
Urantia Foundation
Urantia Foundation was established in 1950 as a non-profit, educational foundation to be the custodian of the inviolate text of the Urantia papers. Urantia Foundation printed the book in 1955 and has overseen the translation and publication of the revelation into many other languages.

The Urantia Book Fellowship
It is the mission of the Urantia Book Fellowship to facilitate the worldwide spread of The Urantia Book and its teachings, to stimulate study, connect believers, and ensure that truth seekers everywhere have access to this supernal text.
This website has been created to share Matthew Block's parallel charts, which identify the sources for particular Urantia papers (or sections) and trace how they were used. They will be used in a series of works which analyze how the Urantia Book was written.

The Urantia Society of Greater New York
USGNY is an active group of Urantia Book adherents who study the Urantia Book content at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels; who promote its message through various forms of local outreach; and who foster the translation of The Urantia Book into other languages.

MORE URANTIA SITES - Discover Jesus in the Urantia Book

Urantia Association International

Verifying science and religion in the Urantia Book

Urantia Book Historical Society
Online digital library of historical Urantia movement documents

UB Websites
A directory of more than 300 Urantia-related websites

UBLA - Urantia Book Los Angeles Society


[contact us to add your international site]
Read Àngel Sanchez-Escobar's new Spanish translation
Read Het Urantia Boek online in Dutch

Stichting Urantia Nederlandstalig
Dutch foundation for readers of Het Urantia Boek

Suomen Urantia-Seury ry 
A site for Finnish readers of the Urantia Book

Korean Readers
A site for Korean readers of the Urantia Book

Russian readers site
A place to read the Urantia Book in Russian

Estonian Urantia Association
A site for Estonian readers of the Urantia Book


[contact us to add your  site]


Archive of Meredith Sprunger's Essays

Jim Cleveland's

All the secondary works of Jim Cleveland

Suzanne Kelly's epic poem Elan Vital

Don Tyler's UB Comix

Bailey Cunningham's Mandala Project

Byron Belitsos' Evolving Souls

Thorpe's Great Pictures for UB study

Paul Kemp's

Donna d'Ingillo's Center for Christ Consciousness

Timothy Wyllie's Dolphins, Angels, Extraterrestrials

George Barnard's 11:11 Spirit Guardians

Linda Ohlsen Graham's Earth-Ocean-Heaven

Robert Zwemmer's There is more

Rebecca Oswald's music site

Carol Foerster's Urantia Garden

David Graves' FOGBOM - Sharing the Ascension Journey



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