., January 28, 1957
Dear Mr. Karrer,
Thank you for your letter. . . . Haven’t heard from Grauer, which means that he is probably doing some thinking or reading. Sunday we had Dr. Harold Wilke, the executive secretary of our Commission on Church and Ministry, with us. We had a rather thorough discussion and I think he will read the Book. He is a good friend and, in his position of supervisory capacity of our 3,000 ministers, could be very useful in influencing others.
In regard to the sermon series following the presentation of the Urantia Book, I decided this material should be presented in the smaller study groups to people who are definitely interested. So I am not preaching the series. Our first study group met last night and there was a very excellent spirit.
This does not mean that you will not be welcome but that Culver is a long way to come to hear a “run of the mill” sermon. If you should decide to come down to visit us, however, we shall be glad to meet and visit with you and your friends. . . .
Cordially yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Niles, Mich., January 29, 1957
Dear Mr. Sprunger,
Thank you for your kind note of the 24th, and I am glad my letter reached you in time so that you may cancel the order that you had just sent Miss Rowley. . . .
I have today a revised copy of your presentation of the Urantia Book from the Chicago office. It is very much like the ones you have sent me, and which I noted were in much smaller typewriter face than is usually used, so I wonder whether this was typed on your order, or is it something that you had typed in the Chicago office? In any event, the latest revision that I have of your Introduction has on the second page the notation, “October 1956,” so I wonder whether this is really the one that is now approved and is being used, or is the one which is the one which is on a single page, both sides, that you have sent me and in small face typewriter type the latest and most approved by you?
I would like to get this straightened out in my own mind. The sheet written on both sides which is headed, “Excerpts Explaining the Urantia Book,” is very interesting and very helpful, but this is not enclosed with the matter just sent me from Chicago. Kindly give me the benefit of your advice so I will have the correct understanding of the matter.
This copy from Chicago, which carries the heading introducing you, and giving your address at Culver, Indiana, is, you see, along the line that I had in mind of identifying the author of this Introduction, but which you thought might be better to confine to direct correspondence or personal contact. In any event, whatever you approve is all right with me, and I just want to know which copy that is, so I can have some duplicates of that made if this one from Chicago is now the approved form. I suppose of course you have seen this copy. If not, I will send you mine. It doesn’t contain the suggestions for reading which you have on the back of your sheet, and which seem to me very much worthwhile.
I thank you in advance for your reply.
Sincerely yours,
W. F. Harrah
Niles, Mich., January 30, 1957
Dear Mr. Sprunger,
Thank you for yours of the 28th.
I am really overloading you with letters, as I have one now in transit to you in the last day or two that doubtless you had not received when you wrote on the 28th. . . .
We really have on our hands quite a difficult situation when we consider the mental reactions of so many different individuals that may be contacted. Some are entirely open-minded; others are just as far the other way as it is possible to be, but let us hope that we will be able to do good work in this connection as far as we may have any personal contact, and that we may be following the right procedures. It is so true, as you suggest, that the hardest problem is to get people to actually read the Book, but if they read Part IV first, it does seem to me it would arouse real interest in the minds of the majority of people.
Just as soon as the young lady in our office has an opportunity to introduce this matter to Rev. Meussling, she will do so and then I will write you further after we have an opportunity to determine whether or not he can see his way clear to give a little time to considering the Book.
With kindest personal regards,
W. F. Harrah
Culver, In., February 2, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler,
Am enclosing copies of a condensation of the Urantia Book which I have taken the liberty of making for people. Would suggest that the Education Committee study it with the object of making suggestions for improvement. After our study groups started meeting, it became quite clear that something of this nature was needed. One of our young men even confused the status of Michael and Gabriel. This incident along with the forbidding size of the Urantia Book, and the sincere desire to understand it which I have found in many people, triggered my decision to attempt a condensation.
The plain fact is that most people will not take the time to read a book the size of the Urantia Book unless stimulated in some way. Others do not have the mentality for the task. I am wondering if even well-educated people would not profit by reading such a condensation before reading the Book itself. From such a condensation parents should be able to get material for the teaching of children.
I have tried not to make the philosophical blunder of oversimplifying the Urantia Book. The conceptual framework of the Urantia Book is in the condensation, but what I considered less important facts and details are left out. I have endeavored to make the condensation not only factual but inspirational and pertinent to the twentieth-century Christian.
Because of its importance, I hope the Education Committee will be able to work out an official Urantia primer.
Cordially yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Chicago, February 4, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
I received your parcel of condensations of the Urantia Book, and I hasten to write you that we are in serious trouble with the copyright laws.
We have had many persons who have wanted to make such a condensation and the Urantia Foundation has always refused permission. The public circulation of such a document would destroy the copyright of the Urantia Book both in this country and in other countries.
We hasten this letter off to you in order that you may identify each copy you have made and retain personal possession of it. That is, if others have it, it is understood that you loan it to them and they must return it to you. This is the best I know how to advise you until the Urantia Foundation can advise you. I am very sure they will not approve of this condensation for public circulation.
In accordance with copyright law, I had to have written permission from the Foundation to use quotations from the Book in my Doctrinal Studies, and, in addition, I was required to copyright the Doctrinal Studies to prevent their duplication.
Copyright law permits quotations of a paragraph here and there, as in book reviews, if due credit is given.
I am sure you see that if people here and there were permitted to make their own condensations of the Urantia Book they could take material out of context and the ultimate confusion would be almost comparable to the divisions of Protestantism.
It is no doubt proper to make outlines, diagrams, synopses and whatnot of the Book, but when it comes to direct quotations of large portions, it just cannot be done for public circulation. I suggest that you locate each copy of this document and see that it is returned to you.
Now let me tell you what you could do. You could formulate a condensed plan, give reference to pages, paragraphs, and so forth after the plan of Alvin Kulieke in his conduct of the “Topical Study of the Book” in the Urantia School. I am enclosing a sample page to illustrate this point.14
I am sure you see that if these matters were not controlled, in ten years from now, we would have in circulation 25 different condensed variations of the Urantia Book.
Now there is nothing to prevent you, or anyone responsible, in the future writing a condensed story of the Book—say, for children, adolescents, and so on—in which the story would be told in your own language, based on the Urantia revelation, and even with direct quotations here and there. The Urantia Foundation would no doubt approve of such an undertaking.
I am sure when you think this matter over you will grasp its importance and also recognize the dangers of multiple and uncontrolled condensations of the Book.
William S. Sadler
Chicago, February 4, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Since writing you this morning I hurriedly read your condensation of the Urantia Book. I certainly think it is a magnificent job. I was able to observe only one error—I think it is on page five. It concerns the three locations where Life Carriers implanted the original life.
But there is such a mass of direct quotations from the Urantia Book that something will have to be done about the matter as concerns the copyright law.
Are you going to be in Chicago soon? If we could have a visit it would be much easier to iron these things out than to try to do it by correspondence.
William S. Sadler
Chicago, February 4, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
In accordance with Mr. Harrah’s instructions we are forwarding to you today a copy of the Urantia Book rebound in sections, as a gift from him. Hope you will enjoy it as much as we do.
I also want to thank you for your letter of January 17 enclosing reproductions of some of the charts which I gave you. We are curious as to what process you used. It looks like photostat but we have declined to use photostat because it is so expensive.
Leone M. Sadler
(Mrs. William S. Sadler Jr.)
Culver, In., February 4, 1957
Dear Dr. Rhine,
Several years ago I had some correspondence with you in regard to some research which I was doing. I now approach you with something much more radical. But I believe the nature of your research would make you ready to examine a most unusual book, The Urantia Book. I hope you have enough scientific curiosity to read it. I am sure that your scientific objectivity and mental courage is such that you will not be disturbed by it.
After very careful and critical study I am convinced that this Book is what it claims to be—a new revelation. I know that many such claims have been made in the past. All must be evaluated on their own internal merits. The quality and internal evidence of the Urantia Book is greater than that of any book I have ever read, including the Bible. After much deliberation, I seriously doubt that any human being could have written it. I am sending you a copy to evaluate. Keep it six months if you wish. I am enclosing return postage.
Would suggest this procedure: 1. Read the Introduction and Excerpts explaining the book. 2. Read the Urantia Primer (condensation) which I have worked out to get a quick overall picture of the contents. 3. Read the papers which appeal to you. 4. Read the Book in its entirety.
I have checked on every aspect of the Book that I can think of and everything suggests its authenticity. I doubt if a more skeptical or more qualified group of men and women could have received the Book than the original Urantia Forum. I shall be interested in your evaluation after you have read the Book or a good portion of it. You will find the life of Jesus superb. Good reading.
Sincerely yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Culver, In., February 4, 1957
Dear Dr. King,
You may recall that I called on you last summer and we had a discussion concerning the nuclear concept of matter and forms of energy which man has labeled “spiritual.” You were so gracious and considerate that I am taking the liberty of asking you to evaluate a chapter in a most unusual book for me. This book is entitled The Urantia Book and I should like to have you tell me what you think about Paper 42, pp. 467-84, entitled “Energy—Mind and Matter.” If you should have the time I would also appreciate an evaluation of Paper 41—“Physical Aspects of the Local Universe.”
May I say that I have studied this Book very carefully and critically, and from a philosophical-psychological-religious point of view it is the most remarkable book I have ever read, and, after much deliberation, I am convinced that it is what it claims to be—new revelation. At any rate, whoever composed it was a genius and more as we humans would evaluate authorship. . . .
If you feel that you do not have the time to evaluate even Paper 42 for me, please feel free to return the Book—am enclosing return postage. I shall appreciate any help you can give me for I do not feel competent to evaluate the scientific aspect of the Book. If I can ever be of any help to you, please let me know.
Sincerely yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Culver, In., February 6, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler,
Thank you for your letter. I well realize the problems and dangers of permitting anyone to make condensations of the Urantia Book. This effort was undertaken for several reasons. First, someone must take the initiative to stimulate the Urantia Foundation to make something of this nature available to common men and women. Best way I knew was to attempt such a condensation myself and send it to the Urantia Brotherhood as a point of departure in making an official primer.
After introducing the Urantia Book to laymen who are above the average in intelligence, I have come to the conclusion that something of this sort is badly needed. I am rather sure that more confusion will result when men and women read the Urantia Book without first reading a well-prepared condensation than when reading it after studying such a condensation.
Secondly, in my own personal contact and teaching I felt that I was not presenting the Urantia Book effectively unless I prepared such a condensation for those I taught. I will of course endeavor to collect all copies which are used by those attending these classes.
Those friends not a part of my local classes I have sent letters, a copy of which is enclosed, asking them to return such condensations. I will understand that if anything of this nature is circulated freely, it must come from the Urantia Brotherhood. And I do hope that something of this nature may be produced.
Personally I am not interested in circulating this condensation or any other to the public but only to those I am teaching or introducing to the Urantia Book. I would suggest that the Urantia Foundation advise me in this matter. If they want me to destroy my copies and not use them for teaching purposes, I will do so.
If the Urantia Foundation does not produce some such condensation, I believe they are making a mistake. But of course I could be wrong. I also realize that my exceedingly short experience with the Urantia Book hardly entitles me to even a voice among people who have been studying these papers possibly before I was born! Whatever the decision of the group is, I will adjust to it. . . .
Thank you again for your help. If I have trod on holy ground, I think you know my mistakes are more of the head than the heart.
Sincerely yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Culver, In., February 6, 1957
Dear Friend,
Recently I sent you a copy of the Urantia Primer—a condensation of the Urantia Book which I have made. Because I felt something of this nature should be done by the Urantia Foundation officially, I sent copies to its educational chairman, Dr. William Sadler, suggesting that some official attempt in this direction be made.
He replies, in part, “I certainly think it is a magnificent job. . . . But there is such a mass of direct quotations from the Urantia Book that something will have to be done about the matter as concerns the copyright law.”
Although this condensation may be of help to you, you can understand that the Urantia Foundation must be very careful about this sort of thing. If anyone were allowed to make such condensations and distribute them, material could be taken out of context which would result in distortion and confusion.
For this reason and since the condensation which I sent you is in violation of the copyright law, would you please return this condensation when you return the loan Book. Those few who have gift copies and the few Urantia friends whom I have sent copies for evaluation I am asking to please return the copies to me when you are finished studying them.
I hope the Urantia Foundation will eventually bring out an official condensation so that these necessary precautions need not be taken. Thank you for your help.
Sincerely yours,
Meredith J. Sprunger
Niles, Mich., February 8, 1957
Dear Friend,
Yesterday I received your most kind note dated February 2, and am indeed greatly impressed by your most wonderful analysis of the Urantia Book. In fact, I’m afraid this represents for you the loss of much needed rest. Thus I am particularly disappointed to note by your general letter of the 6th that it seems it is not permissible to broadcast this analysis on account of copyright laws. It just seems to me that the laws nowadays are constantly causing embarrassment and annoyance.
Last night I read about half of this matter you have written, and will finish it over the weekend, and then will return the matter to you. You certainly have done a magnificent job, and at least placed yourself in such position that you have a more definite knowledge of the Urantia Book than, I believe, anyone else, unless it would be the Sadlers. They have read the proofs and studied the subject matter so much that they are indeed most familiar with it.
Sincerely yours,
W. F. Harrah
Chicago, Ill., February 8, 1957
Dear Dr. Sprunger,
Replying to your letter of February 6, let me say that I can very greatly understand your attitude. Some time back my son got the inspiration to work on a simple version of the Urantia Book. It did not deal so much with quotations but with an attempt to tell the story in primer fashion. After spending some time on this project he decided to give it up. I think he entertained mixed emotions about the project. The matter was never brought up for action by the Foundation Trustees.
I think if you and I could sit down we could work out some plan whereby we could receive permission to make quotations from the Urantia Book for use in classes, as I did in my Doctrinal Studies. Such productions would carry the notation of copyright permission, and there would have to be some understanding as to limitation of circulation. I cannot speak officially in this matter, as I am not a member of even the Board of Trustees of the Urantia Foundation. When they gave me permission to make quotations for my Doctrinal Studies they also required that I copyright the manual to control its circulation and to prevent duplication.
Some time in the next month let’s have a conference and I will take on the job of taking the matter up at a Foundation meeting.
It is possible that the only way to get around this problem is for some one to prepare an introduction to the Urantia Book in his own language with permission to use limited quotations, and with the understanding that they copyright the manual so as to keep full control of it.
At any rate, let’s get together in the near future and talk over these problems.
William S. Sadler
UBH In his correspondence Harold Sherman often mentioned the Urantia Book. J. M. Campbell, an 89-year-old reader of Sherman’s book, You Live After Death, had asked for recommendations of other books on the subject. Sherman, in a letter dated February 8, 1957, responded:
. . . I hesitate to suggest some books to you, because I cannot endorse them as a whole, and yet a few contain great truths in them. One of them, recently published, titled Urantia, purports to have been dictated by an organization of “higher intelligences” and designed to serve the peoples on this earth for the next thousand years. Unfortunately those in whose custody this remarkable document befell, sought to revise and edit it—a fact I ascertained by personal association and investigation—so that the Book contains material not taken from the original source. If you should attempt to read such a book without guidance, you would be amazed beyond belief in part, greatly disturbed and upset and confused in other areas, compelled to judge the whole on a true-or-false basis, and probably end up, with your type of investigative mind, declaring the whole Book to be science fiction.
It is an unhappy fact that when man gets hold of material that might be highly evidential, he is often tempted to commercialize it, or to rearrange it so he can form a cult or a religion, instead of letting a genuine psychic experience or inspiration or revelatory communication stand on its own merits. You know how I feel about the usual spiritualistic phenomena, but it has not prejudiced me from the realization that genuine psychic phenomena (outside the séance room) has occurred and is occurring. . . .
In a letter to Sir Hubert Wilkins dated 10 February 1957, Sherman wrote:
Hubert, there is some great material, as we both know, in Urantia, but it is going to take a long time for wide public acceptance, as we have predicted, and since I know that some of the material did not come from the original source, I have not been able to endorse the contents in toto. This is regrettable because I would have been in position to boost Urantia in many ways, otherwise. . . .
From Russell W. Bucklin, Treasurer
Chicago, February 11, 1957
Dear Donor,
Over the years you have made gifts to Urantia Foundation and we should like to tell you the story of what has been done with the money you have given us. This story we have attempted to put in simple and understandable terms. It is a financial story of the publication of the first edition of the Urantia Book. Your copy is attached.
We are trying to operate the Foundation on a “no profit, no loss” basis and by the grace of good fortune our estimates have resulted in a small operating loss of around $25.00 to date.
At this time the Trustees of the Foundation desire to express to you their deep gratitude for the financial support which has made possible this first edition of the Urantia Book.
R. W. Bucklin
From its establishment to the end of the year 1956
The Foundation was established by the gift of the plates from which the Book was printed.
- The plates have an established value of $27,779.00
- We estimate that one-eighth of this value has been used up in printing the first edition: $3,472.38
- We carry the remaining value as an asset: $24,306.62
Pledges were made to pay for the cost of printing = $49,475.26
- Payments were made on these pledges amounting to $49,350.26
- We carry the remainder (since paid) as an asset: $125.00
We have received money for the following reasons:
- From the pledges paid (see above) $49,350.26
- From the sale of Books to individuals $5,790.00
- From Book sales through Urantia Brotherhood Corp. $8,211.50
- For a special memorial fund: $100.00
- All told, we have received $63,451.76
We have spent money as follows:
- Paid to the printer for printing Book: $45,719.35
- Expenses of administration: none
- Legal expenses—copyrighting the Book: $389.44
- Legal expenses—setting up the Foundation: $694.77
- Cost of storing and shipping Books: $755.32
- All told, we have spent: $47,558.88
- This leaves a balance of cash in the bank: $15,892.88
- We carry the cost of copyright at a nominal value: $1.00
We determined the cost of the Books printed as follows:
- One-eighth of cost of plates: $3,472.38
- Paid to printer for printing the Book: $45,719.35
- Cash cost of copyright (except one dollar): $388.44
- Cost of Books needed to get the copyright: $82.24
- Cost of printing the 9,650 Books: $49,662.41
From this amount we subtract cost of Books sold:
- 16 Books required for the copyright: $82.24
- 951 Books sold to individuals: $4,888.14
- 1493 Books sold through U. Brotherhood Corp.: $7,674.02
- [This gives us a total of 2460] Books sold and used: $12,644.40
- Remaining cost of 7,190 Books held in storage: $37,018.01
- Assets of Urantia Foundation December 31, 1956 : $77,343.51
Niles, Mich., February 11, 1957
Dear Friend,
In accordance with my letter to you of February 8, I am enclosing the two copies of the Urantia Primer as requested in your general letter of the 6th.
I deeply regret personally that the legal complications on account of copyright prevent quite general distribution of this most remarkable review of the Urantia Book, and I do hope that some way can be arranged for the Foundation to bring out this matter in pamphlet form so that a copy may go to everyone who has or may receive the Book.
It seems to us here, who have taken a deep interest in this Book, that here is something that will not only give most helpful information, but arouse sufficient interest to result in the following-up of study of the Book as a whole. I wonder if you have already suggested this pamphlet idea to Sadlers. Surely the Foundation, owners of the copyright, would have every right and authority to issue a review and analysis of their own Book. . . .
I might add that Rev. Meussling has expressed an interest in the Book, and we are loaning to him one of our copies with the understanding that there is to be no hurry whatever about its return. He speaks very kindly of you personally.
Sincerely yours,
W. F. Harrah
Culver, In., February 11, 1957
Dear Dr. Sadler,
Thank you for your kind letter. . . .
My argument for the type of condensation which I have worked out in contrast to one using my own words and expression is that such a condensation has aspects of communication such as style, spirit and terminology which is characteristic of the Urantia Book itself and therefore more valuable and less misleading. Such a condensation could be copyrighted and the circulation controlled. Thus there would be no more danger than in a document expressed in one’s own words.
Let us know when we might meet with you.
Sincerely yours,
- Sadler had apparently asked Sprunger to create a Urantia funeral service. Here it is, used in 1959 for Forumite Clarence Bowman:
- An addition, "Reasons for the Superior Quality of the Urantia Book," was added 4/64
- The Reverend Bernice Brock founded the Fort Wayne, Indiana, Spiritualist Church of Divine Science in 1945. She and her husband Omer Brock served the church until they retired in 1985.
- The complete sermon can be found at
- Several paragraphs of historical background omitted which Meredith Sprunger always included in his letters introducing the book, starting with, “These revelations were completed around 1934. . . .” In this case he also mentioned the Sadlers and their role.
- Joseph Banks Rhine (1895-1980) founded the parapsychology lab at Duke University and is the author of Extrasensory Perception and Parapsychology: Frontier Science of the Mind.
- Dr. King was a member of the Physics Department at Purdue University in LaFayettte, Indiana.
- Sadler had apparently asked Sprunger to create a Urantia funeral service. Here it is, used in 1959 for Forumite Clarence Bowman:
- An addition, "Reasons for the Superior Quality of the Urantia Book," was added 4/64
- The Reverend Bernice Brock founded the Fort Wayne, Indiana, Spiritualist Church of Divine Science in 1945. She and her husband Omer Brock served the church until they retired in 1985.
- The complete sermon can be found at
- Several paragraphs of historical background omitted which Meredith Sprunger always included in his letters introducing the book, starting with, “These revelations were completed around 1934. . . .” In this case he also mentioned the Sadlers and their role.
- Joseph Banks Rhine (1895-1980) founded the parapsychology lab at Duke University and is the author of Extrasensory Perception and Parapsychology: Frontier Science of the Mind.
- Dr. King was a member of the Physics Department at Purdue University in LaFayettte, Indiana.