The Beginning and the First Nine Years
![urantiachronicles_heading [L-R]: Harry Loose; Harold and Martha Sherman; Sir Hubert Wilkins; Dr. Meredith Sprunger; contact commissioners Emma (Christy) Christensen, Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.](
Dr. Lena K. Sadler, Dr. William S. Sadler; Bill Sadler; Anna and Wilfred Kellogg; Clyde Bedell.
main page
Compiled and Edited
by Saskia Praamsma
00. Introduction
01. The Beginning
02. Dr. Sadler's History
03. Sherman and Loose
04. The Forum
05. Foundation and Brotherhood
06 “Patience Yet a Little While”
07. “The Word Is Made Book”
08. Blessings and Brickbats
09. The Message Spreads Abroad
10. Introducing a Revelation
11. Dr. Sprunger and the Ministers
12. Scientists and Metaphysicians
13. New Blood, New Ideas
14. Controversy with the Church
15. Questions and Some Answers
16. "It's for the Future, not Now"
17. Making Haste Slowly
18. Consideration of Some Criticisms
19. Appraisals and Transitions
20. The Wilkins Opportunity
21. Missed Chances
22. A Wall of Secrecy
23. Bill Sadler Speaks
24. More History Mysteries
25. A Season for All Things
26. Nine Years of Slow Growth
HMSA: Harold M. Sherman's archives
UBH: Urantia Book Historical Society
SHWA: Sir Hubert Wilkins' archives
UBF: Urantia Book Fellowship's Timeline
UF: Urantia Foundation's website
HIFTUB: How I Found the Urantia Book
- The Contact Commission
- 533 Diversey Parkway
- The Plan for the Urantia Book Revelation
- Major Growth Steps in the Urantia Movement
- "I Remember the Forum"
- "Until We Meet Again"
- The Split: A Blessing in Disguise
- Sherman's 1942 Publishing Suggestions
- Sherman's 1942 Organization Suggestions
- The 1942 Forum Petition
- Sir Hubert Wilkins and the Urantia Book
- Forum Data and Apocrypha
- Childhood Days at the Forum
- Historic Urantia Newsletters
- Forum Days
- The Value of an Accurate History
- The Forumites
- Forumite Clarence Bowman
- Separate Publishing of Part IV
- The JANR Debate (2000)
- No Urantia Church-Not Yet!
- A Box of Chocolates
- 2003: Open Letter to Larry Mullins
- Urantia in Australia in the 1970s
- The Italian Translation Story
- La Storia de Il Libro di Urantiago
- The Urantia Book and Oahspe
- Webster Stafford's 1952 Urantia Report
7. "The Word is Made Book"

[Written 1998, continued from Chapter 4]
. . . In the early 1950s the plates for printing were ready, the money had been raised, and for a year or more before publication Forumites were asked to “subscribe” to buying and pre-paying for any number of books they would like. After a short period, when no more messages had been received, it was decided to go ahead, and R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. was given the order to print. On the Sunday after the books were received, they were distributed. Can you imagine what tremendous excitement there was as the people carried them out by the box full on that day in 1955?
[Written circa 1980, continued from Chapter 4]
In 1955 Florence and I knew the first Urantia Book would issue from the presses while we were on a round-the-world trip for me to do some work in Australia and New Zealand. Dr. Sadler’s brilliant son Bill, a fantastic student of the Papers, agreed to airmail a book to us as soon as he could lay his hands on one. That copy is now so underlined that the underlining has no emphasis. It bears in the front this inscription:
“First Urantia Book! Glimpsed in Rome, 11:40 a.m.,
October 1, 1955. Clyde and Florence Bedell.”
An addition reads:
“First reading completed 4/22/56. San Francisco, 10:48 p.m.”
How many people in a millennium can be early recipients of an epochal revelation? It is our duty to bring its message to all the spiritually deprived people we can reach, in keeping with the character of our book. . . .
Chicago, October 19, 1955
Dear Martha,
I’m quite sure you will have the Book by the time you get this letter. I mailed seven Monday, parcel post, and wrote four notes to the ones whose names you gave me, enclosing refunds of $2.16 each. The mailing was 24c plus 10c insurance. Anyone may purchase the books for $7.50 up to October 31. So if there are others you know who wish them, they may obtain them from Urantia Brotherhood, 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago 14, Ill., or through me—as before.
I asked for an appointment with the minister of the church I attend. At 10:30 Tuesday morning I went over to the church office. I gave him the Book along with the white card with the references to introduce it to strangers, and waited for him to look them up and read them.
Then followed a barrage of questions. Through whom did it come? etc. Though instructed otherwise, I felt it imperative to tell him about Dr. Sadler and how I happened to contact him. He had never heard of Dr. Sadler so I told him to investigate Dr. Sadler but leave me strictly out of it.
These are the gist of the statements of my pastor: Who is the subject? Did 533 consult with authorities with regard to the papers on the various areas touched on or discussed therein? Dr. Sadler wrote it, he wagered. He [minister] has in his library a collection of purported revelations donated to him by various individuals and this follows the pattern of them all in secrecy maintained. God doesn’t work this way to reveal himself to mankind.
I told him I long ago purchased ten Books and was contributing to a fund for distribution. He said he was worried about me; that a woman in Winnetka had been hooked by what he considered a similar concern. That she had contributed her all and is now in the poorhouse. I told him not to worry about me, that I had my feet on the ground. He said he hoped so. I told him I had heard him say “keep an open mind” and that from that standpoint I thought he should have a Book and investigate it by reading it—perhaps a chapter a day, and that perhaps in a month we could have another talk. He said he hoped I would keep an open mind.
I asked him about teaching a class—saying that I believed the Book and we were supposed to be heralds of it. He said no, not in the church—a class outside. I explained it was not considered necessary to accept it, for certainly Jesus’ life as revealed in the New Testament is well able to direct anyone into paths of sane and satisfying living; that the Book had not lessened, but rather had strengthened my faith.
I told him Almond’s8 suspicious attitude—the same as his.
There is to be no book report. Personally I think that is a great mistake. So does Almond. We think the more publicity, the better. There would bound to be adverse criticism but that would increase investigation. In fact, if the Foundation would write its own factual brief review and send it to periodicals, dailies and religious institutions, it seems to me it would be all to the good. And some way could be devised to spare the Doctor from curious interviewers.
Be advised that my interview has in no way dampened my belief in and my deep regard for the U.B. revelation.
Much love,
Enclosed is the valuable white card.
I shall not again succumb to questions regarding origin. We are permitted to say we belonged to a Forum for 20 years (in my case) where the material was studied and that Dr. S. was the moderator—in the case of anyone who knows we went to 533. —R.
Subject: Sale of Book to Strangers
Chicago, October 17, 1955
We had our first strange inquiry over ANdover 3-6744 today. It is anticipated that we may have additional inquiries over the Foundation telephone, and that some of these may have to do with a request to purchase a Book. Subject to the approval of the Trustees, I have established the following procedure:
We will ask the prospective purchaser to mail his check for $10.25 to the Foundation office, 333 N. Michigan Avenue (the 25c is for postage). Edith or I will see that the check reaches the Foundation treasurer promptly.
Uncollected funds. I don’t believe that the Treasurer should authorize the release of a Book immediately upon receipt of a check from a stranger. We should allow time for a check to clear before issuing Form 4 to the Joint Custodians instructing them to ship a Book. It is one thing to take checks from our friends and another to accept them from strangers.
It is believed that this procedure will minimize traffic at 533 Diversey Parkway and will enable us to function saleswise with a minimum of commotion. Later on the Foundation can make settlement with the Brotherhood Corporation for Books sold and for which checks have been deposited in the Foundation account.
* * *
On October 21, 1955, under the laws of the State of Illinois, Urantia Brotherhood Corporation was formed, to serve as the legal arm of the fraternal and voluntary association of the Urantia Brotherhood. Since the Urantia Brotherhood was not a legal entity, Urantia Brotherhood Corporation would serve as the fiscal agent of the Brotherhood and in a general way take care of the varied financial and legal interests of the Brotherhood.
Framingham, Ma., October 27, 1955
Dear Bill,
The crux of this letter is for the Secretary of the Brotherhood, but I thought that you might be willing to help in the execution of the problems mentioned, as you pass the letter on.
First, let me express my thanks for the twenty copies of the Book received yesterday; and next, I would like to receive twenty copies of the “Explanation of the Origin” card mentioned in a letter received a while ago. I had not mentioned these before because I thought that the cards would be inserted in the Books.
And now that the material has been released in printed form I would like to have someone post to me the Notebook I used for reading during my occasional visits. The last time I was in the Reading Room the Notebook was in lowest drawer, on the right-hand side of the right-hand bookcase as you faced the bookcases. It is a black-covered, loose-leafed book and has my name on it. In it various subjects are segregated.
As for the Book, it is as handsome and weighty as the material it contains and will doubtless be as impressive—yet bewildering, as the matter was to me when I first had access to it—to the recipients, as anything they have ever beheld. It seems to me that the impatience of the reader will not allow them to read the Book from beginning to the end—they will want to dip here and there—and I would like to know if you, in your wisdom and familiarity with the contents, have listed certain pages, or paragraphs which advisably should first be read.
They will want to know the origin of text—how come to earth—and will want to know as far as possible the potentials of the future. Then may come a comprehending interest in the Grand Universe, its Creator and management. To the persistent reader such things are revealed, but many people now-a-day are so crowded with so many things and so conditioned by the “Extract” publications that they expect and look for a “high shock” treatment. This will not be the case with most of the people to whom I will pass the Book, but even the best of them would, I am sure, welcome some guidance.
I know that there is a heavy workload for the secretarial staff, but I wonder if someday it might be possible to compile a district-distribution list for people who get a copy so that those within associative regions might get together for discussion.
With best regards and best thoughts,
Hubert Wilkins
P.S. Have been holding this in expectation of the arrival of the Notebook but so far it has not shown up. Wonder if it was posted.
Framingham, Ma., November 1, 1955
Dear Winston,
. . . For many years I have been associated with a group in Chicago which has been interested in publishing some papers of material revealed to us by visitors from the outer universes. At last we have been able to print and privately distribute the Book and I would like for you to have a copy.
At present we are not telling many of the recipients of the manner in which the information was received but I can tell you for your own information that the texts of the papers were spoken by the revelators through a man in his sleep and who to this day has no idea he was the medium. Learning that this man was “talking in his sleep,” it was arranged to have a stenographer record the statements and soon it was possible for those concerned not only to listen and record but also talk with the revelators as you and I might talk.
The mass of information of the Book is at first bewildering. To most of us it came piece by piece and was not so overwhelming.
How much of it you and your mother might accept of the information I do not know, but if you can accept, the information as to the possibilities of survival after death and the experiences thereafter, as mentioned in the paper “Morontia Life” and elsewhere, is most inspiring and comforting.
The Book is so heavy that it might be necessary for you to get a bed-reading stand so that your mother, if she is interested, can have it supported before her as she reclines in bed. I have made such a stand for myself and find it very helpful.
I expect to be passing through New York and may be able to spend an evening there on the 16th. . . . I will let you know later. . . .
Best regards,
Chicago, November 3, 1955
Dear Sir Hubert,
It was good to hear from you and to know that the twenty copies of the Book arrived safely. The cards you asked for are enclosed. We did not think it wise to break open the shipping containers that the printer provided to encase the books so no cards were inserted.
I agree with you that the new reader will be bewildered and greatly curious. Perhaps his attention could be directed to the “Contents of the Book” beginning on page xiii. This will have to serve as a sort of index until we can finish the job that is now being done on the Index.10
As this letter is being written, Leone has dug out your old Notebook and it will be posted to you this week.
As to how to stimulate interest by directing attention to particular passages: This is a difficult question. Suppose I list two or three different approaches.
For the chap who is most interested in physical things I would suggest:
Paper 11—The Eternal Isle of Paradise
Paper 12—The Universe of Universes
Paper 15—The Seven Superuniverses
Paper 29—The Universe Power Directors
Paper 41—Physical Aspects of the Local Universe
Paper 42—Energy—Mind and Matter
Paper 57—The Origin of Urantia
Most of the young people that have been exposed to the Book in recent years have evidenced a great curiosity as to just how the human species arose from their animal forebears. I have started them out with:
Paper 61—The Mammalian Era on Urantia
Paper 62—The Dawn Races of Early Man
Paper 63—The First Human Family
Paper 64—The Evolutionary Races of Color
It also seems likely that many will want to start out with Paper 121, “The Times of Michael’s Bestowal,” and then go on through the balance of Part IV as the story develops.
If I were dealing with someone who had a decent IQ and who was in quandary in his religious life then it might be logical to direct his attention to:
Paper 100—Religion in Human Experience
Paper 101—The Real Nature of Religion
Paper 102—The Foundations of Religious Faith
Paper 103—The Reality of Religious Experience
For the informed Christian who is having trouble with some of his theology, there is no better presentation than that which is found in the first six papers. I recently reread them and was impressed anew by their persuasiveness.
For the politically-minded reader, I would recommend a group of papers:
Paper 68—The Dawn of Civilization
Paper 69 —Primitive Human Institutions
Paper 70—The Evolution of Human Government
Paper 71—Development of the State
Paper 72—Government on a Neighboring Planet
These would certainly stimulate his interest.
I trust that these suggestions are what you had in mind. If I’ve missed your intent please come back at me with more questions.
The idea of compiling a regional list of recipients is a very good one. It will be passed on to the Chairman of the Domestic Extension Committee in whose province such action would fall.
You might be interested to know that over fifteen hundred Books have been shipped out since the 12th of October—the official publication date. A few had to be displayed here in Chicago and also in Ottawa to comply with copyright requirements. I had the pleasure of walking into Kroch’s and Brentano’s bookstore on Wabash Avenue and purchasing a copy. It gave me a queer feeling to see the Book out on a shelf under the sign “Metaphysics.”
I trust that some assignment will soon bring you through Chicago. It would be good to see you again. Until then, kindest regards.
Cordially and sincerely,
William S. Sadler Jr.
Framingham, Ma., November 4, 1955
Dear Harold,
At last the Book is being distributed and I have received my copy.
Perhaps you have already heard that it is off the press and perhaps you already have received one from one of the members. If not, I believe you could obtain one by writing to the Doctor or Bill, or to the Secretary of the Urantia Foundation at the same old address, 533 Diversey Parkway. However, if you do not have one and do not feel like writing for one, I believe I can get one for you. So let me know.
The Urantia Foundation now appears to be in an operating condition and there has been an appeal for a monthly subscription—do not know much about the details. Have received one “Bulletin” which said little except ask for a donation. It was said that the Bulletins would appear periodically—how often I do not know.
The Book is, as it has always been, bewildering unless one takes it leisurely. There is a lesson in almost every sentence but some of it is probably beyond the scope of many people. I would have preferred to have it in several separately bound volumes—it is too heavy to cart around, and you need a table to put it on for reading. It is, however, a handsome publication and the first printing will, I believe, some day be museum pieces. There was a first offer of $7.50 a copy that has now been raised to $10.00. But if I get one for you, you will not have to pay for it. . . .
Sincerely yours,
Framingham, Mass, November 4, 1955
Dear Lowell,
The memory of your very great kindness and help to me when I was struggling with my expeditions and lectures in 1926-29 is ever fresh, and while I have never been able to do anything to reciprocate and know that your help was given without such expectations, I now offer you in the Urantia Book herewith some information which, if acceptable to you, will afford you a clearer conception of the possibilities for continuing, and of the conditions in which you may continue your good work beyond this mortal life.
The story of the receipt of this information and the disclosures themselves would make a thrilling, fascinating series of moving pictures which, I believe, would be of inestimable value to the people of this world. But, so far, the members of the Urantia Foundation, of which I am one, have no intention of permitting exposure of the material in picture form.
The Urantia Book (Urantia is the name by which this world of ours is known to the authors of the Book) was printed in a very limited edition and is only privately distributed. It is impossible for me to give you a short description of the contents and I hesitate even to suggest a sequence of reading. But knowing how busy you are, I suggest you read, as a prelude, the pages as follows:
1109-1110—The Limitations of Revelation
1107-1008—The Gift of Revelation
660-663—History of Urantia
664-665—Physical Life Prerequisites
707-710—The First Human Beings
Evolution of the Human Mind
Recognition as an Inhabited World
711—The First Human Family
1177-1178—Origin of Thought Adjusters
1191-1192—The Adjuster’s Mission
1229-1235—The Phenomenon of Death
Adjusters After Death
Survival of the Human Self
The Morontia Self
530-540—The Seven Mansion Worlds
541—The Morontia Life
These are by no means the best examples of writing or of information in the Book; they are at best just fragmentary digests of some fundamentals, and personal phases. You will find many strange word symbols which may be accepted as such without reference or understanding until sufficient reading has clarified their meaning. . . .
Best regards to you and Mrs. Thomas.
Hubert Wilkins
Hollywood, November 6, 1955
Dear friend Mr. Guessefeld,
Well, we have at last received copies of the Urantia Book—sent to us here by Mrs. Gusler and Miss Baumgartner—and while we have not been able to go through this book again, we have read enough to be more than ever convinced it has been “edited” by Dr. Sadler and sections of it written by him. We see evidences of his own ideas and concepts sandwiched in all along, and this book will serve to further confuse those who try to read it and get a true comprehension of the universe and its organization. Do you agree? Wish we could spend some time with you discussing it and allied subjects.
A most intelligent friend of ours out here—with a good metaphysical background—had this comment to make: “Fascinating reading but, if so, so what? Where is its inspiration? If this is what the future has in store, how do we get from where we are? What practical value can this book be? It contains voluminous supposed facts, with descriptions of all manner of beings and their activities, etc., but it does not instruct or show me how to live a better life here and now.”
Of course, I pointed out to Dr. Sadler years ago that the Book contained no information on so-called telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition, psychokinesis, bilocation phenomena, apparitions, astral projections, etc., all of which have happened to Man, and which Man needs to have explained. And yet the Book goes on to tell of universal powers far beyond these extrasensory faculties, which we must accept as existing on faith. Why does it omit authoritative references to the powers man senses exist within him? Dr. Sadler made an evasive reply, inferring that any of these kind of phenomena might be due to the Thought Adjuster, that he didn’t believe in telepathy, etc., that the only genuine metaphysical experience he had ever encountered was the one performed [by the] Sleeping Subject through whom the Urantia Book came. I thought, at the time, the Doctor wanted to make his Book exclusive, and not credit anyone else, anywhere, with possessing any ability to receive information or impressions from “higher realms.”
You speak [May 9, 1954 letter] of a “one cycle life” with respect to reincarnation, and I would appreciate your defining this. Are you suggesting that some souls have returned here on missions of service but that others are “first-life” beings and do not return? Dr. Sadler depicts in Urantia that most humans are “dead” until the mass resurrection some millions of years hence. Only the highly developed are “reassembled” by action of the Thought Adjusters and take up a conscious existence, after three days, on the morontia worlds. . . .
There is an admixture of Dr. Sadler’s old Adventist (Seventh-day) faith in Urantia. He suggests that sin may punish us on this level, but that this need not interfere with our eternal career—if we choose to believe in God and desire to survive, etc.—the old emphasis upon faith, no matter how criminal we may be in this life.
Can you conceive of a God who is interested only in whether or not we believe in him? This is the orthodox teaching that, if you lead a sinless life outside the church, but have not professed your faith in God and become saved, you are a goner. My conviction is that we have the free-will power to evolve into higher realms, by attunement with these higher powers which exist in higher levels of our consciousness, and that this progress is assured, regardless of our “denomination” or lack of denominational faith on earth.
Do you have a copy of Urantia? And what do you think of it now? Still wish you could read Nature’s Divine Revelations.12 I believe it would impress you highly—and afford bases of comparison with Oahspe,13 etc. . . .
Framingham, Mass., November 8, 1955
Dear Bill,
Thank you ever so much for your directionalized lists for reading. With a little more opportunity for sustained reading I can see the wiseness of your choice. I found when writing notes to accompany Books I forwarded before receiving your letter, that it seemed desirable to make a different selection for the “prelude” in each case depending on the estimated receptivity of the recipient.
In my reading I had passed over para 3, “Contact Personalities and Progress Helpers,” and the references on page 1258. Now that attention has been drawn to the manner of approach—page 215—one can see something of the reason for the arrangement of the papers for printing and the attention to this, directed by the card, is, I think, extremely valuable.
In the selection I made, a copy of which is herewith, I assumed that people would want to know something about the origin of the papers, then the origin of their habitat, the development to human status and the available assistance in making progress; how progress would be made, conditions to be met on the way, and the life hereafter. But perhaps that is just an explorer’s point of view.
From replies already received it seems likely that it will be possible to set up a small study group in this neighborhood. I will let you know of this as it develops. As to the next visit to Chicago, it seems likely that I will not pass through that city until January when I will be on my way to Alaska. I hope that it will be possible, but I am not sure that it will be possible, to stay over a day at that time.
Sincerely yours,
Hubert Wilkins
[Included with November 8 letter to Bill Sadler]
Dear _____
I hesitate in presenting to you additions to a philosophy which you may have found acceptable and sufficient for your needs, but because I hold you in high regard I humbly offer you a copy of the Urantia Book. Urantia is the name by which this earth of ours is known to the authors of the Book.
In the Urantia Book may be found something about the cosmogony and cosmography of the Universe of Universes, further information as to the Nature of Deity, and some light on post-mortal potentials of mankind.
In the Book will be found many strange word symbols which may be accepted as such without reference or understanding until sufficient reading has clarified their meaning. For the time being it is necessary to make use of “The Titles of the Papers” and “The Contents of the Book” for reference, but an annotated Index is now in preparation.
The papers may profitably be read in sequence as printed, but I venture to offer a sequence of selection that at best will be only a brief and fragmentary digest of some fundamentals, and some personal phases. It should be accepted only as a prelude. How much you will accept of the information will depend upon your conceptual capacity.
For an introduction to the sources of information in the Urantia Book, I suggest you turn to pages 1109-1110, The Limitations of Revelation, and to pages 1007-1008, The Gift of Revelation.
On pages 660 to 663 there is reference (in round figures) to the History of Urantia, and on pages 664-665, mention of Physical Life Prerequisites. From page 665 you might turn to pages 707-710, The First Human Beings; Evolution of the Human Mind; Recognition as an Inhabited World; and on page 711, The First Human Family, Section 1.
In the last line of the above-mentioned section you will find the words, “indwelling presence of the Thought Adjusters.” For information about the Thought Adjusters please turn to pages 1177-1178, Origin of Thought Adjusters. The references to Thought Adjusters are many and long and I suggest that in the preliminary reading you skip from page 1178 to pages 1191-1192, The Adjuster’s Mission. In this section is mentioned “survival and the future life,” but before one can enter the future life there must be The Phenomenon of Death, see pages 1229-1235, containing reference to Adjusters After Death, Survival After Death, and the first paragraph of The Morontia Self.
The last two words in the first paragraph of The Morontia Self are “progressive spirituality,” and for reference to Spirit Progress turn to pages 530-540, Paper 47, The Seven Mansion Worlds. It is through the mansion worlds that a progressing spirit must pass—after escape from material life in the flesh—in order to reach the higher planes of morontia life.
If you read the selections thus far you will want to read Paper 48, The Morontia Life, page 541, and then, or before, select from the List of Contents of the Book the matters that awaken your interest.
Sincerely yours,
Hubert Wilkins
Hollywood, CA., November 9, 1955
Dear Hubert,
Have been thinking very strongly of you the past several weeks and was about to write, when your letter received.
We have two copies of the Urantia Book, sent to us by Elsie Baumgartner and Rachel Gusler, two Forum friends, who stood by us during the Sherman (Lucifer) rebellion, as characterized by Dr. Sadler.
Saw Henry Niles of Baltimore Life Insurance Company, who has a copy of the Book and was here to attend a convention. He offered your same criticism, book too large for easy reading and study—so much so, he had torn it apart and had sections of it in his briefcase, to read via plane trips, etc. He calls the Book “fascinating” and worthy of much thought.
Another friend, Orville Sharnborg, head finance officer of Northrop, says, “The Book gives a tremendous picture of universe organization but where is its inspiration? I want to know how to live here and now. If I can know that, I have faith that the future is going to take care of itself.”
A woman friend, Dr. Kiehl (MD and psychiatrist, advanced student in all metaphysics who spent years in India and is world-traveled), says, “Fascinating” (a word most often used), “although there is much with which I do not agree.”
Of course the Book will arouse controversy. I will be interested to learn what scientists and others possessing specialized backgrounds will say. Are you putting copies in the hands of any such people?
We stand by our conviction that the Doctor has edited this book, almost throughout, and had evidence of this when we were in Chicago, which caused the Doctor to oppose us so bitterly, because he feared this fact would become generally known. This, to us, is the criminal, unforgivable aspect of the whole great Urantia matter. By what right did the Doctor change one line of what came through the Sleeping Subject or dare to interpret in his own way any message or paper—or, even worse, inject papers of his own?
You and I both know that had we been made custodians of this material, we would have preserved the original papers as evidence; we would have had the writings witnessed by competent authorities, and would have been able to prove that the printed words in the book were unchanged and that nothing had been added which was not contained in the authenticated messages.
The only way that the Doctor could have interpolated chapters and other material—and get away with it—was to have destroyed the original papers, made typewritten copies, and then have represented, as he did to us, that papers were being materialized in typewritten form! How gullible does he think human creatures are? If papers were appearing in typewritten form, why not have done this in the first place? Why the necessity of a Sleeping Subject?
I appreciate your report on what you know of current operations. Physically, as you say, the book is well done and has been well proofread, but there are quite a few grammatical errors—“were” where it should have been “was” and vice versa, etc. We presume higher intelligences would not have made grammatical mistakes! Martha and I have not had time to go through it carefully again, as yet. Because of “human interference” and “editorial license” it is going to be forever difficult to determine what material came from higher sources and what was “man-made.” Had the Doctor remained just the “custodian,” as he repeatedly stated he was, and had he not assumed greater authority than was intended, we might have had a book that would have proved a real revelation, in many ways. As it is, we must analyze and let our own life experience and developed intuition tell us what is true—and what is not true. Christy would tell much, if she would, but she is involved in so many ways that she can never reveal the true story of what has happened through the years.
Martha and I are not interested in opposing the Doctor, but we have always been interested in the truth, and always will be. I know you have thought that perhaps we took too firm a stand, at the time, but integrity in this work we have always felt is paramount—imperative—and without it what do you have? The peoples of the world are confused enough as to their religions and philosophies as it is. This was supposed to clarify and set right.
Much that I could say were we together for a discussion. You have been most loyal and considerate, and your own evaluation of the material has meant much to us. But can you put your name, unreservedly, in a public way, behind this Book? . . .
“And as I slept, I dreamed.”
Perhaps not in any literature conceived by man in the long history of life on this earth does there exist such a boundless and majestic account of the universe and universe beings as is contained in a stupendous, privately-published volume known as “The Book of Urantia” which purports to have been dictated by an organized staff of higher intelligences and transmitted through the mind circuits of a mysterious, unknown, sleeping subject—a businessman who, in his conscious state, had no knowledge whatsoever concerning these transmissions and who apparently cared even less.
There are unsolved angles related to this metaphysical mystery story, but enough is known to provide a background for one of the most amazing, as well as provocative, narratives that any reader interested in philosophy or the occult, might ever encounter, any time, anywhere.
Prepare, then, to enter upon a most unique, dramatic and intriguing mental adventure, as I take you behind the scenes and share with you, the incredible firsthand experience that Mrs. Sherman and I have had in trying to determine the true from the fake as it has been related to a document which consumed over forty years in the writing and preparation.
From Marian Rowley, Secretary-General
November 18, 1955
Dear Forum Member,
Greetings! You will be happy to know that the minimum financial requirements of the Brotherhood were met by your contributions during 1955. This was a difficult year for many of us, since we had to complete our pledges to the Foundation, pay for Books, and continue our contributions to the Brotherhood operating expense.
We have attempted to establish a Brotherhood budget for 1956 and this has not been easy because of the unpredictable reaction to the Book and the possible calls that might be made upon us for more rapid expansion of activities than now planned. At present our operating expenses include rent, phone, stationery, printing, office supplies, postage, etc. (No salaries are being paid—this is all volunteer work!)
We will need in 1956 at least the amount of money required in 1955, probably more. In our April letter, we suggested that if each member would contribute $5.00 monthly we would have sufficient income to carry on our work. A similar program for 1956 ($5.00 per month per person) is considered adequate at this time. We are still limited in the solicitation of funds to the present members of the Forum, although other sources may become available later.
May we please have on the enclosed card an indication of your plans to assist. . . .
Because we must know our probable income before the new year begins, we would appreciate having the card returned to us before December 10.
Cordially and sincerely,
Marian Rowley
Framingham, Ma., November 26, 1955
Dear Bill,
I am still wondering about the Notebook, and would be glad to receive word as to whether or not it has been posted, so that it may be possible to trace it if it has gone astray. . . .
Best regards,
Hubert Wilkins
Chicago, November 28, 1955
Dear Sir Hubert,
Bill is out of town so I am answering your letter of November 26.
I, personally, mailed your Notebook to you at your New York address about ten days or two weeks ago. Because of its nature it was necessary to mail it first class, but not necessary to insure it, so I have no receipt to give me the exact date. I did not know you wished it mailed to Framingham and therefore used the address I had in my files. . . . Please accept my apology for its delay. I am sure you will receive it but will you please let me know when you do. It looked like such a wonderful Notebook and I would despair of having to reproduce it.
We are beginning to receive a few responses (both pro and con) with reference to the Book, and were you here you could read them, and I am sure you would be very interested in them.
Sincerely yours
(Mrs. William S. Sadler Jr.)
Chicago, Ill., November 28, 1955
Dear Sir Hubert,
Your letter of November 8 caught me out of town on a little trip. I see that Leone has already written you about the Notebooks. Hope that you have recovered them safely by now.
The “Draft Sample” of an introductory letter for the Book is, I believe, quite good. It gives the prospective reader something to get going on and, once he is into the Book, nature and curiosity will rather compel him to carry on, unless he has a closed mind.
Do keep us posted concerning your personal adventure in the distribution of the Book. As Leone told you, we have already received a few “blessings” and a few “brickbats.”
Kindest personal regards,
William S. Sadler Jr.

[New York], December 1, 1955
Dear Sir Hubert,
We much appreciate your gift to the library of the Urantia Book. The subject is a vast one of overwhelming importance.
Your inscription adds much to the value of the book and I am sure will arouse interest among our rather hard-boiled membership. . . .
Very sincerely yours,
J. A. Allis
New York, December 30, 1955
Dear Harold,
Sorry I will just miss you in New York. I leave at 10 p.m. on the night of the fourth for Alaska for two months’ duty. Hope your lectures are keeping up on a profitable basis. I have little time now for lecturing except to soldiers but will fill a few dates in Florida and Georgia immediately upon return from Alaska.
Best regards to you both.
P.S. Of the twelve Urantia Books I have “distributed” only one interested response. Some seemed to think it is a joke—a novel—or something of the kind. Anyway, the response is a good criteria of their real mindal ability. HW
Hollywood, December 30, 1955
[Forumites] Bob and Ruth Burton, visiting near Pomona and celebrating the 65th wedding anniversary of Ruth’s parents, had lunch with us today. The recently published Book of Urantia was discussed. They said 10,000 copies had been printed—possibly 2,000 to Forum members. No particular effort was being made for distribution as no one seems to know what to do about it. They think—or are told now—that this generation may never see it widely distributed. Sir Hubert is said to have purchased thirty copies for gifts to friend scientists.
The Burtons say that the question they always encounter is “Who wrote the Book?” and the accompanying card of explanation or directions to read the contents and let the material stand on its own merit, does not satisfy anyone. Ruth resigned from teaching two years ago. They both accept the Book unquestioningly, and to Harold’s remark that he considered that some of the material had been “editorialized” they said the Book itself says an effort had been made to choose “material already existent wherever it is consistent with the truth.”
[Forumites] Miss Allen and Jennie Douglas are now in an elderly persons’ home.
- Rachel Gusler's brother, Forumite Almond Fairfield.
- Sir Hubert's personal secretary.
- Wilfred Kellogg was devoting most of his time to preparing the Index.
- Lowell Thomas was an American writer, broadcaster and traveler, best known as the man who made Lawrence of Arabia famous. He was a great friend of Sir Hubert's and published a biography about him in 1961, Sir Hubert Wilkins, His World of Adventure.
- Andrew Jackson Davis, The Principles of Nature, Her Divine Revelations, and a Voice to Mankind (New York: S.S. Lyon and Wm. Fishbough, 1852)
- John Newbrough, Oahspe: A New Bible (New York: Oahspe Publishing Association, 1882).
- J. A. Allis was the librarian of The Explorers Club in New York.
- Rachel Gusler’s brother, Forumite Almond Fairfield.
- Sir Hubert’s personal secretary.
- Wilfred Kellogg was devoting most of his time to preparing the Index.
- Lowell Thomas was an American writer, broadcaster and traveler, best known as the man who made Lawrence of Arabia famous. He was a great friend of Sir Hubert’s and published a biography about him in 1961, Sir Hubert Wilkins, His World of Adventure.
- Andrew Jackson Davis, The Principles of Nature, Her Divine Revelations, and a Voice to Mankind (New York: S.S. Lyon and Wm. Fishbough, 1852)
- John Newbrough, Oahspe: A New Bible (New York: Oahspe Publishing Association, 1882).
- J. A. Allis was the librarian of The Explorers Club in New York.